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Propositional equivalence. Duality problem.

I recently have started practicing problems on Discrete Mathematics by Keneth H.Rosen. There seems to be an interesting problem on Propositional Equivalence which states that when is $s^{*} = s$. ...
humble_programmer's user avatar
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Factoring a XOR Expression in an Equation

I have an equation like this: $(i_1 \cdot x) \oplus (i_2 \cdot x) = r$ where $i_1, i_2,$ and $r$ are known values and $\oplus$ is xor. What I need is that same equation but expressed as $i_3 \cdot x = ...
notsagg's user avatar
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How to get CNF of propositional formula form DNF of its complement?

Explain how to read off a CNF for propositional formula directly from a DNF from its complement. I've managed to explain it in words, but can't write a rigorous proof of that. How to show this in ...
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Logic Identity for $\mathcal{(A'B)}$+$\mathcal{(AB')}$

I need to simplify a long boolean expression and I am stuck with this expression $$\mathcal{(A'B)}\text{+}\mathcal{(AB')}$$ Can I simplify that to $\mathcal{(AB)'}\large\text{ ?} $ And if so, what ...
Ross Henderson's user avatar
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Showing all boolean functions can be expressed by only conjunctions or negations

Let $f:$ {T,F}$^n \rightarrow$ {T,F}, i.e a function of n boolean variables. Show that each $f$ can be expressed as a formula of only conjunctions and negations, and give an upper bound for the number ...
napadia's user avatar
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What is "X happens whenever Y happens"?

This page says "$X$ happens whenever $Y$ happens" translates to $Y \implies X$. But I feel $Y\implies X$ allows $X$ to be $True$ when $Y$ is $False$, which does not seem to be correct for &...
Rnj's user avatar
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Boolean Algebra Simplification Unknown Step Introduce Variables

I've been trying to interpret a logical proposition for several days. I need to simplify, I can't do it with the laws that I know, but using online tools I can find the result, but in the step by step ...
Pilaf's user avatar
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proof that any boolean function can be written in canonical form

It's bugging me for a while but although I can vaguely see that when writing canonical forms we kind "build them" in a way specificly to make it be true but I can't grasp exactly why it is ...
JoãoVictor's user avatar
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How is material implication the same as subset?

I've been told and read a number of times that implies, $\implies$, is the same as subset $\subseteq$. For example, in the wikipedia page on iff it states that "P only if Q", "if P then ...
Jojo's user avatar
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How do I prove this logical equivalence?

$\phi$ is a well formed formula. f($\phi$) is given by replacing ∧ with ∨ (and vice versa) and 1 with 0 (and vice versa) in $\phi$. g(f($\phi$)) is given by replacing all literals in f($\phi$) (...
weak_at_math's user avatar
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How to formally write "Let $X$ take on the value of TRUTH"?

I have to argue that a given logical expression is satisfiable and not universally applicable. This is quite easy because all I have to do is find for which values is the expression true and false. ...
Ski Mask's user avatar
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Show that ($\lnot$q $\implies$ p) $\implies$ (p $\implies$ $\lnot$q) $\equiv$ ($\lnot$p $\lor$ $\lnot$q) using the conditional-disjunction equivalence

Conditional-disjunction equivalence: (p $\implies$ q) $\equiv$ ($\lnot$p $\lor$ q) To show: ($\lnot$q $\implies$ p) $\implies$ (p $\implies$ $\lnot$q) $\equiv$ ($\lnot$p $\lor$ $\lnot$q) Attempt: ...
Haslo Vardos's user avatar
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DNF to CNF of a simple expression

I have a formula like this: $$\bigvee_{\substack{i \in [1,...,m] \\ j \in [1,...,m]}} x_{i} \wedge x_{j}$$ What is the equivalent formula in CNF (conjunctive normal form)?
mrjamaisvu's user avatar
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CNF formula for manipulating words

I am trying to create CNF formula for manipulation of a word. word is a sequence of letters from a $\Sigma$ alphabet. A word is encoded by variables like $x_{i,a}$ which means that the letter $a$ is ...
mrjamaisvu's user avatar
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CNF for modilisation of a word

Imagine that we are interested in problem of words. A word is a sequence of letters from a $\Sigma$ alphabet. For encoding a word in SAT we are using variable like $x_{i,a}$ which means that in ...
mrjamaisvu's user avatar

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