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Martin Hansen's user avatar
Martin Hansen
  • Member for 5 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
5 votes

Is there a logarithm base for which the logarithm becomes an identity function?

4 votes

Solving $1^x+2^x+3^x=0$ equations...

3 votes

Which other unsolved problems, have necessary restrictions on the prime gaps?

3 votes

generating function for $F_{5n}/(5F_n)$

3 votes

Solving a recurrence relation (poker chips)

3 votes

What is the generating function of $z^3 + 2z^5 + 5z^7 + 14 z^9+\dots$?

2 votes

How can I get the sequence of the generating function $T(z)$ given that $T(z)=z+1+(z+1)T(z)^2$

2 votes

Multiplying two generating functions

2 votes

Equal roots of a certain polynomial equation by changing the sign?

2 votes

Recommended resources for finding nth partial sums of series

2 votes

Why is the 2nd derivative written as $\frac{\mathrm d^2y}{\mathrm dx^2}$?

2 votes

Question about partial fractions with irreducible quadratic factors

2 votes

Connection between the Binomial distribution, Poisson distribution and Normal distribution

2 votes

Half-catalan numbers

1 vote

Multiplying two polynomials: explanation of the general formula for the coefficients

1 vote

Distributing pairs of coloured socks to people

1 vote

From Recurrence relation to closed form

1 vote

Generating functions ( recurrence relations )

1 vote

How do you find generating function?

1 vote

Proof by Induction of a Recursively Defined Sequence

1 vote

Basic probability theory

1 vote

Can the result of a change of one simple rule to build a Pascal's triangle be mathematically explained?

1 vote

Looking for this article by Paulo Ribenboim

1 vote

Differentiating areas of polygons with respect to its inscribed circle

1 vote

Trig Differentaition

1 vote

If there is anything else introduced into equations like the complex numbers.

1 vote

How to solve this differential equation non separable?

1 vote

Understanding Trig equations

1 vote

Inequalities Proof

1 vote

Show that if the curve $y = f(x)$ has a maximum stationary point at $x = a$