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draks ...'s user avatar
draks ...
  • Member for 12 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
39 votes

What is a negative number?

23 votes

Funny identities

23 votes

Real life examples of commutative but non-associative operations

15 votes

Finding sum of factors of a number using prime factorization

15 votes

Is it possible to elementarily parametrize a circle without using trigonometric functions?

12 votes

What does this "subset" symbol mean?

12 votes

Proving that $\sum\limits_{i=1}^k i! \ne n^2$ for any $n$

11 votes

Interpolating the primorial $p_{n}\#$

10 votes

What are the properties of a prime number?

10 votes

Example of a conjecture/theorem which required an entirely new idea to prove

10 votes

What is the sum of $\sum\limits_{i=1}^{n}ip^i$?

9 votes

Sum of all elements in a matrix

9 votes

Properties of sum of real symmetric, positive semi-definite matrices

9 votes

Algorithm(s) for computing an elementary symmetric polynomial

8 votes

Do there exist infinitely many primes $p$ such that $a^{p-1}\equiv 1$ $\text{mod } p^2$ for fixed a?

8 votes

Solution af a system of 2 quadratic equations

8 votes

Are these two facts related?

8 votes

Inverse of circulant matrices

7 votes

A mathematical way for defining the $\operatorname{Floor}$ and $\operatorname{Ceiling}$ functions

7 votes

Fibonacci trick and proving it.

7 votes

About the Continuum Hypothesis

7 votes

Taylor Expansion of Error Function

6 votes

2x2 Matrices and Differences of Fractions

6 votes

Composition of two polynomials

6 votes

Limit of a sequence involving root of a factorial: $\lim_{n \to \infty} \frac{n}{ \sqrt [n]{n!}}$

6 votes

Derivative of sinc function

6 votes

Can you provide me historical examples of pure mathematics becoming "useful"?

6 votes

Limit for sequence with $e$-function

6 votes

Are there connected, planar graphs of size $N$ with minimal degree $\left( N−2 \right)$ for any $N \in \mathbb{N}$?

6 votes

Rational Roots of Riemann's $\zeta$ Function

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