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Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine's user avatar
Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine's user avatar
Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine's user avatar
Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine
  • Member for 13 years, 9 months
  • Last seen this week
2 votes

Find the number of pairs of two consecutive zeros

2 votes

Define the sum of transfinite ordinal sequences according to finite ordinal sum.

2 votes

On the reiteration (or repetition) rule in natural deduction: is the rule "obvious" or does it need a proof?

2 votes

Replacing a family of epimorphisms by epimorphisms with the same domain by forming pullbacks in an abelian category

2 votes

How do I show P(Z = z) if Z = X+Y, both random discrete variables.

1 vote

Fundamental group of wedge of two projective planes

1 vote

How to understand intuitively why "$\exists !x \exists !y$" is not equivalent to "$\exists !y \exists !x$"?

1 vote

How to show that $\{(x, y) \in \mathbb{R}^2\mid\cos(x^2) + x^3 - 4 7y > e^x - y^2\}$ is open or closed?

1 vote

How to show this ring homomorphism is surjective?

1 vote

prove two different forms of the same uniqueness theorem are logically equivalent

1 vote

Combining products of like terms in a division

1 vote

XOR of Three Integers

1 vote

A set contains $0$, $1$, and all averages of any subset of its element, prove it contains all rational number between 0 and 1

1 vote

Find smallest number m such that $9^{32} + 19^{433} + m$ is divisible by $4$

1 vote

Puzzle about voting

1 vote

What does it mean for a group to "act algebraically"?

1 vote

Using "adjunction" to refer to the act of taking adjoints of operators

1 vote

Is the skill to learn new math by reading textbook alone (no lectures) required when one becomes a PhD student?

1 vote

Finding $M$ such that $M*M*x*y$ modulo $2*z*M$ is 0?

0 votes

There exists integers such that 200s + 567t = 1. Find s.

0 votes

Sequent proof in propositional logic

0 votes

What does it mean to "determine" an equivalence relation?

0 votes

Show that any group of order 3025 is solvable

0 votes

Is the endomorphism ring of a module over a non-commutative ring always non-commutative?

0 votes

Property of twice of a vector minus its orthogonal projection

0 votes

Can the Euclidean unit interval have a finer connected topology?

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