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Closed-form solution of sum over compositions?

I am interested in calculating a closed-form solution of the following sum over compositions $$ \sum_{\substack{n_1 + \dots + n_M = N \\ n_i \geq 1}} \dfrac{n_1^2 + \dots + n_M^2}{n_1(N-n_1)! \dots ...
Ernesto Berríos-Caro's user avatar
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How do you find the number of unique parts in a partition of an integer $n$ into $k$ parts?

Suppose I have an integer $n$ and I partition it into $k$ parts. The number of ways this can be done is given by $P(n,k)$, and it satisfies the recurrence relation: $P(n,k) = P(n-1,k-1) + P(n-k,k)$ ...
no_chi's user avatar
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Combinatorial arguments for number of partitions of $n$ into $k$ distinct parts

Let $Q(n, k)$ be the number of partitions of $n$ into $k$ distinct, unequal parts. Prove $Q(n + {k + 1\choose 2}, k)$ is equal to the number of ways to partition $n$ into at most $k$ parts (parts can ...
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Book Recommendations - Discrete Mathematics and Partitions of an Integer

I finished my first discrete math course this semester using mostly the excellent Kenneth Rosen (Discrete Mathematics and Applications) book that was a great help, especially in induction content and ...
gmn_1450's user avatar
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Making a group of $p$ people with $n$ available nationalities

Making a group of p people using m out of n available nationalities can be one of these two scenarios; $m \le p \le n$ or $m \le n \le p$. Using p,m, and n, how to evaluate the number of ways of ...
Hussain-Alqatari's user avatar
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Integer Partitions of $~n~$ with restrictions.

Provide a generic formula for the number of partitions of an even number $~n~$ where one part has even value and another part also has even value. Is there some way to approach this problem that uses ...
gmn_1450's user avatar
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Coefficient of Generating Function

Determine the coefficient of $~x^n~$ in: $$(x^2 + x^4 + x^6 + ... + x^{n-1})(x + x^3 + x^5 + ... + x^{n-2})$$ Where $~n~$ is an odd number. How to describe the possible combinations of coefficients ...
gmn_1450's user avatar
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Number of partitions of $n$ with restrictions

Find the ordinary generating function for the number of partitions of n in which all parts are odd and none surpasses 7. My answer is: $$\prod\limits_{i=1}^7 \frac{1}{1-x^{2i}}$$ She is correct?
gmn_1450's user avatar
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Extraction of coefficient from Generating Function with partitions

Determine the coefficient of $~x ^ {15}~$ in: $(1+𝑥^3+𝑥^6+𝑥^9+𝑥^{12}+𝑥^{15})(1+𝑥^6+𝑥^{12})(1+𝑥^9)$ How to use the fact that the desired coefficient is the number of partitions of 15 in parts ...
gmn_1450's user avatar
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Partitions of an integer with polynomials

Determine the coefficients of the polynomial $$a_0 + 𝑎_1𝑥_1 + 𝑎_2𝑥_2 + 𝑎_3𝑥_3 + ⋯ + 𝑎_𝑟𝑥_𝑟$$ that has the property that $~𝑎_𝑛 = 𝑝~$ . Where $p$ is the number of partitions of $n$ composed ...
gmn_1450's user avatar
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Ways of distributing passengers in ships

I need help with the following combinatorial problem. There are $ K $ passengers and $ K $ ships. The passengers are denoted by $ U_1, U_2, \dots, U_K $. The objective is to find in how many ways the $...
Duns's user avatar
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Faa di Bruno's formula and alternating functions

Suppose you have a function $f(x)$ such that ${\rm sgn}\Big(\frac{d^k}{dx^k}\big(f(x)\Big) = (-1)^k$ and a function $g(x)$ such that ${\rm sgn} \Big(\frac{d^k}{dx^k}g(x)\Big) = (-1)^{(k+1)}$, $\forall ...
bad_chemist's user avatar
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What is the appropriate weight ($W_k$) (for two arbitrary partitions)?

I already asked a similar question, And from the answer I received, another question came to my mind. A positive integer can be partitioned, for example, the number 7 can be partitioned into the ...
Richard's user avatar
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Is this true for every partitioning?

I have two categories (category1 and category2 ) and The size of both categories is equal to each other. if we partition each categories arbibtrary .Is this proposition proven? or rejected? $n_T \...
Richard's user avatar
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How many different ways to pay $2018, using only quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies?

I have seen solutions that show how this is done for amounts such as $1. Namely I consulted this webpage's explanation--
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