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Questions tagged [second-order-logic]

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von Neumann-Numbers in Second Order ZFC with Full Semantics - Eliminating Non-Standard-Numbers

The background: In $ZFC$ the summary of the von Neumann numbers is not in every model a set, because $ZFC$ allows models, in which there are non-standard numbers that cannot be separated with FOL (...
RalfK's user avatar
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Why is the material conditional treated like logical entailment in second order quantification? [closed]

According to this Wikipedia article the second order axiom of induction is: $$\forall P(P(0)\land \forall k(P(k) \to P(k+1)) \to \forall x(N(x) \to P(x))$$ Where N(x) means x is a natural number. That ...
Electro-blob's user avatar
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Proof calculus for second-order logic

In the comments of a recent question of mine, Alex Kruckman wrote: It is not at all clear what would count as a suitable collection of proof rules for SOL. I know there is no hope for a SOL calculus ...
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Why can't the weak monadic second order theory of $\omega$ successors descibe prefix

Doner's "Tree Acceptors and Some of Their Applications" (1970) casually mentions that in the weak monadic second order theory of omega successors (WS$\omega$S), i.e. the theory of: Finite ...
TomKern's user avatar
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Why are all well-defined properties allowed in the Axiom schema of specification in ZFC in FOL?

In first order logic, well-formed formulas are formulas that can be written down using the quantifiers with their bounded variables, free variables, connectives, negation, equality and predicates (in ...
Kevin De Keyser's user avatar
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How completeness fails in second order logic

Gödel's completeness theorem proves that in first order logic, if a theory is consistent (we cannot derive a contradiction), then it has a model. As discussed in this question, there are theories ...
Weier's user avatar
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Does ZFC's Axiom of Comprehension require second-order logic?

Every source I've found so far says that first order logic is sufficient for defining ZFC set theory. My lecture notes write the Axiom of Comprehension as follows: For any formula $\phi(x)$ with ...
Amitai's user avatar
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Is $\exists(a,b)\in S^2P(a,b)$ always equivalent to $\exists\{a,b\}\subseteq S\,P(a,b)$ for a binary predicate $P$ with domain $S^2;S\neq\emptyset$?

Is the following second-order statement true or false? (Assume $P$ is a binary predicate statement which is always defined for two members of $S\neq\emptyset$.) $$\forall P\left( x,y \right)\forall S \...
Next-Door Tech's user avatar
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Is $\mathsf{ZFC_2}$ "class categorical"?

Let $\mathsf{ZFC_2}$ denote $\mathsf{ZFC}$ with a second-order replacement axiom. It has been discussed in some other answers that every model of $\mathsf{ZFC_2}$ is isomorphic to $V_\kappa$ for some ...
WillG's user avatar
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Does satisfaction at all arithmetical sets of a second-order arithmetic formula with no bound predicate variables imply its satisfaction?

Let $\varphi(X_1,\ldots,X_r)$ be a second-order arithmetic formula with no bound predicate variables and free predicate variables $X_1,\ldots,X_r$ (all of arity $1$ for simplicity). Assume every ...
Gro-Tsen's user avatar
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Set-theoretic induction formulation from the first and second order axioms.

The usual induction used in the "traditional mathematics" (that does not care about logic and foundations as, for example, basic real analysis), reads as follows. Principle of mathematical ...
Pedro's user avatar
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Is there a good textbook on Second Order Logic?

There are plenty of First Order Logic textbooks, that is, including definitions, exercises, and even many of them are at the same time very pedagogical as well as mathematically challenging. Are there ...
lfba's user avatar
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enderton logic exercise 4.1.3. - How can I prove number theory is 'implicitly definable' in second order language

From "A Mathematical Introduction to Logic" (Enderton) excise 4.1.3 Let $ϕ$ be a formula in which only the n-place predicate variable $X$ occurs free. Say that an n-ary relation R on |A| is ...
Geol's user avatar
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Quantify in logic over elements of cartesian product such that they fulfill specifc properties [closed]

Say I have a structure $\mathcal{A} = (A \times A, <', =')$ and $A$ is a totally ordered, countably-infinite set and the interpretation of $<'$ and $='$ are such that $A \times A$ is a total ...
user7680141's user avatar
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Logic Puzzle: Every 2nd-order Injection has a Left Inverse

I have been stuck on this problem for a couple days. We know that every set theoretic injections have a left inverse: $$\forall x,y(f(x)=f(y)\implies x=y)$$ Iff ... $$\exists g:\text{im}(f)\to\text{...
Isaac Sechslingloff's user avatar

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