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Michael Seifert's user avatar
Michael Seifert
  • Member for 9 years, 1 month
  • Last seen this week
  • New London, CT
45 votes

Do $3/8$ (37.5%) of Quadratics Have No $x$-Intercepts?

18 votes

Clay Institute Navier Stokes Part 2

16 votes

What's a fair way to share fees in a group road trip with a personal and a rental car?

16 votes

$f : [0,\infty) → \mathbb{R}$ with $f(0) = f'(0) = 0$ and $f(x) < x^2$ and $f',f'',f''' > 0$?

16 votes

Can a function be differentiable if the limit does not exist?

15 votes

Is the arc length always irrational between two rational points?

15 votes

The functional equation $f(x+x) = f(x)f(x)$

12 votes

Is $(p-1)!+p$ a prime for every prime $p$?

12 votes

Unknown syntax with multiplication?

12 votes

Walking around a cube to return to starting point

11 votes

Is there a Lagrangian that produces these equations? How can I find one if it exists?

9 votes

Why the substitution is not working even though its bijective?

8 votes

Is this a valid convergence test (for sequences)?

8 votes

Is it possible to convert a linear system in an ODE of higher order

8 votes

What is the average number of draws (2 cards per draw with shuffles in between) before I had seen all 52 cards in the deck?

8 votes

Choose $a, b$ so that $\cos(x) - \frac{1+ax^2}{1+bx^2}$ would be as infinitely small as possible on ${x \to 0}$ using Taylor polynomial

7 votes

How to prove an ordinary differential equation is not separable?

7 votes

PDF of uniform distribution over the hypersphere and the hyperball

6 votes

Coloring of $\mathbb{R}^3$ into 3 colors

6 votes

Counting the Number of Real Roots of $y^{3}-3y+1$

6 votes

Is curl of a given vector always perpendicular to the given vector field?

6 votes

Is this contraction of metric tensor derivatives symmetric?

6 votes

If $A$, $B$ idempotent and $AB=0$, then $A+B$ idempotent.

6 votes

How to calculate the dimensions of the required 20 regular hexagons and 12 regular pentagons for a sphere of given diameter (the soccer ball issue)

5 votes

Feynman Lectures p264: How does $r^2 = \rho^2 + a^2$ imply $\rho\, {\rm d}\rho = r\, {\rm d}r$

5 votes

Find the determinant of a particular matrix without a calculator.

5 votes

What are the eigenvectors of this matrix and if these are the eigenvectors, why aren't they orthogonal?

5 votes

Can you list me all the geometrical conditions of two ellipses with a common focus?

5 votes

Asymptotics for ODE with no closed form solution

5 votes

Wanted: metric in which the volume of euclidean space is finite

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