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Integer Partitions of $~n~$ with restrictions.

Provide a generic formula for the number of partitions of an even number $~n~$ where one part has even value and another part also has even value. Is there some way to approach this problem that uses ...
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Coefficient of Generating Function

Determine the coefficient of $~x^n~$ in: $$(x^2 + x^4 + x^6 + ... + x^{n-1})(x + x^3 + x^5 + ... + x^{n-2})$$ Where $~n~$ is an odd number. How to describe the possible combinations of coefficients ...
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Number of partitions of $n$ with restrictions

Find the ordinary generating function for the number of partitions of n in which all parts are odd and none surpasses 7. My answer is: $$\prod\limits_{i=1}^7 \frac{1}{1-x^{2i}}$$ She is correct?
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Extraction of coefficient from Generating Function with partitions

Determine the coefficient of $~x ^ {15}~$ in: $(1+π‘₯^3+π‘₯^6+π‘₯^9+π‘₯^{12}+π‘₯^{15})(1+π‘₯^6+π‘₯^{12})(1+π‘₯^9)$ How to use the fact that the desired coefficient is the number of partitions of 15 in parts ...
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Partitions of an integer with polynomials

Determine the coefficients of the polynomial $$a_0 + π‘Ž_1π‘₯_1 + π‘Ž_2π‘₯_2 + π‘Ž_3π‘₯_3 + β‹― + π‘Ž_π‘Ÿπ‘₯_π‘Ÿ$$ that has the property that $~π‘Ž_𝑛 = 𝑝~$ . Where $p$ is the number of partitions of $n$ composed ...
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Relation of relative numbers of (restricted) ways to distribute identical / distinct objects into distinct bins

If want to know if the following inequality holds for general values of $s \leq n \ll m$. $$\frac{C_0(n,m,s)}{C_0(n,m)} \leq \frac{p(n,m,s)}{m^n}$$ $C_0(n,m) = \binom{n+m-1}{m-1}$ is the number of ...
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