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2 votes

Are $\mu_{\hat{p}}$ and $\sigma_{\hat{p}}$ considered parameters or statistics?

There are a variety of definitions of both, but for me a "parameter" is a value that underpins the behaviour of some random variable, while a "statistic" is a value calculated from ...
ConMan's user avatar
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Logic behind hypothesis testing and one-tailed tests

The key is the null hypothesis, $H_0$, which is James Bond is guessing. The so-called $p$-value is the probability that the evidence is at least as exceptional as what is observed, given that $H_0$ ...
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Are $\mu_{\hat{p}}$ and $\sigma_{\hat{p}}$ considered parameters or statistics?

Moments of a (parametric) distribution are parameters. That's why they are called parametric distributions. That the distribution is a sampling distribution is immaterial. For instance, if we have ...
heropup's user avatar
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Measuring departure between the posterior predictive distribution and the true data generating distribution

Some random remarks: Statistics questions, unless dealing with heavy probability theory, are probably much better directed at Your question Suppose, I am trying to measure ...
Guillaume Dehaene's user avatar
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Help developing intuition behind sufficient statistics (Casella & Berger)

Suppose that the two experimenters are only "data collectors", and the "data analyst" is a different person. Also suppose that experimenter 1 performed the experiments twice, ...
Zack Fisher's user avatar
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Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Poisson Mean with Given Observations

The critical point $\hat \lambda$ satisfies $$n - n_1 = \frac{n_2}{\lambda} + \frac{n_1 \lambda}{e^\lambda - (1 + \lambda)}$$ or equivalently, $$e^\lambda = \frac{n_2 - (n - n_1 - n_2)\lambda - n \...
heropup's user avatar
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MLE of $\theta$ from $N(\theta+2, \theta^2)$

Your last derivation can be rearranged into a Quadratic Eunction form (See Quadratic Form, Quadratic Function): $$ \underbrace{-n}_{a} {\theta}^{2} \underbrace{-\sum_{i} \left( {x}_{i} - 2 \right)}_{b}...
Royi's user avatar
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