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Questions tagged [free-product]

In mathematics, specifically group theory, the free product is an operation that takes two groups $G$ and $H$ and constructs a new group $G\ast H$. The result contains both $G$ and $H$ as subgroups, is generated by the elements of these subgroups, and is the “most general” group having these properties

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Free product contains the free product of itself with a free group.

I saw this answer and I'm thinking if with this idea we can show that $G_1 \ast G_2 \ast F$ (where $F$ is a free group of countable rank) embedds in $G_1 \ast G_2$ if $G_1$ or $G_2$ has cardinality at ...
Greg's user avatar
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Infinite coproduct in a category of groups [duplicate]

Let $\mathbf{Grp}$ be a category of groups. Then, we know that there exists a coproduct $\bigsqcup_{I\in I} G_i$ for a family of groups $\{G_i\}_{I\in I}$ in $\mathbf{Grp}$ when $I$ is a finite set. ...
Yos's user avatar
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The free product has the direct product as a factor group. What's the corresponding normal subgroup?

Let $G$ and $H$ be groups. Consider the free product $G * H$ and the direct product $G \times H$. There is a particular way of identifying $G \times H$ as a factor group of $G * H$. Namely, the ...
Dannyu NDos's user avatar
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Finding free subgroup $F_2$ in the free product $\frac{\mathbb{Z}}{5\mathbb{Z}} * \frac{\mathbb{Z}}{6\mathbb{Z}}$

Is there any free group isomorphic to $F_2$ contained in the free product group $\frac{\mathbb{Z}}{5 \mathbb{Z}}* \frac{\mathbb{Z}}{6 \mathbb{Z}}?$ Let $\frac{\mathbb{Z}}{5\mathbb{Z}}= \langle a \mid ...
jay sri krishna's user avatar
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Coproduct of free objects [duplicate]

In the category of groups, the coproduct is free product, and for any $A,B$ sets: the coproduct of $F(A),F(B)$ is $F(A\sqcup B)$. Does this property hold in any other categories? What is the ...
rutruttt's user avatar
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Munkres' Topology theorem 68.7

Theorem 68.7 Let $ G = G_1 * G_2 $. Let $ N_i $ be a normal subgroup of $ G_i $, for $ i = 1, 2 $. If $ N $ is the least normal subgroup of $ G $ that contains $ N_1 $ and $ N_2 $, then $$ G/N \simeq \...
Davood Karimi's user avatar
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Munkres lemma 68.5

I'm reading Munkres Topology and I'm stuck in lemma 68.5 as you can see he uses the theorem 68.4 in order to imply that there is a isomorphism between $G$ and $G'$, but in order for this theorem to be ...
Davood Karimi's user avatar
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the free product of two presentations is isomorphic to a third presentation using UP of free product.

Here is the question that I want an answer to it using commutative diagrams (as small number of them as possible): Prove that the free product of $ \langle g_1, \dots ,g_m | r_1, \dots ,r_n \rangle$ ...
Intuition's user avatar
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How will the map be described? [closed]

Collapsing either one of the circles in the bouquet of two circles to the basepoint, how can I describe this by a map (in the free product) and how is this related to that $\mathbb{R}^2\backslash\{p,q\...
Hope's user avatar
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Free Product of interpolated, free group factors

Let $L(\mathbb F_2)$ be the group von Neumann algebra of the free group on two generators. The interpolated free group factors of Dykema and Radulescu are defined as $L(\mathbb F_r)=L(\mathbb F_2)^{1/\...
Jayakumar Ravindran's user avatar
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How can I decide whether two groups defined by finite presentations are (or not) isomorphic?

I have the groups $G_1,G_2$ with presentations $$G_1 = \langle x,y : (y^2x)^2 = x^2, (x^2 y )^2 = y^{-2} \rangle = \langle x,y : x^{-1}y^2 x = y^{-2}, yx^2y^3 = x^{-2} \rangle \\ G_2 = \langle x,y : (...
Adrian's user avatar
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What is the operation involved for the words of free product of groups?

I am trying to get an intuitive mental picture of what the free product of two groups represents. From what I understood, the free product $G\ast H$ is the group whose elements are the reduced words ...
Vincent's user avatar
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Left adjoint to forgetful functor from groups to groupoids, generalizing injective inclusions to free product of groups

Is there a left adjoint $F$ to the "forgetful" inclusion functor $U$ from the category of groups (interpreted as groupoids with one object $*$) to the category of groupoids? If so, then ...
I Eat Groups's user avatar
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Group action of Free Product Group

Suppose I have two groups G and H, and K is their free product, K = $G*H$ Suppose G acts on a set X with action $\phi$ and H acts on X by action $\psi$, then what is the action of K on X. I think the ...
text_math's user avatar
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A group equation and free product

Definition: Given $w_1(\bar{a},\bar{x}),\cdots, w_k(\bar{a},\bar{x})\in F_m ∗ F_n$ and a group $G$. The system of equations $\{w_1(\bar{a},\bar{x}),\cdots, w_k(\bar{a},\bar{x}) \}$ is solvable in G ...
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