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37 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Do the integers 1 and 0 mean different things in Boole's original logic and modern Boolean algebra?

I understand that the modern notion of Boolean algebra was adapted by Peirce, Schroder and others from Boole's logic of classes. Boole spoke of 1 and 0 as representing the Universe of Discourse and ...
Bonj's user avatar
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When are two propositional formulas dependent?

The following question has arisen when considering dependencies induced by probabilistic logic programs: Let $A_1, \dots, A_n$ be proposition symbols, and let $\Omega_n$ be the set of all truth value ...
Felix QW's user avatar
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Are ultrafilters precisely the designated sets in semantics(es) for classical logic?

I'm messing around with ultrafilters to try to understand them better. It seems as if ultrafilters work well as sets of designated truth values in matrix semanticses for classical logic. This also ...
Greg Nisbet's user avatar
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How can I find the CNF of ($A$ and $B$ or $C$) and ($B$ or not $C$) using a Karnaugh map?

$$(A\land B \lor C) \land (B \lor \lnot C)$$ I know how to create the truth table and Karnaugh map of a logic expression. But I couldn't find exactly how to calculate the simplified CNF of it using ...
babak abdzadeh's user avatar
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why does a closed circuit represent a false proposition? (Claude Shannon thesis)

In reading through Claude Shannon's paper: A Symbolic Analysis of Relay and Switching Circuits. As a software engineer, I got confused by Shannon's choice to have 0 as representing a closed circuit, ...
Jay M's user avatar
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How many distinct subsets of binary boolean operators are closed under composition?

Question: There are $2^4=16$ distinct binary boolean operators. Two operators are regarded the same if one can be obtained from the other by exchanging the operands (input). It is easy to see only $...
YuiTo Cheng's user avatar
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Boolean algebras as models of (quantifier-free) monadic predicate logic

Suppose we have a Boolean algebra over $n$ bits, meaning when viewed as a vector space over $F_2$, the dimension is $n$. Then we can define $n$ unary predicates $P_n$ which return the value of the $n$...
Mike Battaglia's user avatar
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How to show $\{0, \vee, \leftrightarrow \}$ is functionally complete/ incomplete?

I'd like to provide an attempt, but all I can think off is trying to construct one of the following complete set of boolean functions and have been unsucessful in that. I can only get an additional ...
WhatAMesh's user avatar
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How do I prove this logical equivalence?

$\phi$ is a well formed formula. f($\phi$) is given by replacing ∧ with ∨ (and vice versa) and 1 with 0 (and vice versa) in $\phi$. g(f($\phi$)) is given by replacing all literals in f($\phi$) (...
weak_at_math's user avatar
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Rewriting a boolean expression using different literals

I'd like to implement an algorithm to rewrite a boolean expression as a sum of products of different boolean expressions (expressed as new literals). Example Let's say that I have some literals $A_0,...
Perceval W's user avatar
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can you help me find the dnf of this expression ? i got messy

I want to find the DNF of the following expression but it got all messy. I also tried it in wolfram alpha, and of course it showed i really need the steps you need to make to get there $\dots$ This ...
hotdogmeal's user avatar
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A reduction of 3-CNF down to 2-CNF for boolean satisfiability

Could you please review the following candidate solution for the boolean satisfiability problem? It is known that 2-CNF has a polynomial solution. Now consider we have a 3-CNF (AFAIK, it's proven ...
Serge Rogatch's user avatar
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How to prove something is not a logical consequence of 2 propositions.

I have a question where I have to show that the third statement is not a logical consequence of the 1st two using a truth table. I've seen how you'd do if there are only two (How to prove logical ...
Gurvinder Singh's user avatar
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Is this a Boolean algebra? (proof)

Let $B=\{0,1\}$ and the binary operations $\oplus,\cdot$ We define a bijection $\varphi$ s.t.: $$ \varphi:B \longrightarrow L=\{\mathbf{False},\mathbf{True}\}, $$ $$ \varphi(x):= \begin{cases} \...
Andrew's user avatar
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SOP expression simplify

I wanted to know how to simply this SOP expression using Boolean Algebra : F= A'BC'+A'BC+ABC I got this answer using K - Map: (A'B+BC), but I want to know how do get it using Boolean Algebra Rules. ...
Abdalrahman Abouzaied's user avatar
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Propositional formula proof, general version.

I'm really stuck at proving general versions for any propositional formula for example: I) Use truth table to prove this De Morgan's law $$ \lnot (P \land Q) \equiv \lnot P \lor \lnot Q $$ Which ...
Zed's user avatar
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Model checking in epistemic logic

I am trying to program a model checker for dynamic epistemic logic, but I am not quite sure how to do it. As far as I understand, model checking means to take a propositional formula and go through ...
Jamgreen's user avatar
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how to determine if formula satisfies without creating a truth table

$(p \wedge q \wedge r) \wedge (\neg p \vee r)$ So far, what I have got is that $(p \wedge q \wedge r)$ satisfies because if $p$, $q$ and $r = 1$ then $(p \wedge q \wedge r)$ also $= 1$. For $(\neg p \...
Sam's user avatar
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Monotonic operators in classical logic

Which means monotony for a logical operator, and affinity, in propositional calculus affinity..., here on wiki do not quite understand!!
Jianluca's user avatar
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Dual formula in propositional logic

There's something I don't understand in my course on propositional logic. In the case of x being a variable, the definition of its dual is x* = x. Right. However, further in the course, there's a ...
Chiliagon's user avatar
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Inverse function in multi-valued logic through the Webb function

Let Webb function in multi-valued logic as $Webb(x, y) = W(x, y) = Inc(Max(x, y))$. There is a theorem about any function in any multi-valued logic can be represented through the Webb function. Then ...
Ivan Kochurkin's user avatar
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A generalized algorithm to convert a formula in algebraic normal form to an equivalent formula that minimizes the number of bitwise operations

In this question, “bitwise operation” means any operation from the set {XOR, AND, OR}. The NOT operation is not included because ...
lyrically wicked's user avatar
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Can any finite set of binary sequences be expressed as CNF/DNF

I am new to logic and cannot figure out if there are instances when a given set of binary sequences of equal length is not possible to express as a conjunctive or disjunctive normal form. If such sets ...
MsTais's user avatar
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Prove $\vdash(A\supset B)\supset C\equiv C\overline{\vee }[A\wedge \neg(B\vee C)]$ using your favorite method

I've been playing with Boolean logic vs ordinary laws of logic like DeMorgan's etc., and I've come up with the following theorem in about 4 lines: $$[(A\supset B)\supset C]\equiv \left\{C\overline{\...
Alexander Conrad's user avatar
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Provide a few examples of Boolean algebra where carrier is a finite set of finite sequences (ordered set)

I study Boolean Algebra and it is clear when: (carrier is a power set, union, intersection), (set of all divisors of n, lcm, gcd), (the set of propositional functions of n given variables, conjunction,...
Oleg Dats's user avatar
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Boolean Algebra Simplification Unknown Step Introduce Variables

I've been trying to interpret a logical proposition for several days. I need to simplify, I can't do it with the laws that I know, but using online tools I can find the result, but in the step by step ...
Pilaf's user avatar
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Why is $ (a \lor b \lor c) \oplus ( a \lor b)$ equivalent to $\lnot a \land \lnot b \land c$?

I'm having a hard time understanding why $(a \lor b \lor c) \oplus (a \lor b)$ (where $\oplus$ stands for XOR) is equivalent to $\lnot a \land \lnot b \land c$ in propositional logic. Any help would ...
Beatrice's user avatar
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How to solve this boolean logic question?

Formalise the following argument in Boolean logic, and decide whether it is correct or not. Explain your answer. If the burglar is from France, then he is tall. If he is tall, then he came through ...
user1688726's user avatar
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Are the statements equal?

Is this true? $$ \bigwedge_{i=1}^{9} \bigwedge_{n=1}^{9} \bigvee_{j=1}^{9}~p_{i,j,n} \Longleftrightarrow \bigwedge_{i=1}^{9} \bigwedge_{n=1}^{9} \bigvee_{j=1}^{9}~p_{(i,j,n)} \Longleftrightarrow \...
vasili111's user avatar
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What kind of algebraic structure is the one with NAND?

In her book Model Theory, María Manzano mentions the following kinds algebraic structures: Group Rings and fields Order Well-order Peano structures Boolean algebras Bolean rings Nevertheless, it's ...
lfba's user avatar
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