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Questions tagged [orthogonality]

This tag can be used to refer to the orthogonality of a set of vectors, a matrix or a linear transformation.

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Almost orthogonal operators after a relative scaling

If two positive operators $Q_1$ and $Q_2$ with unit $\ell_1$ norm are almost orthogonal: $\parallel Q_1 - Q_2 \parallel_1 \geq 2 -\epsilon$, then what can we say about the operators $Q_1$ and $c Q_2$, ...
Abir's user avatar
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How to find the generator matrix for $C/C^{\perp}$?

Background/my workings: I am reading a paper which talks about the $[6,5,2]$ classical binary single parity-check code $C$. I understand that from the given parameters we can find its parity check ...
am567's user avatar
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is orthogonal complement of a subspace contained in another decomposition of Hilbert space

Let $H$ be a (infinite dimensional) Hilbert space and $v\in H$ be a nonzero vector. Define $V$ to be the span of $v$. It is given that $V+A=H$ where $A$ is a closed subspace of $H$. I am trying to ...
Ken.Wong's user avatar
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Discrete Fourier Transform: choice of basis [closed]

I have two sets of N real numbers $\{E_m\}_m$ and $\{t_j\}_j$. I impose the following conditions: $\frac{1}{N} \sum_{m=1}^N e^{-i\,E_m(t_j-t_k)}=\delta_{jk} \hspace{1cm} \forall j, k$. $\frac{1}{N} \...
BlockSlicer's user avatar
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Uniquness of the orthogonality measure for generalized Laguerre polynomials [closed]

Let $\alpha>-1$. It is well-known that the measure $d\mu:=x^{\alpha}e^{-x}$ is the unique positive measure on $\mathbb{R}$ making generalized Laguerre polynomials $(L_n^{\alpha}(x))_n$ into an ...
user536450's user avatar
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Orthonormal basis for $\mathbb{C}^2$ over $\mathbb{R}$ [closed]

$\mathbb{C}^2$ is a 4-dimensional vector space over $\mathbb{R}$ with basis $\left\{\begin{bmatrix} 1 \\ 0 \end{bmatrix}, \begin{bmatrix} i \\ 0 \end{bmatrix}, \begin{bmatrix} 0 \\ 1 \end{bmatrix}, ...
Mark Ren's user avatar
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Upper and lower bounding singular values of a nearly orthogonal matrix

Let $u_1, \dots, u_n$ be $n$-dimensional unit vectors and let $U = \begin{bmatrix}u_1 & \dots & u_n \end{bmatrix}$ be a matrix formed by stacking these vectors columnwise. If $u_i^\top u_j = 0$...
digbyterrell's user avatar
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Orthogonality of Whittaker functions

Is there a known orthogonality property of Whittaker functions $W_{\kappa,\mu}(iz)$ with respect to the first index as an integral over the argument? I am particularly interested in the case $\mu=0$ ...
Matt Majic's user avatar
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Deriving quadrature weights from discrete orthogonality of exponentials

In the proof of Lemma 2 of Driscoll and Healy, it says \begin{align} \sqrt{2}\delta_{k,0} &= \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\int_0^\pi P_k(\cos\theta)\sin\theta d\theta\\\\ &= \frac{1}{2\sqrt{2}}\int_{-\pi}...
user1350058's user avatar
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Finding the shortest distance from a point to a line

I've been using the following as a really good guide for this: Orthogonal projection of a point onto a line but I want to make sure that I have set this up, and understood it correctly. I have the ...
Calum's user avatar
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Complex $3\times 3$ matrix $A$ such that $A^TA=0$? [closed]

Can we find a non trivial complex 3x3 matrix $A$ such that $A^TA=0$? If I decompose $A$ as $B +iC$, with $B$ and $C$ real, I get 18 parameters with 18 equations corresponding to $B^TB=C^TC$ and $B^TC=-...
Laurent Jacques's user avatar
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Decomposition of primitive central idempotents in group algebras

Let $W$ be an irreducible $\mathbb{C}$-representation of a finite group $G$ with character $\chi_W$. A primitive central idempotents of the group algebra $CG$ is: $$e=\frac{\dim_{\mathbb{C}}(W)}{|G|}\...
khashayar's user avatar
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Characteristic polynomial of an orthogonal projection

Q: What is the characteristic polynomial of an orthogonal projection onto a (two-dimensional) plane through the origin in $\mathbb R^4$? Ans: $x^2(x-1)^2$ Can someone please explain how to do this ...
Jason Xu's user avatar
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Nature of the Euclidean Norm

I've been re-reading my linear algebra book and a definition is given of the norm of a vector in $\mathbb{R}^n$ to be: ||v|| $= \sqrt{v_1^2 + v_2^2 + \cdots + v_n^2}$. For $\mathbb{R}^2$ and $\mathbb{...
MattKuehr's user avatar
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The angle between u and v looks smaller than 90 degree but the dot product is still negative. [closed]

Screenshot of u and v graph Help
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