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Equivalence Relations in the colimit of Sets

The Stacks project mentions colimit in the Sets and introduces the following equivalence relationship: $m_{i} \sim m_{i^{'}}$ if $m_{i} \in M_{i}$, $m_{i^{'}} \in M_{i^{'}}$ and $M(\varphi)(m_{i}) = ...
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Coequalizer in the category of modules

I am trying to prove that the category of modules is cocomplete. It suffices to show that it has all coequalizers and coproducts. It's relatively easy to show that all coproducts exist, and I am left ...
Squirrel-Power's user avatar
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Coequalizers in the category of partially ordered sets

Let $X$ and $Y$ be posets and $f, g : X \to Y$ be monotonic functions. I wish to construct the coequalizer $(Z, \; h : Y \to Z)$ of $f$ and $g$. My attempt I first define the relation $R \subseteq Y*Y$...
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Difficulty using the (co)limit formulae to construct the $n$-(co)skeleton left and right Kan extensions for truncated simplicial objects

Tl;Dr - I’m struggling to show that the $n$-skeleton is a Kan extension, from the basic limit formula (this should be possible, as it was “left to the reader” in my book). I’m also struggling to even ...
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Simpler description of pushout in $\mathsf{Set}$ and $\mathsf{Top}$ when one of the two maps is injective

It is known that the pushout in $\mathsf{Top}$ has same underlying set as the pushout in $\mathsf{Set}$ (this is because the forgetful functor $\mathsf{Top}\to\mathsf{Set}$ is a left adjoint). ...
Elías Guisado Villalgordo's user avatar
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Mappings out of quotient set by a generated equivalence relation (Colimits in Set)

Let $X$ be a set and $R\subset X\times X$. Let $$\mathcal{G}:=\{G\subset X\times X\ |\ R\subset G\ \land\ G=G^{-1}\ \land\ G=G\circ G\ \land\ pr_1(G)=X\}.$$ Then $\bigcap_{G\in\mathcal{G}}G\in\...
alf262's user avatar
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General description of colimits in $\mathbf{Set}$

I'm not sure I can match the statement given here (from with the real results: Example 5.2.16. The colimit of a diagram $D \colon \mathbf{I} \to \mathbf{Set}$ is ...
user557's user avatar
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Regular Projective Objects in the Exact Completion of a Finitely Complete Category

Everything I'm talking about is contained in the following: Carboni & Celia Magno, The free exact category on a left exact one; Carboni, Some free constructions in realizability and proof theory. ...
Matteo Spadetto's user avatar
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General colimits and filtered colimits in the category of sets

A category $\mathsf{I}$ is filtered if $\mathsf{Ob(I)} \neq \varnothing$, for any $i,j \in \mathsf{Ob(I)}$ there is $k \in \mathsf{Ob(I)}$ and morphisms $f\colon i\to k$ and $g\colon j\to k$...
Jxt921's user avatar
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Pushouts in Top

Consider the following pushout diagram in the category $\text{Top}$: $$ \require{AMScd} \begin{CD} A @>{f}>> C\\ @V{g}VV @VVV \\ B @>{}>> P = B \coprod_A C \end{CD} $$ where $f$ is ...
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definition of the directed colimit of a functor

Let $(\Lambda,\le )$ be a directed set, which we can understand as a small category: The set of all objects is $\Lambda$ and for $\lambda,\lambda '\in \Lambda$ there exists an unique morphism $i_{\...
alg's user avatar
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These maps from the components into a directed system are injective when the directed system maps are.

Let $I, p_{ij} : A_i \to A_j$ be a directed system of maps such that $p_{jk}\circ p_{ij} = p_{ik}$ whenever $i \leq j\leq k$ and $p_{ii} = \text{id}$. Directed means that for any $i,j \in I$ there ...
SeekingAMathGeekGirlfriend's user avatar
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Proving that the direct limit of a directed system is an equivalence relation.

From Dummit & Foote, pg. 268: Let $I$ be an index set with a partial order. Suppose for every pair of indices $i, j \in I$ with $i \leq j$ there is a map $\rho_{ij} : A_i \to A_j$ such that ...
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