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Value of $k$ that gives the highest Restricted-Part Integer Partition Number for $n$

Let $p_k(n)$ be the number of possible partitions of an Integer $n$ into exactly $k$ parts. We know that for any given $n$, $p_k(n)$ gives a non-zero result for $0<k\leq n$, and that the size of ...
Lee Davis-Thalbourne's user avatar
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Generating function of partitions of $n$ in $k$ prime parts.

I have been looking for the function that generates the partitions of $n$ into $k$ parts of prime numbers (let's call it $Pi_k(n)$). For example: $Pi_3(9)=2$, since $9=5+2+2$ and $9=3+3+3$. I know ...
Lorenzo Alvarado's user avatar
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About the product $\prod_{k=1}^n (1-x^k)$

In this question asked by S. Huntsman, he asks about an expression for the product: $$\prod_{k=1}^n (1-x^k)$$ Where the first answer made by Mariano Suárez-Álvarez states that given the Pentagonal ...
Lorenzo Alvarado's user avatar
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Need help with part of a proof that $p(5n+4)\equiv 0$ mod $5$

Some definitions: $p(n)$ denotes the number of partitions of $n$. Let $f(q)$ and $h(q)$ be polynomials in $q$, so $f(q)=\sum_0^\infty a_n q^n$ and $h(q)=\sum_0^\infty b_n q^n$. Then, we say that $f(q)\...
Gnolius's user avatar
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How to prove the following partition related identity?

So I want to show that the following is true, but Iam kidna stuck... $$ \sum_{q_{1}=1}^{\infty}\sum_{q_{2}=q_{1}}^{\infty}\sum_{q_{3}=q_{1}}^{q_{2}}...\sum_{q_{k+1}=q_{1}}^{q_{k}}x^{q_{1}+q_{2}+...+q_{...
EMar's user avatar
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How to explain arithmetic form of surprising equality that connects derangement numbers to non-unity partitions?

$\mathbf{SETUP}$ By rephrasing the question of counting derangements from "how many permutations are there with no fixed points?" to "how many permutations have cycle types that are non-...
julianiacoponi's user avatar
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Congruences of partition function

I'm trying to understand Ken Ono's results showing Erdös' conjecture for the primes $\ge5$. He first shows the following: let $m\ge5$ be prime and let $k>0$. A positive proportion of the primes $\...
CarloReed's user avatar
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Estimate the order of restricted number partitions

There are $k$ integers $m_l,1\leq l\leq k $(maybe negetive), satisfiying $|m_l|\leq M$ and $\sum_l m_l=s$. I want to get an order estimate of the number of solutions for $k, M$ when fixing $s$. I came ...
Trinifold's user avatar
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"Factorization" of the solutions set of a system of linear diophantine equations over non-negative integers

Suppose we have a system of linear diophantine equations over non-negative integers: $$ \left\lbrace\begin{aligned} &Ax=b\\ &x\in \mathbb{Z}^n_{\geq0} \end{aligned}\right. $$ where $A$ is a ...
Alexander's user avatar
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irregularities in partition function modulo n

It is an open problem whether the partition function is even half the time. Inspired by this, I wrote some Sage/Python code to check how many times $p(n)$ hits each residue class: ...
node196884's user avatar
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Show the partition function $Q(n,k)$, the number of partitions of $n$ into $k$ distinct parts, is periodic mod m

Let $Q(n,k)$ be the number of partitions of $n$ into $k$ distinct parts. I want to show that for any $m \geq 1$ there exists $t \geq 1$ such that $$Q(n+t,i)=Q(n,i) \mod m \quad \forall n>0 \forall ...
Kinkin's user avatar
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Find generating series on set of descending sequences, with weight function as taking sum of sequence

Given the set of all sequences of length k with descending (not strictly, so $3,3,2,1,0$ is allowed) terms of natural numbers (including $0$), $S_k$, and the weight function $w(x)$ as taking the sum ...
haha's user avatar
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Probability that the maximum number of dice with the same face is k

Let say we have $N$ dice with 6 faces. I'm asking my self, what is the probability that the maximum number of dice with the same face is $k$? In more precise terms, what is the size of this set? \...
Lorenzo Vittori's user avatar
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The Asymptotic formula of the generating function related with the partition of a positive integer

This question may be duplicate with this answer_1 and here I referred to the same paper by Hardy, G. H.; Ramanujan, S. referred to by wikipedia which is referred to in answer_1. But here I focused on ...
An5Drama's user avatar
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corollary of the partition congruence

I was going though the paper of Ramanujan entitled Some properties of p(n), the number of partitions of n (Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, XIX, 1919, 207 – 210). He states he found ...
Sangama's user avatar
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Constrained integer partition containing particular summands

Is there a way to calculate the number of constrained integer partitions containing particular summands? By constrained, I mean, the permitted summands must be below a certain limit, such as 5. Take ...
Seán Healy's user avatar
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Counting gap sizes in a subfamily of partitions

Let $\mathcal{OD}$ be the set of all odd and distinct integer partitions. This has a generating function given by $$\sum_{\lambda\vdash\mathcal{OD}}q^{\vert\lambda\vert}=\prod_{j\geq1}(1+q^{2j-1})$$ ...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
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Notation for $k$-partitions of $n$ containing at least one summand equal to $s$

I am looking for whether there is any notation for the $k$-partition number of $n$ where the partitions must include some summand $s$. An example of the kind of notation I am looking for is $P_k^s(n)$....
user110391's user avatar
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What is the 11th unordered combination of natural numbers that add upto 6 in the partition function?

So, I was making unordered combinations of natural numbers which add upto a certain natural number. I was able to go till 6 when I got to know about the partition function. I was pleased to see that ...
Poke_Programmer's user avatar
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Identity involving Sum of Inverse of Product of Integer partitions [closed]

Is there a way to prove the following identity \begin{equation} \sum_{l = 1}^{k} \left( \frac{(-s)^l}{l!} \sum_{n_1 + n_2 + \ldots n_l = k} \frac{1}{n_1n_2 \ldots n_k} \right)= (-1)^k {s \choose k} \,...
alpha's user avatar
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Partition of n into k parts with at most m

I ran into a problem in evaluating a sum over kronecker delta. I want to evaluate $$\sum_{\ell_1,...,\ell_{2m}=1}^s\delta_{\ell_1+\ell_3+...+\ell_{2m-1},\ell_2+\ell_4+...+\ell_{2m}}$$ My approach was ...
Qant123's user avatar
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What is the most precise upper bound for the partitions funcion $p(n)$? [closed]

In the paper "Asymptotic formulæ in combinatory analysis, 1918" Hardy and Ramanujan gave an upper bound $p(n) < \frac{K}{n}e^{2\sqrt{2n}}, K > 0$. Is this the best upper bound? What is ...
D.Ult's user avatar
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Combinatorial explanation for an identity of the partition function

One can employ elementary methods to demonstrate that $p(n) \leq p(n-1) + p(n-2)$ for $n \geq 2$. Recently, I showed that if certain restrictions are imposed on the partitions, the inequality becomes ...
Kevin's user avatar
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MacDonalds Hook content formula derivation

I was trying to understand the derivation of $$ s_{\lambda}=a_{\lambda+\delta} / a_{\delta}=q^{n(\lambda)} \prod_{x \in \lambda} \frac{1-q^{n+c(x)}}{1-q^{h(x)}} $$ as given in (https://math.berkeley....
Thomas Shelby's user avatar
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Another formulation for Stirling numbers of the second kind

I find another formulation for Stirling numbers of the second kind: Let $n\ge k\ge 1$. Denote by $$\mathbb N_<^n := \{ \alpha = (\alpha_1,\cdots,\alpha_n): 0\le \alpha_1\le\cdots\le\alpha_n, \...
Dreamer's user avatar
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A certain conjectured criterion for restricted partitions

Given the number of partitions of $n$ into distinct parts $q(n)$, with the following generating function $\displaystyle\prod_{m=1}^\infty (1+x^m) = \sum_{n=0}^\infty q(n)\,x^n\tag{1a}$ Which may be ...
Nicco's user avatar
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$\sum_{n=1}^m \frac{1}{n!} \sum_{\sum_{i=1}^n m_i = m, \\ m_i \in \mathbb N_+} \frac{1}{m_1\cdots m_n} = 1$? [duplicate]

I found an equation accidentally when doing my research about branching processes. I think it is correct but I don't know how to prove it: \begin{equation} \sum_{n=1}^m \frac{1}{n!} \sum_{\sum_{i=1}^n ...
Dreamer's user avatar
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Where can I find a proof of the asymptotic expresion of partition numbers by Hardy-Ramanujan?

I'm starting to study number theory and I´m interested in partitions, but I don't find a proof of this asymptotic expression $p(n)$ given by Hardy-Ramanujan.
benhardy's user avatar
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Euler's pentagonal number theorem, the notion of $\omega(n)$ and $\omega(-n)$

I'm studying chapter 14 "Partitions" of the famous Apostol's Introduction to Analytic Number Theory. Down at page 311 (section 14.4) and endeavoring to study the pentagonal numbers, Apostol ...
Walid Abdelal's user avatar
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Partitions with maximal length

Suppose $L$ is a non-empty finite set of positive integers, and let $d=\max L$. For a positive integer $n$, define an $L$-partition of $n$ to be any sequence $a_1,a_2,\ldots,a_m$ of elements of $L$ ...
Math101's user avatar
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Is the set of all rational additive partitions of a rational number countable?

We usually call additive partitions the set, we call it $P$, of all the ways to write a positive integer $n$ as a sum of positive integers. Formally: \begin{equation} P_n = \left\{ (a_1 ,...,a_n)\in\...
Francesco Sollazzi's user avatar
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Unsolved problems for partition function

In number theory, the partition function $p(n)$ represents the number of possible partitions of a non-negative integer $n$. For instance, $p(4) = 5$ because the integer $4$ has the five partitions $1 +...
Kevin's user avatar
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When are the partition numbers squares?

I'm unsure if this question is even interesting. I am playing around with partition numbers $p(n) :=$ # partitions of $n$, and I noticed that $p(n)$ never really is a square number, except for of ...
Freddie's user avatar
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Is there a pattern to the number of unique ways to sum to a number?

I don’t think there is a proper name for these so I will refer to them as “phactors”. Basically, a phactor is a way to sum up to a number using positive real integers that are non zero and not equal ...
Anik Patel's user avatar
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Representation of number as a sums and differences of natural numbers

Lets consider all the combinations of: $$1+2+3+4=10,\ \ 1+2+3-4=2,\ \ 1+2-3+4=4,\ \ 1+2-3-4=-4, $$ $$1-2+3+4=6,\ \ 1-2+3-4=-2,\ \ 1-2-3+4=0,\ \ 1-2-3-4=-8,$$ $$-1+2+3+4=8,\ \ -1+2+3-4=0,\ \ -1+2-3+4=2,...
Gevorg Hmayakyan's user avatar
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Could this yield a formula for the Partition numbers?

Background: Lately, I have fallen down the rabbit hole of partition numbers. Specifically the partition function, $p(n)$. It's well known that no closed-form expression (with only finitely many ...
Graviton's user avatar
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Combinatorial Interpretation of a partition identity

I am working on the book "Number Theory in the Spirit of Ramanujan" by Bruce Berndt. In Exercise $1.3.7$: He wants us to prove that $$ np\left(n\right) = \sum_{j = 0}^{n - 1}p\left(j\right)\...
ALNS's user avatar
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Number of ways to write a positive integer as the sum of two coprime composites

I've recently learnt that every integer $n>210$ can be written as the sum of two coprime composites. Similar to the totient function, is there any known function that works out the number of ways ...
Filemath's user avatar
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Partitions of a number for a fixed number of integers

Is there a name for the number of ways to write a positive integer $n$ as a sum of $k$ integers, including 0? For example, the number 4 can be written as the sum of 3 numbers in the following ways: 4+...
Jbag1212's user avatar
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Show that $p(n-k, k)=p^2(n, k)$

Let $p^m(n, k)$ denote the number of partitions of $n$ having exactly $k$ parts with each part greater than or equal to $m$. Show that $p(n-k, k)=p^2(n, k)$, with the convention that $p(n, k)=0$ if $n&...
Selena J's user avatar
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Partitions without repetition

I want to know how many partitions without repetition 19 has. I know I should see the coefficient of $x^{19}$ in $$\prod_{k=1}^\infty(1-x^k),$$ but i'm having trouble finding it. Ay hint?
Selena J's user avatar
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Show that series converges by estimating number of partitions into distinct parts

I need some help with solving the following problem: Let $Q(n)$ be the number of partitions of $n$ into distinct parts. Show that $$\sum_{n=1}^\infty\frac{Q(n)}{2^n}$$ is convergent by estimating $Q(n)...
Jon's user avatar
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Formula concerning partitions of $n$ and their transpose

I am trying to prove $$\frac{1}{{n \choose 2}} \sum_j {\lambda_j \choose 2} - {\lambda_j'\choose 2}=\frac{1}{n(n-1)}\sum_j \lambda_j^2 - (2j-1)\lambda_j.$$ Here $\lambda$ is a partition of $n$, i.e. $\...
Nap D. Lover's user avatar
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How many non-congruent triangles can be formed from $n$ equally spaced vertices on a circle?

How many non-congruent triangles can be formed from $n$ equally spaced vertices on a circle? I tried using the stars and bars method but it isn't working for me. Partitioning $n$ into $3$ parts looks ...
iSquared's user avatar
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Infinite product expression of partition function

I'm working on a problem (specifically, I'm using an exam paper without course notes to prepare for a course starting in September), Define the partition function $P(q)$ and give its infinite product ...
mjc's user avatar
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How to rigorously interpret and transform "equal chance" in different ways?

Put $100$ identical balls into $10$ identical boxes in a way that each ball enters each box with an equal chance. What's the probability that no box is empty? I have solved it but like to discuss ...
Tony B's user avatar
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Number of possible combinations of X numbers that sum to Y where the order doesn't matters

I am looking for the number of possible outcomes given to a set of numbers X that sum to Y. This is the same issue as here. However, I would like to consider that (i) the numbers can't be repeated and ...
Andrés Tello Urrea's user avatar
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Question on partition of positive integer

I know only basic about partition of a natural number like $p(0)=1$, $p(1)=1$, $p(2)=2 $ that is $$2=1+1$$ $$2=2$$ and similarly $p(3)=3 $ as $$3=1+1+1$$ $$3=2+1$$ $$3=3$$ and for further reading of ...
Mathematics learner's user avatar
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Are there exist infinitely many odd numbers and even numbers in p(an+b)?

The main question is: Are there exist infinitely many odd numbers and even numbers in $p(an+b)$? Where $an+b\ (n\geq1)$ is an arbitrary arithmetic sequence with $a\in\mathbb{Z}_{>0}$, $b\in\{0,\...
Kevin's user avatar
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Summation of quantity over all integer partitions

The notation $\lambda = (1^{m_1} 2^{m_2} 3^{m_3}) \vdash n$ means that $\lambda$ is a partition of $n$ with $m_1$ 1's, $m_2$ 2's and so on. For instance, the partition (3, 1, 1) of 5 can be written as ...
Agnishom Chattopadhyay's user avatar

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