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22 votes
6 answers

Proving surjectivity of some map from a power set to a subset of integers.

We assign to every element $i$ from $N=\{1,2,...,n\}$ a positive integer $a_i$. Suppose $$a_1+a_2+...+a_n = 2n-2$$ then prove that map $T: \mathcal{P}(N) \to \{1,2,...,2n-2\}$ defined with $$T(X) = \...
nonuser's user avatar
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15 votes
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Recovering a binary function on a lattice by studying its sum along closed paths

I have a binary function $f:\mathbb N^2\rightarrow\{0,1\}$. While I do not known $f$ explicitly, I have a "device" located at the origin $(1,1)$ which can do the following: Given an even ...
GSofer's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Placing n points in a MxM square grid

I am facing an apparently well-known problem: placing $n$ points in a discrete grid so that the points are 'evenly' distributed. By evenly I mean that I would like the density of points to be nearly ...
user138228's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Algorithm for least required matches to rank players in tournament

Assuming the following conditions: A higher skill level always beats a lower skill level. Given n players, each have a distinct skill level compared to the other (n-1). If player A has beat player B, ...
CuriousDeveloper's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

In this checkerboard problem, is there a way to tell if any two situations are equivalent?

There is an infinite square grid chessboard with chess pieces placed on certain squares. There is at most one piece in a grid. We can perform the following operations each time: Split: Select a chess ...
Aly_'s user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

What's the number of decibinary numbers that evaluate to given decimal number?

Let's define a decibinary number system, where each bit (or digit) can range from $0$ to $9$, but it's place value corresponds to the one in the binary system. For example: $$(2020)_{decibinary} = 2 \...
Tomasz Bartkowiak's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

a semi-hard problem on combinatory

I ran into a nice interview question. the problem is as follows: We have array of $n$ integers. for $1 \leq i \leq j \leq n$. we want to set $c_{ij}$= Sum of all values in the range $i$ to $j$ of ...
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5 votes
2 answers

Construct $4 \times 4$ magic square with fixed "1"

The method I have found to generate $4\times 4$ magic squares gives me a result in which the number "1" is at of the corners of the square. How can we extend this to a method to generate a magic ...
Susan_Math123's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How many ways are there to bag the marbles?

Suppose we have $n$ marbles each tagged with numbers $1$ through $n$. We have bags which are allowed to contain things where a thing is defined as either $\text{(a)}$ a marble or $\text{(b)}$ another ...
MathematicsStudent1122's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Count Number of Sequences

The question is: Given a sequence of positive integers A={1,2,3,...,N}. Count the number of sequences you can get after making K swaps between adjacent element on it for a given N ? My approach: My ...
user3757909's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

Number of lines of $3$ points in an arrangement of points and lines

It is well known that a finite set of $n$ points cannot form more than $$\bigg\lfloor \frac{n(n-3)}{6} \bigg\rfloor+1 $$ lines that include $3$ points. Would this result still hold if we assume that ...
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4 votes
2 answers

Finding counterfeit coins

Suppose I have $N$ rare coins, of which $M \le N$ are counterfeits. I am blind. I ask an oracle who charges me a penny to tell me in yes/no answers whether there is a counterfeit in any group I show ...
player100's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Printing neatly

I'm working on the following problem (which is not my actual question) Consider the problem of neatly printing a paragraph with a monospaced font (all characters having the same width). The input ...
C.C.'s user avatar
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1 answer

Algorithm for generating restricted integer composition of N in k parts from interval [a,b] given the lexicographic number.

Consider the restricted compositions of $6$ in four parts from integers $\{1, 2, 3\}$. ...
Abu Bakar's user avatar
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What is the minimum number of squares to be drawn on a paper in order to obtain an 8x8 table divided into 64 unit squares? [closed]

What is the minimum number of squares to be drawn on a paper in order to obtain an $8\times8$ table divided into $64$ unit squares. Notes: -The squares to be drawn can be of any size. -There ...
Guest47812's user avatar

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