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Generating function and currency

We assume that we have a country's currency that contains three coins worth 1, 3, and 4. How many ways can we get an amount of $n$ using these three pieces? In others words what is the number of ...
Abou Zeineb's user avatar
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Generating function of partitions of $n$ in $k$ prime parts.

I have been looking for the function that generates the partitions of $n$ into $k$ parts of prime numbers (let's call it $Pi_k(n)$). For example: $Pi_3(9)=2$, since $9=5+2+2$ and $9=3+3+3$. I know ...
Lorenzo Alvarado's user avatar
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About the product $\prod_{k=1}^n (1-x^k)$

In this question asked by S. Huntsman, he asks about an expression for the product: $$\prod_{k=1}^n (1-x^k)$$ Where the first answer made by Mariano Suárez-Álvarez states that given the Pentagonal ...
Lorenzo Alvarado's user avatar
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Prove $\sum_{j=0}^{n} q^{j^{2}}\binom{n}{j}_{q^{2}}$ generates the self-conjugate partitions with part at most $n$.

Prove $\sum_{j=0}^{n} q^{j^{2}}\binom{n}{j}_{q^{2}}$ generates the self-conjugate partitions with part at most $n$, and that it equals $(1+q)(1+q^{3})\cdot\cdot\cdot(1+q^{2n-1})$. For the first part, ...
JLGL's user avatar
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Need help with part of a proof that $p(5n+4)\equiv 0$ mod $5$

Some definitions: $p(n)$ denotes the number of partitions of $n$. Let $f(q)$ and $h(q)$ be polynomials in $q$, so $f(q)=\sum_0^\infty a_n q^n$ and $h(q)=\sum_0^\infty b_n q^n$. Then, we say that $f(q)\...
Gnolius's user avatar
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Proving an Identity on Partitions with Durfee Squares Using $q$-Binomial Coefficients and Generating Functions

Using the Durfee square, prove that $$ \sum_{j=0}^n\left[\begin{array}{l} n \\ j \end{array}\right] \frac{t^j q^{j^2}}{(1-t q) \cdots\left(1-t q^j\right)}=\prod_{i=1}^n \frac{1}{1-t q^i} . $$ My ...
Allison's user avatar
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Find generating function for the number of partitions which are not divisible by $3$. [duplicate]

I'm trying to find the generating function for the number of partitions into parts, which are not divisible by $3,$ weighted by the sum of the parts. My idea is that we get the following generating ...
DrTokus1998's user avatar
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Integer partitions with summands bounded in size and number

This book says it's easy, but to me, it's not. :( As for 'at most k summands', in terms of Combinatorics, by using MSET(), $$ MSET_{\le k}(Positive Integer) = P^{1,2,3,...k}(z) = \prod_{m=1}^{k} \frac{...
David Lee's user avatar
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Generating Function for Modified Multinomial Coefficients

The multinomial coefficients can be used to expand expressions of the form ${\left( {{x_1} + {x_2} + {x_3} + ...} \right)^n}$ in the basis of monomial symmetric polynomials (MSP). For example, $$\...
Bear's user avatar
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Why do Bell Polynomial coefficients show up here?

The multinomial theorem allows us to expand expressions of the form ${\left( {{x_1} + {x_2} + {x_3} + {x_4} + ...} \right)^n}$. I am interested in the coefficients when expanding ${\left( {\sum\...
Bear's user avatar
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Congrunces of partitions into distinct parts

Let $P_{d}(n)$ denote the number of partitions of n into distinct parts. The generating function of $P_{d}(n)$ s given by: $$ \sum_{n \geq 0}P_{d}(n)q^{n}= \prod_{n \geq 0} (1+q^{n}).$$ Now let $P_{2,...
Adam's user avatar
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Generating function of number of partitions of $n$ into all distinct parts

I am trying to grasp this example from the book A Walk Through Combinatorics: Show that $\sum_{n \ge 0} p_d(n)x^n = \prod_{i \ge 1}(1+x^i)$ where $p_d$ stands for partitions of $n$ into all distinct ...
Zek's user avatar
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Generating function of number of partitions of $n$ into parts at most $k$

I am trying to grasp the intuition behind this example. Show that $\sum_{n \geq 0} p_{\leq k}(n)x^n = \prod_{i=1}^k \frac{1}{1-x^i}$ where $p_{\leq k}(n)$ denotes the number of partitions of the ...
Zek's user avatar
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Finding the number of integer composition using only a specific pair of numbers [closed]

I want to find the number of integer compositions of 19 using numbers 2 and 3. If I wanted to find the number of integer compositions of 19 using 1 and 2, I could write it as $F(n)=F(n-1)+F(n-2)$ ...
Zek's user avatar
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The product of components in the partition of a number.

Let $f(n,k)$ be the sum of expressions of the form $x_1 \cdot x_2 \cdot \ldots \cdot x_k$, where the sum counts over all solutions of the equation $x_1 + \ldots + x_k = n$ in natural numbers. Find ...
Michał's user avatar
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The total number of all different integers in all partitions of n with smallest part $\geq 2$

I want to show that the total number of all different integers in all partitions of $n$ with smallest part $ \geq 2$ is $p(n-2)$. Example: partitions of $7$ with smallest part $ \geq 2$ are (7), (5,2),...
D.Ult's user avatar
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Finding the generating function.

Find the generating function for the number of solutions for the equation $x_1+x_2+x_3+x_4 = n$, where $x_1,x_2,x_3,x_4\geq1$, and $x_1 < x_2$. My attempt so far: I have tried putting a $y$ value ...
zion's user avatar
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Generating function of ordered odd partitions of $n$.

Let the number of ordered partitions of $n$ with odd parts be $f(n)$. Find the generating function $f(n)$ . My try : For $n=1$ we have $f(1)=1$, for $n=2$, $f(2)=1$, for $n=3$, $f(3)=2$, for $n=4$, $...
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Identity about generating function related to binary expression of integers

For any nonnegative integer $n$, let $\mu(n)$ be $1$ if the binary expression of $n$ contains even number of ones; and $-1$ if the binary expression of $n$ contains odd number of ones. For example, $\...
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Representation of number as a sums and differences of natural numbers

Lets consider all the combinations of: $$1+2+3+4=10,\ \ 1+2+3-4=2,\ \ 1+2-3+4=4,\ \ 1+2-3-4=-4, $$ $$1-2+3+4=6,\ \ 1-2+3-4=-2,\ \ 1-2-3+4=0,\ \ 1-2-3-4=-8,$$ $$-1+2+3+4=8,\ \ -1+2+3-4=0,\ \ -1+2-3+4=2,...
Gevorg Hmayakyan's user avatar
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Generating function of sequence related to binary expression of integer as follows

For any $n \in \Bbb N$, let $O(n)$ be $1$ if the binary expression of $n$ contains even number of ones; and $-1$ if the binary expression of $n$ contains odd number of ones, and $Z(n)$ be $1$ if the ...
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Generating function of integer partitions at most m parts

The generating function of partition integer with the maximum number is m is $$ \frac{x^m}{(1-x)(1-x^2)\cdots(1-x^m)} $$ It's quite easy to understand if you expand it $$ (1+x+x^2+\cdots)(1+x^2+x^4+\...
yuniverse's user avatar
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two-variable generating function for all number partitions

I'm stuck to solve the problems below: (a) Let $p(n, k)$ be the number of partitions of $n$ into exactly $k$ parts. Show that $$ \sum_{n, k \geq 0} p(n, k) x^{n} t^{k}=\prod_{i \geq 1} \frac{1}{1-x^{i}...
SeungJae Bang's user avatar
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Partitions without repetition

I want to know how many partitions without repetition 19 has. I know I should see the coefficient of $x^{19}$ in $$\prod_{k=1}^\infty(1-x^k),$$ but i'm having trouble finding it. Ay hint?
Selena J's user avatar
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Number of partitions with distinct even parts/parts with multiplicity $\leq 3$

I am supposed to solve a problem regarding partitions of $n \in \mathbb{N}$ into: distinct even parts parts with multiplicity $\leq 3$ I am supposed to prove that 1. and 2. are equal. So I tried ...
mikasa's user avatar
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How to prove the following resummation identity for Erdős–Borwein constant?

Question: How to prove $$\sum_{m=1}^{\infty}\left(1-\prod_{j=m}^{\infty}(1-q^j)\right) = \sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{q^n}{1-q^n} \tag{1}$$ for all $q \in \mathbb{C}$ such that $\left|q\right| < 1$? ...
Fiktor's user avatar
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Coefficients in Gaussian polynomials [duplicate]

Let $$ \binom{n}{k}_{\!q} = \frac{(1-q^n) \cdots (1-q^{n-k+1})}{(1-q) \cdots (1-q^k)} $$ be the Gaussian polynomials. For example, $$ \binom{6}{3}_{\!q} = 1+q+2q^2+3q^3+3q^4+3q^5+3q^6+2q^7+q^8+q^9. $$ ...
lixa417's user avatar
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Find a minimal set whose elements determine explicitly all integer solutions to $x + y + z = 2n$

Is there a way to exactly parameterise all the solutions to the equation $x + y + z = 2n$, for $z$ less than or equal to $y$, less than or equal to $x$, for positive integers $x,y,z$? For example, for ...
Noam's user avatar
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Infinite product expression of partition function

I'm working on a problem (specifically, I'm using an exam paper without course notes to prepare for a course starting in September), Define the partition function $P(q)$ and give its infinite product ...
mjc's user avatar
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Counting Partitions of $k$ into $j$ distinct parts, with sizes restricted by a sequence.

This question has come up in my research, but since I usually do not do combinatorics, I am struggling to find out any information regarding these sequences of numbers. Let $L_n = L_1, L_2\dots$ be a ...
Lee Fisher's user avatar
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Prove that number of partitions of $n$ into parts $2,5,11$ modulo $12$ is the same as the number of partitions into distinct parts $2,4,5$ modulo 6

Let $A(n)$ denote the number of partitions of the positive integer $n$ into parts congruent to $2$, $5$, or $11$ modulo $12$. Let $B(n)$ denote the number of partitions of $n$ into distinct parts ...
Soham Chatterjee's user avatar
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Question about number of generating functions

I know that the generating function for the number of integer partitions of $n$ into distinct parts is $$\sum_{n \ge 0} p_d(n)x^n = \prod_{i \ge 1}(1+x^i)$$ I'm trying to use this generating function ...
alexmaersk's user avatar
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OGF for partitions of integer r-N into even parts less than or equal to 2m (N is some integer that may depend on m).

Let $a_r$ be the number of partitions of the integer r-N into even parts, the largest of which is less than or equal to 2m, where N is some integer that may depend on m. Find the ordinary generative ...
DanV's user avatar
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Integer partition generating functions problem

This is a homework question so I'd prefer to not receive a full solution but rather a hint. The question is that $r_3(n)$ denotes the number of partitions of an integer $n$ into parts that are not ...
123123's user avatar
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Integer partitions using generating functions

For each natural number $ n $ we consider the equation $$x_{1}+2x_{2}+\dots+nx_{n}=n$$ Where $x_{1},\dots,x_{n}$ are nonnegative integers. Prove that this equation has the same number of solutions ...
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Number of integer solutions of linear equation.

I have the following problem. Assume we have an unlimited number of blocks of 1cm, 2cm and 3cm height. Ignoring the position of the blocks, how many towers of 15cm height can we build? I know I must ...
Mikel's user avatar
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Partitions into distinct even summands and partitions into (not necessarily distinct) summands of the form $4k-2,k\in\Bbb N$

Prove that the number of ways to partition $n\in\Bbb N$ into distinct even summands is equal to the number of ways of partitioning $n$ into (not necessarily) distinct summands of the form $4k-2,k\in\...
PinkyWay's user avatar
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Demonstration for the equal number of odd and unequal partitions of an integer

I'm having some problems trying to resolve one exercise from The art and craft of problem solving by Paul Zeitz. What this problem asks you is to prove that $F(x)$ is equal to 1 for all $x$, where $$F(...
Gleck's user avatar
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Recurrence relations in the generating function of binary partitions

Let $b(n)$ denote the number of binary partitions of $n$, that is, the number of partitions of $n$ as the sum of powers of $2$. Define \begin{equation*} F(x) = \sum_{n=0}^\infty b(n)x^n = \prod_{n=0}^\...
lap lapan's user avatar
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What is the closed form solution to the sum of inverse products of parts in all compositions of n?

My question is exactly as in the title: What is the generating function or closed form solution to the sum of inverse products of parts in all compositions of $n$? This question was inspired by just ...
Danyu Bosa's user avatar
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What is the generating function for the number of partitions of an integer in which each part is used an even number of times?

What is the generating function for the number of partitions of an integer in which each part is used an even number of times? I'm trying to prove the number of partitions of an integer in which each ...
Tom J's user avatar
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Partitions of $n$ where every element of the partition is different from 1 is $p(n)-p(n-1)$

I am trying to prove that $p(n|$ every element in the partition is different of $1)=p(n)-p(n-1)$, and I am quite lost... I have tried first giving a biyection between some sets, trying to draw an ...
rubikman23's user avatar
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Let g_n equal the number of lists of any length taken from {1,3,4} having elements that sum to n.

For example, g_3 = 2 because the lists are (3) abd (1,1,1). Also g_4 = 4 because the lsits are (4), (3,1), (1,3), and (1,1,1,1). Define g_0 = 1. (a) Find g_1, g_2, and g_5 by complete enumeration. (b) ...
Flowsauce's user avatar
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Express number of partitions into prime numbers using partitions into natural numbers.

Let $P(n)$ is number of partitions of $n$ into natural numbers. $R(n)$ is number of partitions of $n$ into prime numbers. Is there any expression that relates $P(n)$ , and $R(n)$? I look for ...
mkultra's user avatar
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Using generating functions to count number of ways to plan a semester

This is the question: The semester of a college consists of n days. In how many ways can we separate the semester into sessions if each session has to consist of at least five days? My work: If $A(x)$ ...
Anirudh's user avatar
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Proving that $t_n = r_n$

Given a non-negative integer $n,$ let $t_n$ be the number of ways to partition $n$ using only powers of $2$ where each power is used at most three times, and let $r_n$ be the number of ways to ...
questionasker's user avatar
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Number of integer partitions of $n$ with exactly $k$ parts from the set $S = \{s_1, s_2, \ldots, s_m\}$.

Specifically, I want to find the number of integer partitions of 1000 into exactly 100 parts of sizes {5, 20, 100} ignoring different orderings. I am trying to find the generating function. I have ...
Buddy Kings Galletti's user avatar
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An identity involving partitions

I have been trying to prove an identity using a combinatorial argument or another technique. I need to define the following first: $$R(n,m) = \{ (r_1,r_2,...,r_n): \sum_{i=1}^n r_i = m \text{ and } ...
Margaret Billings's user avatar
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Systematic vertex information about finite Young's lattice

Suppose that I have Young's lattice $Y_{\mu}$ (finite sublattice for everything included in $\mu$). See the red area in the linked picture I found online where $\mu=[22]$ and note that the arrows ...
DiosMio's user avatar
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Finding Generating Function of Series, Coefficients Relate to Partitions

Let $\displaystyle p_{\leq c}(n)$ represent the number of partitions of $n$ into at most $c$ parts. What is the generating function of $\displaystyle\sum_{n \geq 0} p_{\leq c}(n)x^n$? I'm completely ...
sdfladgawof's user avatar

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