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Proof that for all nonzero real numbers $a$, $\frac{1}{a}$ is nonzero

I was wondering if someone could check my proof that "For all $a\in\mathbb{R}$, if $a\neq 0$ then $\frac{1}{a}\neq 0$". The definitions/assumptions I am basing the proof off of come from &...
user1320946's user avatar
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What does Artin mean by "real numbers are the *only* ones needed for the usual for the usual algebraic operations?"

In page 81 of the 2nd edition Michael Artin's Algebra, he introduces fields and presents $\mathbb{R}$ as a familiar example, but goes on to say that "the fact that they are the only ones needed ...
Maqdounes cozbora's user avatar
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Characterizations of the reals

I know that one characterization of the reals is that it is the only Dedekind-complete ordered field. Are there any other characterizations of the reals as a field?
mathlander's user avatar
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What's the proof that the only Dedekind-complete field is the reals? [duplicate]

I know that the field of the rational numbers is ordered but not Dedekind-complete. What's the proof that the only Dedekind-complete field is the reals?
mathlander's user avatar
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Is every formally real field isomorphic to a subfield of the reals?

A formally real field is a field $K$ such that $-1$ is not a sum of squares in $K$. Clearly subfields of $\mathbb{R}$ are formally real. I also know finite fields and algebraically closed fields are ...
mathma's user avatar
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Deriving the addition and product on $\mathbb C$

I am studying Stillwell's Elements of Algebra. In Chapter 3, Section 3.6, he writes There is a unique extension of $+$, $-$, $\times$, $\div$ to $\mathbb C$ satisfying the field properties since if ...
Atom's user avatar
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Proof that $\mathbb Q$ and $\mathbb R$ are Archimedean ordered fields

I searched for "archimedean ordered field" on this website and Google but didn't find much. Exercises: (pages 90 and 101 of Analysis I by Amann and Escher) My attempt: These exercises seem ...
Novice's user avatar
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Alternative to the proof on Wolfram Mathworld that $\mathbb Q$ is the smallest subfield of $\mathbb R$

Exercise 2 (b) on page 100 of Analysis I by Amann and Escher asks me to show that $\mathbb Q$ is the smallest subfield of $\mathbb R$. Wolfram MathWorld gives the following reasoning: I don't know ...
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Is there an ordered field with distinct subfields isomorphic to the reals?

Is there an ordered field with distinct subfields isomorphic to the field $\mathbb R$ of real numbers?
Pierre-Yves Gaillard's user avatar
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Proof that $\frac{1}{2} + \frac{1}{2} = 1$ using just the algebraic properties of $\mathbb R$

Like the title says, can you prove rigorously that $\frac{1}{2} + \frac{1}{2} = 1$ using only the nine field properties of $\mathbb R$? I don't know if addition and multiplication are supposed to be ...
Tim's user avatar
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Is an automorphism of the field of real numbers without ordering the identity map? [duplicate]

We know an automorphism on $\mathbb{R}$ must fix $\mathbb{Q}$. If we assume the usual order structure and topology on $\mathbb{R}$, then we can use the density of $\mathbb{Q}$ to show an automorphism ...
RunningMeatball's user avatar
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On the existence of an algebraically closed field containing other fields

This question arose while I was reading a paper I found in the web. It might be very simple, but I don't know the answer. Let $\mathbb{R}$ be the set of real numbers and $\mathbb{Q}_p$ the set of all $...
LBJFS's user avatar
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The properties of real numbers field [closed]

I know, that the multiplicative group of $\mathbb{R}$ is create on the set $\mathbb{R}\setminus \{0\}$. But how we can multiply real numbers on the $0$ after this? This point was unswered, I think. ...
Just do it's user avatar
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Are the real numbers the unique Dedekind-complete ordered set?

A totally ordered set is Dedekind-complete if any subset which has an upper bound also has a least upper bound. Now any two ordered fields which are Dedekind-complete are order-isomorphic as well as ...
Keshav Srinivasan's user avatar
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Is $\mathbb Q$ a quotient of $\mathbb R[X]$?

Is there some ideal $I \subseteq \mathbb R[X]$ such that $\mathbb R[X]/I \cong \mathbb Q$? $I$ is clearly not a principal ideal.
Christopher King's user avatar
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Is this a field?

Let $S$ be the set of all the ordered pairs in the cartesian plane. That is: $$S=\{(x,y)|\ \ x, y \in \Bbb{R}\}$$ Then, If $a=(a_1, a_2)$ and $b=(b_1, b_2)$ are two arbitrary elements of $S$, the ...
NotAMathematician's user avatar
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Inverse of isomorphism between two fields is isomorphism

I'm using this definition of isomorphism between two systems satisfying the axioms of Dedekind-complete totally ordered fields to show that its inverse is an isomorphism too. I can be easily proved ...
asdasdf's user avatar
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Prove $\mathbb{R}$ does not contain a subring isomorphic to $\mathbb{C}$

I'm trying to prove that the quaternions ring $\mathbb{H}$ is not a $\mathbb{C}$-algebra, so I assume $\mathbb{H}$ actually is a complex algebra and that implies that there exists an injective ring ...
Jose Paternina's user avatar
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Is there any proper subring of $\mathbb{R}$ with field of fractions equal to $\mathbb{R}$? [duplicate]

Is there any proper subring of $\mathbb{R}$ with field of fractions equal to $\mathbb{R}$? Can we construct that proper subring? Is it necessarily an integral domain? Updated: Is there an example to ...
Mojee KD's user avatar
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Which algebraic intuition can be used in fields

I wonder what basic laws of arithmetic of reals e.g. $x^n x^m = x^{m+n}$ holds for fields. Every time I take some book on abstract algebra it proves very abstract and unpractical properties. So I ...
Trismegistos's user avatar
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What are all different (non-isomorphic) field structures on $\mathbb R \times \mathbb R$

We know that $\mathbb R \times \mathbb R$ forms a field under addition and multiplication defined as $(a,b)+(c,d)=(a+c,b+d)$ ; $(a,b)*(c,d)=(ac-bd,ad+bc)$ ; is there any other way to make $\mathbb R \...
Souvik Dey's user avatar
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Is an automorphism of the field of real numbers the identity map?

Is an automorphism of the field of real numbers $\mathbb{R}$ the identity map? If yes, how can we prove it? Remark An automorphism of $\mathbb{R}$ may not be continuous.
Makoto Kato's user avatar
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