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Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine's user avatar
Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine's user avatar
Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine's user avatar
Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine
  • Member for 13 years, 9 months
  • Last seen this week
4 votes

Relative cell complexes in the undercategory $B/\mathscr{M}$ are relative cell complexes in $\mathscr{M}$ - why must we also assume $B$ is a complex?

4 votes

Proof that axiom of replacement won't generate a set going arbitrarily high in the cumulative hierarchy, without relying on replacement?

3 votes

Is there such a thing as a vector without a basis?

3 votes

How does this definition of a topology on $X$ not cause $X \in X$?

3 votes

Show that all roots of a Polynomial must be real numbers

3 votes

Why is addition defined, and not implied, on quotient spaces?

3 votes

Relationship structure homomorphisms vs. category morphisms

3 votes

How to understand the object in a category

3 votes

How to prove the two answers to an integral are equivalent

3 votes

What is semantics of "type"? Do "types" of "type theory" semantically differ from "set" of set theory?

3 votes

Algebraic transformation for dependent type

3 votes

Is the opposite functor full and bijective on objects?

3 votes

Prove that the class of well-founded sets is a proper class

2 votes

Abelian-by-abelian group

2 votes

For every closed set $C$, $f^{-1}(C)$ is closed. Is $f$ necessarily continuous?

2 votes

sequence $2,10,18,26,$.... contains no cube

2 votes

Algebraic formula for co-products in the category of digraphs

2 votes

What is the name of a function that changes the sign of a number?

2 votes

what is the speed of a divergent series?

2 votes

Elevator pitch for a (sub)field of maths?

2 votes

What Does the Associative Property Mean Intuitively Across All Notational Schemes?

2 votes

Examples of (co)complete 2-categories that aren't (co)complete as a 1-category

2 votes

Torus/ Thick Möbius Band homeomorphism

2 votes

Is a constant such as 8 considered an expression?

2 votes

Where is the value of the variable $\epsilon$ obtained in the following explanation my professor gave?

2 votes

Is this a valid example for $f \circ g = id_M$, but $g \circ f \ne id_N$

2 votes

Is there a geometric realization of Quaternion group?

2 votes

Are these bases for a topology?

2 votes

Powerset functor weakly preserves pullbacks.

2 votes

Is a Lattice just a linearly ordered set?