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Questions tagged [moduli-spaces]

Given a concrete category C, with objects denoted Obj(C), and an equivalence relation ~ on Obj(C) given by morphisms in C. The moduli set for Obj(C) is the set of equivalence classes with respect to ~; denoted Iso(C). When Iso(C) is an object in the category Top, then the moduli set is called a moduli space.

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GIT semi-stability on graded Artinian local $\Bbbk$-algebras

Let $\Bbbk$ be a algebraically closed field of characteristic zero. A graded Artinian local $\Bbbk$-algebra is $(A,\mathfrak{m},\bigoplus A_i)$ such that $(A,\mathfrak{m})$ is an Artianian local $\...
Display Name's user avatar
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"Saddle connection" on a translation surface

A saddle connection on a translation surface $\omega$ is a geodesic in the flat metric determined by $\omega$ joining two zeros with no zeros in its interior. Athreya, Jayadev S., and Howard Masur. ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
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Dual of slope semistable vector bundle on higher dimensional variety

Recall the definition of slope semistability, taken from section 1.2 of Huybrechts and Lehn's "Geometry of Moduli Spaces of Sheaves" book. Let $X$ be a projective $\mathbb{C}$-scheme and $E \...
maxo's user avatar
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How to define a family of Hilbert $A-B$-bimodules $ \pi \ : \ M \to X $, parametrized by a $C^*$-algebra $X$?

Let $A$ and $B$ two $ C^* $ - algebras. I would like to define a functor $ X \to \mathrm{Bimod}_{A,B} (X) $ which associate to any object $X$, the set of isomorphism classes of a family of Hilbert $A-...
Angel65's user avatar
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Do automorphisms actually prevent the formation of fine moduli spaces?

I have found similar questions littered throughout this site and math.SE (for example [1], [2], [3],…), but I feel like like most of them usually just say that non-trivial automorphisms prevent the ...
Coherent Sheaf's user avatar
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Compactifications of product of universal elliptic curves

Let $\mathcal{E}$ be the universal elliptic curve over the moduli stack $\mathcal{M}$ of elliptic curves. As $\mathcal{E}$ is an abelian group scheme over $\mathcal{M}$, we obtain a product-preserving ...
Lennart Meier's user avatar
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Non-empty chambers for Hassett spaces

Fix some $n\geq 4$. Hassett constructed different compactifications of $M_{0,n}$ that depend on the input data of what he calls collections of weight data, which are elements of the set of admissible ...
user347489's user avatar
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Stack of smooth fiber bundles with fiber $F$

I'd like to premise that while I know the definition of (differentiable) stack, I'm not really into the language of schemes so my understanding of what is a moduli stack is pretty concrete and ...
Kandinskij's user avatar
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Question about wall crossing for Hassett spaces

The context of this question is that one of Hassett's famous compactifications of $M_{0,n}$ by means of weighted stable marked curves. I imagine the answer to my question is well known, but I haven't ...
user347489's user avatar
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universal structures over $\mathcal A_g$

Over the moduli space of curves, $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}$ there are several "natural" spaces like the universal curve, the universal Jacobian, the space of stable maps, the universal ...
Aitor Iribar Lopez's user avatar
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Moduli space of curves away from singular subsets

Recently, I'm interested in the moduli spaces of curves in a (possibly noncompact) complex orbifold (resp. symplectic and almost complex) away from singularities. More specifically, I'm interested in ...
ChoMedit's user avatar
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Books and lecture notes about Moduli spaces of Abelian varieties

Following this question, I would like to ask about books and lecture notes for Moduli spaces of Abelian varieties. I suppose that Mumfords book "Geometric Invariant theory" treats it but it ...
T. Wildwolf's user avatar
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Representability of moduli problem of elliptic curves with complex multiplication

I'd like to know whether the moduli problem for elliptic curves with complex multiplication by a fixed imaginary quadratic number field $K$ (and with suitable level structure to be picked) is ...
Fra's user avatar
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Teichmüller theory for open surfaces?

I have a rather straightforward and perhaps somewhat naive question: Is there a Teichmüller theory for open surfaces? My motivation basically is that I would like to find out more about the "...
M.G.'s user avatar
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Existence of meromorphic differential form on curve with given multiplicity of zeroes and poles

Let $m \in \mathbb{Z}^n$ be a partition of $2g-2$. Polishuk showed in his paper "Moduli spaces of curves with effective r-spin structures" (arXiv link) that if all entries of $m$ are ...
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