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Prove a surjective endomorphism $\phi$ of a 1-relator group $ ⟨a, b ∣ a^{-1} b^2 a b^{-3}⟩ $ is not injective

Consider the infinite group $H$ with presentation $$ ⟨a, b ∣ a^{-1} b^2 a b^{-3}⟩ $$ so that the relation is $a^{-1} b^2 a=b^3$. The map $$ a ↦ a\\b ↦ b^2 $$ induces a surjective homomorphism $ϕ:H\to ...
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Can you determine the order of a generator in this group presentation? [closed]

Given the following group presentation $<x,y|2x+3y=0, 5x+2y=0>$ of an Abelian group, find the order of element x. My follow up question: Is there a way to determine the order without finding ...
Björn's user avatar
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Can the following proof calculus show that any finitely presented free group is free?

If a finitely presented group is free, will it always have a proof in the proof calculus outlined in this question that it is free? I recently saw this question. I tried to show that the group was ...
Greg Nisbet's user avatar
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Presentation of Product Group

Here is the question I have been working on: If $G_1 = \langle X_1 : R_1\rangle$ and $G_2 = \langle X_2 : R_2\rangle$, supply a presentation for $G_1 \times G_2$. Deduce that, if $G_1$ and $G_2$ are ...
Happy Manager's user avatar
13 votes
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Is $\Bbb Z^3$ a one-relator group?

I understand that: $\Bbb Z^0 = \langle a \mid a \rangle$ $\Bbb Z^1 = \langle a, b \mid b \rangle$ $\Bbb Z^2 = \langle a, b \mid aba^{-1}b^{-1} \rangle$ but is it possible for $\Bbb Z^3$ to be ...
cede's user avatar
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Normal subgroup of fundamental group of Klein Bottle

Let $K$ the Klein Bottle and $\pi_1(K) = \langle a,b \mid b a b a^{-1} \rangle $ be the fundamental group of the Klein bottle. Observe that $\langle b \rangle $ is a normal subgroup of $\pi_1(K)$, ...
Horned Sphere's user avatar
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a typo about free groups in Dummit's Abstract Algebra

I am not sure that if there is a typo in Dummit's Abstract Algebra on page219 : Let $S=G$ and the map $\pi:F(S)\to G$ is the homomorphism extending the identity map of $S$ . the first paragragh writes ...
Dian Wei's user avatar
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In the group $G=\langle r,s,t\mid r^2=s^3=t^3=rst\rangle,$ the element $rst$ has order $2$

Formally, if $F$ is the free group with basis $X = \{r, s, t\}$ and $N$ is the normal subgroup generated by $R = \{r^2 s^{-3}, s^3 t^{-3}, t^{3} (rst)^{-1}\}$, and $G = F/N$, I want to show that the ...
I Eat Groups's user avatar
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$\langle a,b\mid ab=1\rangle\cong \mathbb{Z}$

I'm new to free groups and presentation of groups, and I am having some problems with some basic facts: Let $\langle a,b\mid ab=1\rangle$ be a group presentation. I want to show that $\langle a,b\mid ...
rubikman23's user avatar
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Step in a proof that $G:=\langle x,y \mid x^n,y^2, (xy)^2\rangle$ is isomorphic to the dihedral group $D_n$

I’m reading a proof of the fact that the group given by the presentation $G:=\langle x,y \mid x^n,y^2, (xy)^2\rangle$ is isomorphic to the dihedral group $D_n$. It begins like this: Let $G=\langle \...
dahemar's user avatar
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Universal Property of the Free Abelian Group on $S$.

This problem is from Dummit and Foote, 6.3.11. Problem: Let $S$ be a set. The group with presentation $(S,R)$ with $R = \{[s,t] \mid s,t \in S\}$ is called the free-abelian group on $S$ denoted $A(S)$....
Irving Rabin's user avatar
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Finding relators of a matrix group

Let $f_1,\dots,f_n$ be maps from $\mathbb{R}$ to $\mathbb{R}$ of the form $f_i(x) := a_ix + b_i$ with $a_i,b_i \in \mathbb{Q}$. We construct the transformation group $G = \langle f_1, \dots, f_n \...
kg583's user avatar
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Presentation of the amalgamated product of $G_1$ and $G_2$ above $H$ is $ \langle S_1,S_2\; ; \; R_1,R_2,\phi_1(s)\phi_{2}^{-1}(s),s \in S \rangle $

Here, I found the proof of presentation of the free product of groups. I wanted to show the same thing for amalgamated free product of 2 groups i.e. Show that that if $H$ is generated by $S$, and $ \...
MUH's user avatar
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For any primitive element $a$ in a free group of rank two we have $a^k ba^l=b$ only if $(k,l)=(0,0)$ provided $b\not\in \langle a\rangle$

Problem 1: Let $F$ be a free group of rank at least two, and $a, b\in F$ be two non-trivial elements with $b\not \in \langle a\rangle$. Suppose, $a\neq x^n$ for any $x\in F$ and any $n\geq 2$, i.e. $...
Someone's user avatar
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S_3 is a quotient of the free group F({x,y})

I am self-learning Algebra: Chapter 0 by Paolo Aluffi. He defined a presentation of a group $G$ as follows: So, according to my understanding, $R$ is the kernel (a normal subgroup) of the surjection $...
Hamilton's user avatar
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