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Questions tagged [quantum-mechanics]

For questions on quantum mechanics, a branch of physics dealing with physical phenomena at microscopic scales.

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Why is the modulus of a function taken before it is squared?

I am a studying quantum mechanics, and frequently I see that the modulus of a function has been taken before it is squared. For example, in a problem I was working on, the following was in the ...
cookiecainsy's user avatar
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Commutator on a finite-dimensional $\mathcal{H}$ is scalar multiple of an identity

Suppose $A$ and $B$ are operators on a finite-dimensional Hilbert space and suppose that $[A, B] = c I$ for some constant c. Show that $c = 0$. I have tried approaching the problem using matrices $A, ...
Tomáš Macháček's user avatar
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Moller Operator and the Determination of Bound States in Quantum Scattering Theory

I am trying to understand the Moller operator in quantum scattering theory. An important result concerning this operator is the following useful property that can be used to determine bound states. ...
Debbie's user avatar
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Nuclear spaces: the Schwartz class

Good morning, I'm studying quantum mechanics as a mathematician. I read that the Schwartz class $$\begin{equation*} \mathcal{S}(\mathbb{R}) := \{ \varphi \in \mathcal{C}^\infty (\mathbb{R}, \...
Marco Lugarà's user avatar
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Hardy Hille type eigenfunction exapansion

I am trying a figure out Eigen-function expansion of the following kind. $$ \exp\left[{-\frac{1}{4\alpha} \left(x^2 + y^2\right)}\right] I_{l + \frac{1}{2}} \left(\frac{x y}{2 \alpha}\right) = \sum_{n}...
Purnendu's user avatar
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Mathematically motivated derivation of Feynman path integral

In Hall's book Quantum Theory for Mathematicians he gives a wonderful derivation of the Feynman path integral. His formal derivation is as follows. Let $\psi \in L^2(\mathbb{R}^n)$ and $\hat{H}$ the ...
CBBAM's user avatar
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Continuity on countably-normed Hilbert spaces

i was studying some Quantum Mechanics from this doctorate's work and ata certain point, in Proposition 2 pag. 166 he means to prove the continuity of an ...
Marco Lugarà's user avatar
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Shooting method for a couple of non linear ODE representing Helium atom

In quantum mechanics we can maybe express the s-states (spherically symmetric wave functions) of the Helium atom as two wave function depending on the spherical radius variable $r$ ($0 < r < + \...
Fefetltl's user avatar
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Deriving Components of a Quaternion-Based Wave Function

I am currently exploring an intriguing topic related to quaternion-based wave functions and have encountered a mathematical challenge that I hope to get some insights on. The concept is detailed in an ...
p yz's user avatar
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Lossless steering Order of Magnitude estimation

This is an equation from Rau's book "Quantum theory-an Information Processing Approach". It's leading to "lossless steering" of a particle if you insert an infinite number of ...
N1otAn1otherN1ame's user avatar
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Sum of Spherical Harmonics and Rotational Invariance

PROBLEM Suppose that $$ \sum_{m=-l}^{l} c_m Y_m^l(\theta, \phi) Y_m^l(\theta', \phi')^* $$ is rotationally invariant, then how can we show that the $c_m$'s must be all equal? ATTEMPT AT A SOLUTION I ...
Matteo Menghini's user avatar
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Help With Showing Local Integrability of Inverse Fourier Transform (Quantum Theory for Mathematicians Chapter 4 Problem 1 Part b)

I am working on part (b) of exercise 1 in Chapter 4 of Brian C. Hall's book. It states: $\textbf{Exercise 1}$: A $\textbf{locally integrable}$ function $\psi(x,t)$ satisfies the free Schr$\ddot{\...
Derek H.'s user avatar
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Hint for showing the identity $(\nabla\psi\cdot\nabla)\nabla\psi^*+(\nabla\psi^*\cdot\nabla)\nabla\psi=\nabla|\nabla \psi|^2$

I need some help to show this following identity. $$(\nabla\psi\cdot\nabla)\nabla\psi^*+(\nabla\psi^*\cdot\nabla)\nabla\psi=\nabla|\nabla \psi|^2$$ My attempt: $$ \partial_i\psi\partial_i\partial_k\...
Toneri Otsutsuki's user avatar
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Is true that $F(H)\otimes F(H)\cong F(H)$? where $F(H)$ is the full fock space of Hilbert space $H$

Let $H$ be a Hilbert space. Define the full fock space $F(H)=\bigoplus\limits_{n=0}^\infty H^{\otimes n}$ where $H^{\otimes 0}=\Bbb{C}\Omega$, $\Omega$ is an element of $H$ of unit norm. Let us define ...
DeltaEpsilon's user avatar
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A proof of no-cloning theorem in the case of pures states in a qubit system

I am working on this problem Consider a qubit $\scr H =\Bbb C^2$ and pure states. Prove the no-clonning theorem ( hint: Use the linearity of the channel to arrive to a contradiction) I wonder if the ...
darkside's user avatar
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