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Calculate homotopy groups of $\mathbb{Z}_2$-equivariant loop spaces of "complex" topological spaces

Let $X$ be a topological space such that complex conjugation is defined (e.g. $\mathbb{C}^n$) and let us define the set of maps $$S_d:= \left\{f: (I^d,\partial I^d)\to (X,x_0)\mid \overline{f(k)} = f(...
Mathematics enthusiast's user avatar
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Homotopy coherent localisation of a ring spectrum $E$ at a subset of $\pi_0E$

Homotopy coherent Invertibility. Similarly to how $\mathbb{E}_k$-commutative spectra are a homotopy-coherent version of homotopy commutative spectra, encoding commutativity with higher homotopies, we ...
Emily's user avatar
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The “field of fractions” of the sphere spectrum (localization at $\pi_0(\mathbb{S})\setminus\{0\}$, the non-zero integers)

Perhaps the most common construction of the rational numbers is the one given by taking the field of fractions $\mathrm{Frac}(\mathbb{Z})\cong\mathbb{Q}$ of the ring $\mathbb{Z}$ of integers. I'm ...
Emily's user avatar
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Why isn't the anchor map in Lurie's "Rotation Invariance in Algebraic K-Theory" zero?

I think this is a silly question, but I'm quite confused. In Lurie's "Rotation Invariance In Algebraic K-Theory" Notation 3.2.4. he defines a filtered spectrum $\mathbb{A}$ given by $$\...
Colin Aitken's user avatar
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Worst-case complexity of calculating homotopy groups of spheres

Is the best known worst-case running time for calculating the homotopy groups of spheres $\pi_n(S^k)$ bounded by a finite tower of exponentials? How high is a tower? Does $O(2^{2^{2^{2^{n+k}}}})$ ...
Joe Shipman's user avatar
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Is there anything special about the Honda formal group?

The "standard" Morava E-theory $E_n$ (at a prime $p$) is typically defined using the so-called "Honda formal group law", the unique FGL $\Gamma_n$ over $\mathbb{F}_{p^n}$ ...
Doron Grossman-Naples's user avatar
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Rational G-spectrum and geometric fixed points

For a finite group $G$, how is a rational $G$-spectrum $X$ detected by the geometric fixed point functor $\phi^H$ where we consider the conjugacy class of $H\leq G$? I tried finding a reference for ...
Steven Patrak's user avatar
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About infinite loop space and $\Omega$ spectrum

Let $A$ is an topological abelian monoid. Also $\pi_0(A)$ is a group and $A$ has $CW$ structure. $BA$ is a classifying space of the topological abelian monoid. My purpose is to construct an infinite ...
Victory's user avatar
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Can the Picard-graded homotopy of a nonzero object be nilpotent?

Let $\mathcal C$ be a symmetric monoidal stable category such that the thick subcategory generated by the unit is all of $\mathcal C$ -- in particular, every object is dualizable (I'm particularly ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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If $A_\ast$ has a Künneth theorem, then is $A$ a module over Morava $K$-theory?

$\newcommand\Spt{\mathit{Spt}}\newcommand\GrAb{\mathit{GrAb}}$Let $A$ be a ring spectrum. Suppose that $A$ has a Künneth theorem — i.e. the homology theory $A_\ast : \Spt \to \GrAb$ is a strong ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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Flatness of objects in a prestable $\infty$-category

I wonder what is the correct concept of flatness of objects in a prestable $\infty$-category with appropriate conditions? The typical example is the following. Let $R$ be a connective $\mathbb E_1$-...
Z. M's user avatar
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Why do homotopy orbits commute with the Eilenberg–Mac Lane spectrum functor?

Let $H: \mathsf{sAb}\to H\mathbb{Z}\text{-}\mathsf{Mod}$ denote the Eilenberg–Mac Lane functor sending a simplicial abelian group $M_\bullet$ to the infinite delooping of its geometric realization, i....
Samuel Muñoz Echániz's user avatar
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Reference for the equivalence between chain complexes and sequential diagrams in a stable $\infty$-category

Lurie's $\infty$-categorical Dold-Kan Correspondence relates simplicial objects and sequential diagrams in a stable $\infty$-category. Is there any reference for an equivalence to a category of ...
Kaya Arro's user avatar
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What is the Balmer spectrum of the p-complete stable homotopy category?

When doing computations with spectra, we first reduce to working at a prime p by using the arithmetic fracture theorem: (the homotopy groups of) a spectrum of finite type can be recovered from its ...
Doron Grossman-Naples's user avatar
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Equivariant spectra with coefficients

In “The localization of spectra with respect to homology”, Bousfield describes localizations with respect to Moore Spectra. Given a spectrum $E$, and a group $M$, he describes the spectrum with ...
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