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6 votes
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On the nilpotence of the attaching maps for $\mathbb C \mathbb P^\infty$

Consider the usual cell structure on $\mathbb C \mathbb P^\infty$. The skeleta are the $\mathbb C \mathbb P^n$’s, and there is one cell in each even degree. So we have cofiber sequences $S^{2n+1} \to \...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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7 votes
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Does there exist a Bousfield localization of the category of spectra which makes the sphere unbounded below?

Let $Sp$ be the category of spectra. Let $L : Sp \to Sp_L$ be the localization functor onto a reflective subcategory. Question 1: Is it ever the case that $L(S^0)$ is not bounded below? Question 2: ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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Does a complex-oriented $E_1$ ring spectrum (not assumed to have graded-commutative homotopy groups) receive a map from $MU$?

It's well-known that complex cobordism $MU^\ast$ is universal among complex-oriented associative, graded-commutative cohomology theories $E$. This means that if $E$ is a multiplicative cohomology ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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Is there anything special about the Honda formal group?

The "standard" Morava E-theory $E_n$ (at a prime $p$) is typically defined using the so-called "Honda formal group law", the unique FGL $\Gamma_n$ over $\mathbb{F}_{p^n}$ ...
Doron Grossman-Naples's user avatar
3 votes
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Can the Picard-graded homotopy of a nonzero object be nilpotent?

Let $\mathcal C$ be a symmetric monoidal stable category such that the thick subcategory generated by the unit is all of $\mathcal C$ -- in particular, every object is dualizable (I'm particularly ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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What is the Balmer spectrum of the p-complete stable homotopy category?

When doing computations with spectra, we first reduce to working at a prime p by using the arithmetic fracture theorem: (the homotopy groups of) a spectrum of finite type can be recovered from its ...
Doron Grossman-Naples's user avatar
4 votes
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Are telescopes Noetherian?

Let $p$ be a prime and $h \in \mathbb N$ a height. Question 1: Does there exist a compact $T(h)$-local spectrum $A$ with a unital multiplication making $\pi_\ast A$ a Noetherian ring? A priori it's ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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8 votes
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$E$-(co)homology of $BU(n)$ (Reference request)

I am currently reading Lurie's notes on Chromatic Homotopy Theory (252x) and in Lecture 4 (, he skims through the calculation of $E^{\ast}(BU(n))$...
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Can a finite, type $n+k$ spectrum be a (non-iterated) colimit of finite, type $n$ spectra for $k \geq 2$?

By the thick subcategory theorem, if $X, Y$ are finite $p$-local spectra of type $m,n$ respectively, then $Y$ can be built from $Y$ in a finite number of "steps" iff $n \geq m$. Here, a &...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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3 votes
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Does $K(n)$ detect minimal $K(n)$-local cell structures?

Let $X$ be a finite spectrum, and let $N = dim_{\mathbb F_p} H_\ast(X;\mathbb F_p)$. I believe that $p$-completion $X^\wedge_p$ may be built as an $N$-cell complex where the cells are shifts of the $p$...
17 votes
2 answers

For which $n$ does there exist a closed manifold of (chromatic) type $n$?

Let $p$ be a prime and $n \in \mathbb N$. Does there exist a closed manifold which is of type $n$ after $p$-localization? When $n= 0$ the answer is yes. When $p = 2$ and $n = 1$ we can take $\mathbb R ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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26 votes
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Are complex-oriented ring spectra determined by their formal group law?

To every complex-oriented ring spectrum $E$ there is associated a formal group law, which is a power series $F_E(x,y)\in E_*[[x,y]]$. Suppose $E$ and $F$ are two complex-oriented ring spectra and ...
kiran's user avatar
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21 votes
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Why does elliptic cohomology fail to be unique up to contractible choice?

It is often stated that the derived moduli stack of oriented elliptic curves $\mathsf{M}^\mathrm{or}_\mathrm{ell}$ is the unique lift of the classical moduli stack of elliptic curves satisfying some ...
Jack Davies's user avatar
11 votes
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On the relation between categorification and chromatic redshift

In the introduction to the paper Higher traces, noncommutative motives, and the categorified Chern character, Hoyois, Scherotzke and Sibilla write the following. An important insight emerging from ...
Patriot's user avatar
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Does virtual Morava K-theory have an Eilenberg-Moore spectral sequence?

In a recent question, Tim Campion was interested in analyzing the Morava $K$–theory of a space $X$ by dissecting the space into connective and coconnective parts: $$X(m, \infty) \to X \to X[0, m].$$ ...
Eric Peterson's user avatar

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