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Combinations of lego bricks figures in an array of random bricks

I have an assignment where a robot should assemble some lego figures of the simpsons. See the figures here: Simpsons figures! To start with we have some identical sized, different colored lego bricks ...
hansdam's user avatar
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About showing that the print statement in the pseudocode is executed $C_n$ times

It is an exercise I meet in the book Discrete Mathematics Fifth Edition written by Richard.It is on page 184.It is not my homework!I just learned it by myself but I can't catch up with the solution to ...
tamlok's user avatar
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Algorithm to Find All Vital Edges in a Minimum Weight Spanning Tree

I am trying to locate an algorithm that can find ALL vital edges (edges whose deletion strictly increases the cost of the minimum weight spanning tree in the resulting graph) in a minimum weight ...
Steve Jacobsen's user avatar
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Card Shuffling [SPOJ]

The original question is posted on SPOJ, and included below: Here is an algorithm for shuffling N cards: 1) The cards are divided into K equal piles, where K is a factor of N. 2) The ...
John Smith's user avatar
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Complexity of counting the number of triangles of a graph

The trivial approach of counting the number of triangles in a simple graph $G$ of order $n$ is to check for every triple $(x,y,z) \in {V(G)\choose 3}$ if $x,y,z$ forms a triangle. This procedure ...
Jernej's user avatar
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Partitioning a set of integers into 4 subsets with equal subset sums

Given $n (n \leq 20)$ positive integers and each integer is $\leq 10,000$. Can they be partitioned into $4$ subsets such that sum of the subsets are pairwise equal to each other. I am interested in ...
f.nasim's user avatar
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For what coinage systems does a greedy algorithm not work in providing change?

For the United States coinage system, a greedy algorithm nicely allows for an algorithm that provides change in the least amount of coins. However, for a coinage system with 12 cent coins, a greedy ...
David Faux's user avatar
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Organising a Tournament

Imagine the following Problem. The Student Union wants to organise a tournament with 2k participants ( $k \in \mathbb{N}$ ). There are to be m rounds and in each round players should be paired ...
Beltrame's user avatar
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Cube nets hexomino tilings.

I am looking for an $\approx12\times12$ rectangle (small holes and small obtrusions are okay) made entirely of cube net hexominos. It is my understanding that perfect rectangles, in general, are not ...
Roberto Schneier's user avatar
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Counting (Number theory / Factors)

I'm stuck with this counting problem: I have an expression: $T = (N!) \times (N!) / D$ where, $D \in [1 - N!]$, i.e. $D$ takes all values from $1$ to $N!$ and I'm to count the number of points where $...
srbh.kmr's user avatar
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Density of black cells in rule 110

Is there a way to compute the limit of the ratio (number of black cells)/(number of white cells), in the rule 110 or rule 30 automaton? With initial state = 1 black cell. Simulation of first 120000 ...
sture's user avatar
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$X^A \equiv B \pmod{2K + 1}$

I recently found this problem which asks you to find an algorithm to find all $X$ such that $X^A \equiv B \pmod{2K + 1}$. Is there something special about the modulus being odd that allows us to ...
MarioYC's user avatar
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Algorithm to find specific set of integers within sorted set

I need an effective algorithm to find a subset of integers within a set that meet the conditions: The sum of sub-set items <= the "limit" prefer to pick the subset with maximum values that fit ...
markizik's user avatar
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Efficient factorion search in arbitrary base

A factorion in base $N$ is a natural number equal to the sum of the factorials of its digits in base $N$. So, the decimal factorions are: $1 = 1!$ $2 = 2!$ $145 = 1! + 4! + 5!$ $40585 = 4! + 0! + 5! +...
jedediah's user avatar
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Calculate the number of strings without more than two succeeding occurrences of any character

Problem: Given an arbitrary, finite alphabet $\Sigma$ with $|\Sigma| > 1$, define the language $\qquad L = \{w \in \Sigma^* \mid w \text{ has no subword of the form } aaa, a \in \Sigma\}$. Let $...
Brandon's user avatar
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