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Conditions for a sorted partition of the edges of $K_n$ to generate a total order of the vertices

Given a complete undirected graph $K_n$, it's given a refinement algorithm that builds, at iteration $t$, a sorted partition $E^t$ of the edges and a sorted partition $V^t$ of the vertices by refining ...
ABu's user avatar
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Algorithm for sorting by equivalence relation

I hope the thread title isn't too strange, but I don't know better. My question seems a quite simple one. Having a set of objects I'm interested in the subsets that are pairwise equal. Example: A set ...
User42's user avatar
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Formula for succesively computing and assigning score value to quiz questions in my program

Hello please forgive my question is not suited for this place, I am not very good at math and I need help. I have a computer program which is a quiz. As per my plan, each individual quiz question ...
user3344514's user avatar
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Identifying weak partitions

Recently a problem rose to me I'm not really sure what topic it belongs to: The origin is a "labeling application". There are n objects (say files etc., n abt. 1e6). And there are t ...
User42's user avatar
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Efficient way to find all polygons of the same shape within a set, regardless of position, scale, or rotation

I've got a big set of 2D polygons described as a set of points. I would like to take this set of polygons and find any that are the same shape, regardless of rotation, translation, or scale. Each ...
Polynomial's user avatar
7 votes
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In this checkerboard problem, is there a way to tell if any two situations are equivalent?

There is an infinite square grid chessboard with chess pieces placed on certain squares. There is at most one piece in a grid. We can perform the following operations each time: Split: Select a chess ...
Aly_'s user avatar
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Hungarian Algorithm with Constrained Number of Unique Tasks

I was wondering if there is an extension to the Hungarian algorithm ( in which (i) A given task may be performed by more than one agent, and (ii) ...
madhatter5's user avatar
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Why the "sum of permutation inversions" is a non-admissible heuristic for the 8-puzzle? [closed]

A heuristic h(N) is admissible if for every node N, 0 ≤ h(N) ≤ h∗(N) where h*(N) is the true cost to reach the goal state from N. In my opinion, the true cost to reach the goal state from N is 21 for ...
Erik Varga's user avatar
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Generate pseudo-random sequence of 1 and 0 so that each pairing in the sequence appears and equal number of times

Edit: As pointed out by VTand below, this is indeed not possible due to the number of pairs with 32 elements, but I'm curious about any solutions for different list lengths too. I need to generate a ...
nitrogenhurricane's user avatar
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Counting the deduplicated list

You are given $2n$ positive integers $x_i, d_i$ ($1 \leq i \leq n$). Let $l := [x_1, 2x_1, ..., d_1x_1, x_2, 2x_2, ..., d_2x_2, ..., x_n, 2x_n, ..., d_nx_n]$. Let $s = set(l)$, i.e., the set by ...
Muses_China's user avatar
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Algorithm to compute number of combinations

I have to compute (m+n)!/(m!)(n!) where m>=n. Due to overflow constraints, I cannot calculate (m+n)! as it might exceed size of variable (int). To overcome this difficulty, one solution is to do ...
Ajax's user avatar
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Block Game: Dynamic vs Greedy approach

This is a question from an old exam in a Combinatorial Algorithms class, I am reviewing for a midterm. I understand the game but I don't understand the "optimal" approach, ie. implementing a ...
Alex McMahon's user avatar
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Bracelet isomorphism algorithms

I feel like the problem should have been studied, but I wasn't able to find anything precise. Given two bracelets with $n$ beads and $m$ colors, given that the multiplicity of each color is the same, ...
Fabius Wiesner's user avatar
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Colored hypercubes isomorphism

I would like to extend the method to verify isomorphism between cubes with colored faces in this answer to $4$-cubes (tesseracts) with colored faces ($2$-faces), allowing rotations and reflections, ...
Fabius Wiesner's user avatar
2 votes
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Counting integers $n \leq x$ such that $rad(n)=r$

Let $r$ be the largest square-free integer that divides $n$. Then $$r = \operatorname{rad}(n)=\prod_{\substack{p\mid n\\p\text{ prime}}}p$$ $r$ is called the "radical" of $n$, or the square-...
MC From Scratch's user avatar
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Bin packing with load fairness across the bins

The bin pack problem denotes the process of assigning a set of n items into a minimal number of bins of capacity c. It can be simply formulated as an ILP as per the below description: My question is :...
Mazen Ezzeddine's user avatar
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What set of angles uniquely defines a convex quadrilateral?

I am trying to characterize the set of angles in a (convex) quadrilateral that distinguishes it from any other quadrilateral that is not similar to it. Such a set will be said to uniquely define a ...
MC From Scratch's user avatar
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How to quickly eyeball maximum sum subarray?

Given an integer array, I want to find the continuous subarray (containing at least one number) which has the largest sum. There are some algorithmic solutions to this here:
Emperor Concerto's user avatar
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Finding perfect matchings

Given a connected graph $G$, do you have an idea how to calculate the amount of perfect matchings this graph has (given at least one exists)? I dont worry about the calculation being efficient in any ...
J.N.'s user avatar
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Count the integers that conform another integer

I have to count all the integers than conform to integer A. We say that integer B conforms to integer A if, in all positions where A has bits set to 1, B has corresponding bits set to 1. If I have a ...
VansFannel's user avatar
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Counting number of length k non-overlapping paths on an $n \times n$ grid

Suppose we have a square grid of size $n \times n$, where each node is connected to its immediate neighbors (up, down, left, right, and the four diagonals when they exist). I'd like to count all of ...
snickerdoodles777's user avatar
3 votes
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Dividing distinguishable cards into distinguishable hands where some hands cannot contain some cards

I am making a computer program to play cards, for this algorithm to work I need to deal cards out randomly. However, I know that some people cannot have some cards due to the rules of the card game. ...
jorisperrenet's user avatar
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Finding the general formula for the last standing soldier

Suppose there are 'n' soldiers standing in a circle who have decided to kill each other (just because they don't want to surrender to the opposition). Lets say they are denoted from a1 to an in the ...
VaiMan's user avatar
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Binary sequences of length $N$ including all numbers upto $N$ [duplicate]

Consider numbers $n$ and $N = 2^n$ and define a binary sequence $b = [b_0,\dots,b_{N-1}]$, $b_i \in \{0,1\}$, to be complete or to include all numbers upto $N$ when for each number $0 \leq i < N$ ...
Hans-Peter Stricker's user avatar
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Is there an efficient way to loop through this problem? [closed]

So I saw this very interesting problem. Let's say you have a length of 2, and a base length of 5 l = 2, b = 5 this would be translated to : ...
gushkash's user avatar
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How to discover a recursive relation in a data set?

For a set of data, $x(n)$, where $n = 1, 2, 3, ...$, we know there are some kind of recursive relations among those data, $x(n)$ somehow depends on previous data $x(n-1), x(n-2), ...x(1)$, but we do ...
david's user avatar
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4 answers

Get all the methods to break 100% into certain number of parts?

Being straight about the question, for a program I'm writing, I need to divide 100% into 5 parts. In my program, percentages incremented/decremented by 10%. So I can express my requirement in the ...
cipherdragon's user avatar
2 votes
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Computing subset reciprocals, $\frac1{a+b}+\frac1{a+c}+\frac1{b+c}$

I'm interested in computing the sum $$ H_k = \sum_{S\subseteq T, |S|=k} \frac{1}{\sum_{s\in S} s}, $$ where $T$ is some set of integers. Obviously this can be done in $|T|^k$ time, enumerating all ...
Thomas Ahle's user avatar
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Can we find a proper $\phi$ so that maps each interval to its center?

For a compact interval $[0,1]$, we divide it into $N^{1/3}$ subintervals with length $N^{-1/3}$. Define a map $\phi: [0,1]\mapsto [0,1]$ maps each subintervals to its center. For example, let $X\sim ...
Hermi's user avatar
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Algorithm verification: Get all the combinations of possible words

I wanted to know if the algorithm that i wrotte just below in python is correct. My goal is to find an algorithm that print/find all the possible combinaison of words that can be done using the ...
X0-user-0X's user avatar

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