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Dimension of irreducible totally-symmetric tensor product of two su(n) representations

Consider the irreducible representation of $\mathfrak{su}$(n) given by the Young tableu The dimension of the representation is easily obtained by the usual rules, and it is $d=n(n-1)/2$. One can also ...
francesco's user avatar
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Constructing Young tableaux basic question

I'm trying to understand Young tableaux and was making some exercises. I'm a bit confused with the following question Given a tensor $B^{ijk}$ where $B^{ijk} = -B^{jik}$ and $B^{ijk} + B^{kij} + B^{...
Geigercounter's user avatar
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Embed U(5) to U(16) by specifying the 16-dimensional complex representation

$\DeclareMathOperator\SU{SU}\DeclareMathOperator\U{U}\DeclareMathOperator\Spin{Spin}$ My question concerns all the possible ways to embed SU(5) to U(16) by specifying the 16-dimensional complex ...
wonderich's user avatar
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Creation-Annihilation operators and Young diagrams

Let assume a Fock space written as, $$F=\bigoplus_\rho V_\rho,$$ where $V_\rho$ is an irreducible representation of $U(N)$ labeled by a partition (Young diagram) $\rho$. For the so-called bosonic case ...
Nicolas Medina Sanchez's user avatar
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Explicit construction of a representation of Young diagram/tableaux from fundamental representations

Given $SU(N)$ fundamental representation say $U^i$ in the fundamental $N$ of $SU(N)$, with indices $i=1,2,3,\dots,N$. We can construct a representation whose Young diagram/tableaux look like Given ...
annie marie cœur's user avatar
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Complex conjugated representation and Young tableaux

Imagine you have the Young tableu and the Dynkin numbers, $(q_1, q_2, ..., q_r)$, of the Lie algebra of $SU(n)$ which has $r$ simple roots. The way I assign Dynkin numbers is increasing its value from ...
Vicky's user avatar
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What is the mistake in finding the irreps of $SU(3)$ multiplets $6 \otimes 8$, or $15 \otimes \bar{15}$?

I wrote a Mathematica paclet that can be used to find irreducible representations of $SU(n)$. Specifically, given a product of $SU(n)$ multiplets, it can compute the corresponding sum. To test the ...
JEM_Mosig's user avatar
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Young Diagrams, singlets and ignoring the first column

Consider the following Young diagram of $SU(5)$ Now from what I have learned we can ignore the first column of this (since it has 5 elements) and thus write it as: Now if we write down the tensor ...
Quantum spaghettification's user avatar
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Young Tableaux of $SU(N)$: Group or Algebra?

I am slightly confused about the use of Young Tableaux in the context of the Lie group and Lie algebras of $SU(N)$. A Young Tableaux has an associated representation which acts on a tensor e.g. $\psi_{...
Quantum spaghettification's user avatar
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Does $\mathbf{n}\otimes \mathbf{m}=\mathbf{m}\otimes \mathbf{n}$ in the Clebsch-Gordan decomposition?

Consider the two irreducible representations, $\mathbf{n}$ and $\mathbf{m}$, of $su_\Bbb{C}(N)$. The tensor product $\mathbf{n}\otimes \mathbf{m}$ can be found using Young tableaux as follows: Write $...
Quantum spaghettification's user avatar
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Basis of the representations of the B and C series Lie groups

As is well-known, the representations of $SU(n)$ are labelled by Young diagrams. Moreover, there exists a canonical basis of each representation labelled by all the possible tableaux of the diagram. ...
Hans gluckmann's user avatar
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Tensoring Young Tableaus

As we all know very well, the finite dimensional irreducible representations of the compact Lie groups $SU(N)$ are labelled by Young tableaus. Now when we tensor two irreducible representations we get ...
Tomasz Köner's user avatar