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Constructing Paths in a Connected Graph with Odd-Degree Vertices

I am working on a problem and would appreciate some insights or suggestions on how to approach it. Problem: Let G = (V, E) be a connected graph where n is the number of vertices in V that are of odd ...
cheesepizza's user avatar
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Which is correct Euler path or Euler trail?

Since path cannot have repeated vertices, the definition for A graph which exactly two vertices have odd degree, and all of its vertices with nonzero degree belong to a single connected component ...
Alan von Turing's user avatar
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When is the partition refinement graph Eulerian?

Let $n$ be a positive integer, and let $p(n)$ be the number of partitions of $n$. For two partitions $p_1, p_2$ of the same integer $n$, we say that $p_2$ is a refinement of $p_1$ if the parts of $p_1$...
Hasan Zaeem's user avatar
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Why is a bipartite graph in which every vertex has degree exactly $2$ is simply a cycle?

I am trying to intuitively understand why a bipartite graph in which every vertex has degree exactly $2$ is simply a cycle. So far, I have tried to intuitively justify this by saying that an Eulerian ...
Princess Mia's user avatar
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Confused about how to find de Bruijn sequence from Eulerian tour

I am not following how wikipedia constructs a de Bruijn sequence from an Eulerian tour here. When our Eulerian tour visits vertices $000,000, 001, 011, 111, 111, 110, 101, 011, 110, 100, 001, 010, 101,...
Princess Mia's user avatar
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Are there at least $|V|$ Eulerian tours in $G$ if $G$ is even degree and connected? (My proof)

I believe there to be at least $|V|$ Eulerian tours in $G$ if $G$ is even degree and connected, and want to confirm that my reasoning of this is sound. (I am using the definition of Eulerian tour to ...
Princess Mia's user avatar
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Prove by induction on the length of the walk that whenever it visits a vertex, it has traversed an odd number of edges incident to it

Say we walk on a finite, connected, even-degree graph with no self loops in the following way: we start from an arbitrary vertex $s \in V$, at each step choosing an untraversed edge incident to the ...
Princess Mia's user avatar
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Combinatorics graphs for $2k+1$ representatives from $k $ different countries.

I'm having trouble with the following question : Representatives from $1+2k$ countries come to an international conference, $k$ representatives from each country. Is it possible to seat the $k(2k+1)$ ...
Mimo's user avatar
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e <= 3v - 6 for planar graph question: why does every face (of a planar graph) have to have at least three sides?

Can't we make a face with just two edges(sides) and two vertices? We just connect those two vertices twice each with different edges and we can make a face between the two edges with only two vertices ...
OneMoreGamble's user avatar
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Enumerating “Cyclic Double Permutations”

This is a generalization of a question first asked by loopy walt on Puzzling Stack Exchange: I asked the following version of the question in the comments, ...
Edward H's user avatar
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Understanding which conditions a graph has a Eulerian Path

The graph $Q_n$ is a graph with 2n vertices, where each vertex is associated with a string of 1's and 0's of length n, and where two vertices are adjacent if and only if their associated strings ...
tetra4892's user avatar
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Is there a method for determining if a graph (undirected) is connected?

The textbook used in our class defines a connected (undirected) graph if for any two vertices $v,w\in G$ there is a path from $v$ to $w$. The examples used in the textbook show a visualization of a ...
neon tangerine's user avatar
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Euler cycle in a $m\times n$ rectangular grid.

Let $G=(V,E)$ a graph which consists in an $m\times n$ rectangular grid as the image shows: I need to find the values of $m,n$ for which this graph has an Euler cycle (or euler circuit, don't repeat ...
Fabrizio G's user avatar
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Does there exist Eulerian quadrangulations that are not 1- or 2-degenerate?

I am looking for Eulerian planar quadrangulations that are not 1- or 2-degenerate, but I cannot seem to find such graphs. Note: a graph is Eulerian if and only if every vertex has an even degree. ...
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Graph problem about roads built between towns [closed]

There are 10 cities in a country. The Government starts to build direct roads between the cities, but with random access, it can build direct road between two cities even if there is already another ...
Pol's user avatar
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