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123 votes
4 answers

What do the stable homotopy groups of spheres say about the combinatorics of finite sets?

The Barratt-Priddy-Quillen(-Segal) theorem says that the following spaces are homotopy equivalent in an (essentially) canonical way: $\Omega^\infty S^\infty:=\varinjlim~ \Omega^nS^n$ $\mathbb{Z}\...
Daniel Litt's user avatar
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70 votes
6 answers

third stable homotopy group of spheres via geometry?

It is ''well-known'' that the third stable homotopy group of spheres is cyclic of order $24$. It is also ''well-known'' that the quaternionic Hopf map $\nu:S^7 \to S^4$, an $S^3$-bundle, suspends to a ...
Johannes Ebert's user avatar
63 votes
5 answers

What is modern algebraic topology(homotopy theory) about?

At a basic level, algebraic topology is the study of topological spaces by means of algebraic invariants. The key word here is "topological spaces". (Basic) algebraic topology is very useful in other ...
50 votes
5 answers

What (if anything) unifies stable homotopy theory and Grothendieck's six functors formalism?

I know of two very general frameworks for describing generalizations of what a "cohomology theory" should be: Grothendieck's "six functors", and the theory of spectra. In the former, one assigns to ...
Dan Petersen's user avatar
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43 votes
4 answers

Integral cohomology (stable) operations

There have been a couple questions on MO, and elsewhere, that have made me curious about integral or rational cohomology operations. I feel pretty familiar with the classical Steenrod algebra and its ...
Sean Tilson's user avatar
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41 votes
1 answer

Why not a Roadmap for Homotopy Theory and Spectra?

MO has seen plenty of roadmap questions but oddly enough I haven't seen one for homotopy theory. As an algebraic geometer who's fond of derived categories I would like some guidance on how to build up ...
John Salvatierrez's user avatar
33 votes
2 answers

What happened to the last work Gaunce Lewis was doing when he died?

In 2006, Gaunce Lewis died at the age of 56. He'd done important work setting up equivariant stable homotopy theory, and I think it's fair to say his work was far ahead of its time. In recent years, ...
David White - gone from MO's user avatar
32 votes
2 answers

Open problems in algebraic topology and homotopy theory

Some time ago (I see it was initially written before 1999?) Mark Hovey assembled a list of open problems in algebraic topology. The list can be found here. Some of the problems I know about have been ...
31 votes
4 answers

Fibrations and Cofibrations of spectra are "the same"

My question refers to a folklore statement that I have now seen a couple of times, but never really precise. One avatar is: "For spectra every cofibration is equivalent to a fibration" (e.g. in the ...
Simon Markett's user avatar
31 votes
2 answers

Conceptual explanation for the relationship between Clifford algebras and KO

Recall the following table of Clifford algebras: $$\begin{array}{ccc} n & Cl_n & M_n/i^{*}M_{n+1}\\ 1 & \mathbb{C} & \mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z} \\ 2 & \mathbb{H} & \mathbb{Z}/2\...
Callan McGill's user avatar
31 votes
1 answer

K(r)-localization and monochromatic layers in the chromatic spectral sequence

While preparing some lecture notes, I had a basic point of confusion come up that I haven't been able to settle. The $BP$-Adams spectral sequence (or $p$-local Adams-Novikov spectral sequence) for ...
Eric Peterson's user avatar
31 votes
0 answers

The central insight in the proof of the existence of a class of Kervaire invariant one in dimension 126

I understand from a helpful earlier MO question that the techniques leading to the celebrated resolution of the Kervaire invariant one problem in the other candidate dimensions yield no insight on ...
jdc's user avatar
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30 votes
1 answer

Morava K-theories for dummies?

Professor Urs Würgler passed away one year ago, and his wife engraved his tombstone with "the formula he was the most proud of" : $B(n)_*(X)\cong P(n)_*(K(n))\square_{\Sigma_n}K(n)_*(X)$ However ...
Dr. Goulu's user avatar
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30 votes
1 answer

Is a filtered colimit of rational spaces again rational?

Let me first explain the statement of the question and then give some indication why the answer might be 'yes'. By a space I mean, say, a simplicial set and by rational I mean rational in the sense of ...
Thomas Nikolaus's user avatar
28 votes
5 answers

Modern source for spectra (including ring spectra)

I am looking for a modern introduction to spectra that improves on the treatment by Adams in his "Stable Homotopy and Generalized Homology" notes (by improves I mean taking into account what ...

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