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Questions tagged [young-tableaux]

For questions on the Young tableau, a combinatorial object useful in representation theory and Schubert calculus. It provides a convenient way to describe the group representations of the symmetric and general linear groups and to study their properties.

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Normalizer of a Young subgroup in symmetric group

In $S_n$, a Young subgroup $S_{r_1}^{m_1}\times S_{r_2}^{m_2}\times ... S_{r_k}^{m_k}$ where $m_1\times r_1+...+m_k\times r_k=n$ has normalizer $N=S_{r_1}wr S_{m_1} \times ...\times S_{r_k}wr S_{m_k}$....
scsnm's user avatar
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Exercise 8.6 of Algebraic Combinatorics by Stanley

Problem 6 in Chapter 8 of Algebraic Combinatorics by Stanley: Show that the total number of standard Young tableaux (SYT) with $n$ entries and at most two rows is ${n \choose \lfloor n/2 \rfloor}$. ...
Jonathan McDonald's user avatar
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Conjugate of a Gel'fand pattern

Background: A Gel'fand pattern is a set of numbers $$ \left[\begin{array}{} \lambda_{1,n} & & \lambda_{2,n} & & & \dots & & & \lambda_{n-1,n}...
kc9jud's user avatar
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How to compute the character by "removing the hooks"?

I am reading a paper by McKay in 1971, the name of the paper is Irreducible Representations of Odd Degree. There is a theorem said: ${m}_{2}({S}_{n})=2^r$, where $n=\sum 2^{k_i}$, ${k}_{1}>{k}_{2}&...
Andy's user avatar
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Restriction of induced representation over a Young subgroup and Littlewood-Richardson coefficients

I'm inexperienced in the representation theory of the symmetric group, so please correct my possible mistakes. Fix $m\leq n$, $G:=S_n$ and $H:=S_m\times S_{n-m}$ as a Young subgroup of $G$. Let $V^{\...
Jose Brox's user avatar
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An example of application of the Littlewood–Richardson rule [closed]

I am computing the Littlewood–Richardson coefficients ( of the product $s_{[2,2]}s_{[1,1]}$ both by hand and a software tool (https://...
User3213412's user avatar
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Does this partial order on semistandard Young tableaux have a name?

Given a semistandard Young tableau $T$ of shape $\lambda$, let $c_i(T)$ is the number of $i$'s that appear in $T$. We can define a partial order on the set of all semistandard Young tableau of some ...
CoHarp's user avatar
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I want to count the multiplicity of specific peak sets occurring in a standard shifted tableau with some restrictions. Possibly using path counting?

Ok first some definitions: Let a shifted diagram of some strict partition $\lambda$ be a Young tableau whose $i^{th}$ row is shifted $i-1$ spaces to the right, (I use french notation, and start ...
MattSH's user avatar
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Schur functors = Weyl functors in characteristic zero?

In the paper `Schur functors and Schur complexes' by Akin et al., the notion of a Schur functor had been defined for the first time over an arbitrary commutative ring $R$. To recall the definition (I ...
Sunny Sood's user avatar
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Dimension of irreducible totally-symmetric tensor product of two su(n) representations

Consider the irreducible representation of $\mathfrak{su}$(n) given by the Young tableu The dimension of the representation is easily obtained by the usual rules, and it is $d=n(n-1)/2$. One can also ...
francesco's user avatar
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Inequality regarding kostka numbers in representation theory

Before I post my question, let me set up some notation. Notation. For $k\geq 1$, let $\lambda \vdash k$ be a partition of $[k]$. Let $C(k,m)$ be the set of all partitions $\lambda \vdash k$ of size $m$...
Srinivasan's user avatar
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Tableau which corresponds to alternating square representation

Recall that $S_5$ acts on $\mathbb C^5$ by permuting its coordinates and that $\mathbb C^5$ decomposes as $V\oplus W$ where $W$ is the trivial representation and $V$ has dimension $4$. Show that the ...
Sayan Dutta's user avatar
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The irreducible representation of $S_n$ corresponding to the partition $n = (n − 1) + 1$

Let a finite group $G$ act doubly transitively on a finite set $X$, i.e., given $x,y,z,w\in X$ such that $x\neq y$ and $z\neq w$, there is a $g\in G$ such that $g.x=z$ and $g.y=w$. So, we can write $$\...
Sayan Dutta's user avatar
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Idempotency of the Young symmetrizer

Let $t$ be a (not necessarily standard) tableau of shape $\lambda \vdash n$ consisting of the numbers $1, ..., n$, each used exactly once. Notation: (i) $\mathfrak{S}_{n}$ is the symmetric group on $n$...
Mean X's user avatar
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Permuting the rows in ascending order first and then the columns of any Young tableau gives a standard Young tableau

Show that if you take any Young tableau and permute the rows in ascending order first and then the columns in ascending order (or columns first and then row), then you get a standard Young tableau. I ...
Sayan Dutta's user avatar
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Weighted sum over integer partitions involving hook lengths

I am trying to compute the following quantity: $$ g_n(x) = \sum_{\lambda \vdash n} \prod_{h \in \mathcal{H}(\lambda)} \frac{1}{h^2} \exp\left[x\sum_i \binom{\lambda_i}{2} - \binom{\lambda_i'}{2}\right]...
abenassen's user avatar
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Constructing Young tableaux basic question

I'm trying to understand Young tableaux and was making some exercises. I'm a bit confused with the following question Given a tensor $B^{ijk}$ where $B^{ijk} = -B^{jik}$ and $B^{ijk} + B^{kij} + B^{...
Geigercounter's user avatar
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Bijection between noncrossing sets of arcs and row-strict Young tableaux

There is a well-known bijection between (i) noncrossing partitions of the set {1,...,2n} where all blocks have size 2, and (ii) standard Young tableaux with n rows and 2 columns. There exist a Catalan ...
Gropillon's user avatar
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How many Young tableaux of size 6 are there? [duplicate]

How many Young tableaux of size 6 are there? I have come up with the number 76, by counting the number of every possible Young tableau of weight 6, namely {6}, {5,1}, {4,2}, {4,1,1}, {3,3}, {3,2,1}, {...
John Doe's user avatar
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Number of semi-standard Young tableaux of shape $\lambda$ with some entries fixed

Given a partition $\lambda$, the number of semi-standard Young tableaux (SSYT) of shape $\lambda$ with maximum entry $n$ is given by \begin{equation} \prod_{1\leq i<j\leq n} \frac{\lambda_i-\...
Bhargavi's user avatar
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Linear involution for Specht modules

Let $n$ be a positive integer and $\lambda$ be a partition of $n$, which we identify with its Young diagram. Let $S^{\lambda}$ be the Specht module associated to $\lambda$. Here the Specht modules are ...
Albert's user avatar
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Negative powers of the determinant representation of $U(N)$

Consider the determinant representation of $U(N)$ defined by $\det:U(N)\ni U\mapsto\det U\in U(1)$. If I'm not mistaken, $\det^{n}$ for $n\geq 1$ are all irreducible representations. When classifying ...
Blind Miner's user avatar
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Littlewood-Richardson coefficients and conjugation of Young diagrams

I am currently reading William Fulton's Young Tableaux and struggling to understand the proof of Corollary 2 in Section 5 of the book. Suppose that $\lambda$ and $\mu$ are Young diagrams (or ...
richrow's user avatar
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Schur functors applied to irreducible representations of $S_n$

For a $d$-box Young diagram $\lambda$, the Schur functor is a functor $S_\lambda: \text{Vect}\rightarrow \text{Vect}$. If $\lambda = d$ then $S_\lambda V=S^d V$ the $d$-th symmetric power of $V$, ...
Ted Jh's user avatar
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Schur functors for $\mathfrak{S}_3$

I have been trying to calculate the explicit images of the Schur functors for the action of $\mathfrak{S}_3$ on $V^{\otimes 3}$ where $V$ is some vector space, for the sake of concreteness of ...
Arnau Mas's user avatar
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Compute Schutzenberger involution of a Young tableau without using Jeu de Taquin

How does one compute Schutezenberger involution $T'$ of a Young tableau $T$ without using Jeu de Taquin. Can we use Viennot's construction or some other technique and apply it on the contents of $T$ ...
Vk1's user avatar
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Question on definition of Schur polynomial from Fulton's Young Tableaux.

In the following from Young Tableaux by Fulton, what happens if our Tableaux has numbers greater than $m$? Fulton gives an example with $m=6$, but according to his definition, we also have a monomial ...
user5826's user avatar
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Given n, do we have a formula for the greatest Hook number of an n-box Young diagram?

Obviously the least Hook number is 1, by considering boxes stacked vertically or horizontally. Is there a formula for the greatest possible Hook number ? EDIT: The Hook number of a Young diagram is ...
Mr Lolo's user avatar
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What are the end and coend of Hom in Set?

A functor $F$ of the form $C^{op} \times C \to D$ may have an end $\int_c F(c, c)$ or a coend $\int^c F(c, c)$, as described for example in nLab or Categories for Programmers. I'm trying to get an ...
Hew Wolff's user avatar
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Are idempotents in the group algebra of $S_n$ equivalent to Specht modules?

I am studying the irreps of Sn. I will use the following example tableau: $$|1|2|\\ |3|4| $$ From what I understand, one approach to constructing the irreducible representations is as follows: For ...
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