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Questions tagged [k-stability]

Gang Tian introduced the concept of “K-stability” for Fano manifolds to prove the existence of Kahler-Einstein metrics

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Seeking for bridges to connect K-stability and GIT-stability

We consider the variety $\Sigma_{m}$ := {($p$, $X$) : $X$ is a degree $n$ + 1 hypersurface over $\mathbb{C}$ with mult$_{p}(X) \geq m$} $\subseteq$ $\mathbb{P}$$^{n}$ $\times$ $\mathbb{P}$$^{N}$, ...
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Geometry of destabilizing centers in $K$-stability

In $K$-stability destabilizing centers are, roughly speaking, centers of valuations computing the stability thresholds. It is known that if $X$ is non $K$-semistable Fano variety then there exists a ...
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One question about Manetti surface

I am reading Ascher-Devleming-Liu's paper "Wall crossing for K-moduli spaces of plane curves" theorem 5.2 ADL19 and l have some confusions about the proof. Theorem 5.2 states that fixed a ...
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One question about K-moduli space of smooth plane conic curves

I am reading Ascher-Devleming-Liu's paper "Wall crossing for K-moduli spaces of plane curves" example 4.5 (2) (b) ADL 19 and l have some confusions. From Li-Sun's paper "Conical Kähler-...
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Local description of the universal family $\pi: \overline{\mathbf{U}}_{0,n} \longrightarrow \overline{\mathbf{M}}_{0,n}$

I would like to get an understanding of the notion of geometric fibers of the universal family: $$\pi: \overline{\mathbf{U}}_{0,n} \longrightarrow \overline{\mathbf{M}}_{0,n}.$$ In fact Knudsen show ...
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When a Spherical variety is $K$-stable

Let $X=G/H$ for a reductive group $G$ and $X$ is normal and has an open $B$-orbit, for a Borel subgroup $B$ then we call $X$ spherical. My question is When a Spherical variety is $K$-stable? Is ...
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