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Variance recursion formula in Galton-Watson process

Consider a Galton-Watson process with expected offspring $\mathbb{E}[\xi]=\mu<\infty$ and variance $\text{Var}(\xi)=\sigma^2<\infty$ where the offspring in generation $t\in\mathbb{N}$ is given ...
smoking_big_ole_doinks's user avatar
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How to take the variance of a second order expansion? $\text{Var}\left[aX+bY+cXY+mX^2+nY^2\right]$

How to take the variance of a second order expansion? $\text{Var}\left[aX+bY+cXY+mX^2+nY^2\right]$ Let say we have 5 real-valued constant parameters $\{a,\ b,\ c,\ m,\ n\}$, and two random variables $...
Joako's user avatar
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Calculate variance of period-to-period change of Markov chain given transition matrix.

In the process of working on a project, I am faced with the following question: let us say our transition matrix $P$ is given by: \begin{bmatrix} P_{1,1} & P_{1,2} & P_{1,3} & P_{1,4} \...
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Third Moment of Expectation?

I'm trying to find the $E[X^3]$ in terms of $\mu$ and $\sigma^2$. I found online somewhere that it's $\mu^3 + 3\mu\sigma^2$. But there's no proof or explanation anywhere for it. Could someone ...
p-onyo's user avatar
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Finding variance of a random variable given by two uncorrelated random variables

a) Let $X$ and $Y$ be two uncorrelated random variables. Assume $Var(X) = 1.55$ and $Var(Y) = 0.8$. What is the variance of the random variable $Z = -4X + 5Y - 6$? b) What if $X$ and $Y$ are ...
Pame's user avatar
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Variance of $\int_0^1X(t)dt$

Let $X(t)$ be a stationary random variable with expected value $E[X(t)] = m$ and covariance function $r_X(\tau) = 2e^{-|\tau|}$. I'm asked to calculate the variance of $\int_0^1X(t)dt$, $$V[\int_0^...
Heuristics's user avatar
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Covariance for stochastic variables

if $X$ and $Y$ are stochastic variables with $\operatorname{Var}(X)=1.34$ and $\operatorname{Cov}(X,Y) = 0.64$, find $\operatorname{Cov}(2X, 3X+2Y)$. No ideas on this one, as I don't see any way of ...
novo's user avatar
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Variance of following process

I got stuck to find the variance of the following AR(1) process. It looks really simple but I just can't solve it. The process is $x_{t+1}$ = a + b$x_{t}$ + c$\sqrt{x_{t}}$$\epsilon_{t+1}$ where $...
EconGuy's user avatar
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How to compute basic statistics of the time series $Y_j = A \sin(\theta \times j) + Z_j$

Given the time series: $$Y_j = A \sin(\theta \times j) + Z_j$$ where A random variable with mean $0$ and variance $1.$ Z white noise with mean $0$ and variance $\sigma^2$. $\theta \in \left\{0, \...
Karl Alexius's user avatar
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Conditional variance of simple random walk

Let $\{X_i \mid i \in \mathbb{N} \}$ be a sequence of independent and identically distributed random variables with probability mass function given by: $$ P(X_i = x)= \begin{cases} p, & \text{if }...
Orest Xherija's user avatar