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10 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Partition problem where partition are in increasing order.

For given $n$ and $S$, how many possible combinations are there such that: $x_1 + x_2 + .. + x_n = S $ $\forall i, x_i \leq x_{i+1}$ $\&$ $x_i \geq 1$ For example, if $n$ = 3 and $S$ = 5, there ...
Srinath's user avatar
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Difference Sets

suppose we have a set $$P=\{p_1,p_2,...,p_K\}$$ where $$1\leq p_k\leq N , k=1,...,K \qquad \& \quad p_k \in \mathbb{N} $$ and $p_k$'s are distinct. We calculate the differences as: $$d=p_i-p_j\mod ...
Mahdi Khosravi's user avatar
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Can we find a proper $\phi$ so that maps each interval to its center?

For a compact interval $[0,1]$, we divide it into $N^{1/3}$ subintervals with length $N^{-1/3}$. Define a map $\phi: [0,1]\mapsto [0,1]$ maps each subintervals to its center. For example, let $X\sim ...
Hermi's user avatar
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Algorithm to find maximum sum over weighted overlapping intervals

Suppose we are given n open intervals $(a_1, b_1), ..., (a_n, b_n)$, with interval $i$ being assigned a weight $w_i$ for all $i$. Define a "good subset" of intervals to be a subset of those $...
jxia1234's user avatar
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Number of combinations of increasing tuples given their sum

A tuple is represented by $(a_i,a_{i-1},...,a_1)$ where $a_i<a_{i-1}$ and $i \in \{2...N\}$ So, valid tuples are $(1,2,3,4)$ and $(2,5,9,41)$ You are given the sum of these tuples $a_i + a_{i-1}...
user3112191's user avatar
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Understanding the optimality bound for Greedy algorithm in maximization of monotone submodular functions

I am trying to understand whether the Greedy algorithm guarantee for maximization of monotone submodular functions with a cardinality constraint is a lower bound on the performance. This is the ...
hunterlineage's user avatar
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Ordering of points based on their relative positions (limited info incl. errors)

I am currently working on a problem which I assume mathematicians have already solved. Setup: I have $N$ people standing in a line. Each of them is assigned with a different number between $1$ to $N$. ...
ScienceEnthusiast's user avatar
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Runtime Complexity of Memoization

I am struggling to analyze the runtime complexity of the following algorithm formally: Given a string s and a dictionary of words dict(wordDict), add spaces in s to construct a sentence where each ...
penny's user avatar
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Expected size of a set with iterative probabilistic growth

We exhaustively compare every item in set $A$ to the items in set $B$, where $A\cap B=\emptyset$, to look for matches. We repeat this across iterations, where at every iteration, $|A|=n\gt 0$. At ...
WD40andTape's user avatar
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Algorithm to order and partition a set of of (n,m) pairs with constraints.

I ran into this problem while looking at Google API distance matrix service. Say you have a collection of a few million (origins, destinations) unique pairs/2 column table like (address, zip) for ...
Mitran's user avatar
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