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Cardinal of a set of integers with symmetry relations

Context In computational chemistry, there are two-electron integrals noted $(ij|kl)$ for integers (i,j,k,l) between 1 and K. The explicit expression of $(ij|kl)=\int dx_1dx_2 \chi_i(x_1)\chi_j(x_1)\...
L Maxime's user avatar
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Induction does not preserve ordering between cardinality of sets?

Consider building a binary tree and consider it as a collection of points and edges. Here is one with five levels, numbered level $1$ at the top with $1$ node to level $5$ at the bottom with $16$ ...
jdods's user avatar
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Group action & cardinality of a set.

You can find here more details and explanation on this question. Question: Let $n$ be a non-negative integer. For any family $ (i_1, \ldots, i_r) $ of non-negative integers such that $ i_1 + \ldots + ...
OffHakhol's user avatar
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Constructing a bijection between $\mathbb{N}^2$ and $\{(x, y) \in \mathbb{N}^2: x \geq y\}$

Bijection between $\mathbb{N}^2$ and $\{(x, y) \in \mathbb{N}^2: x \geq y\}$. My idea is to walk diagonally on $\mathbb{N}^2$, starting from $(0, 0)$, then to $(1, 0)$, $(0, 1)$ etc. Hopefully I can ...
Edward Cheung's user avatar
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what is the Cardinality of subsets of Z of size 3

I need to find out the cardinality of the subsets of Z of size 3, |N| = א0 |R| = א, thats how we defined it in class. My idea is to build a ZxZ matrix, we can see that the subsets of size 2 are all ...
Gary's user avatar
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How can I prove $|A_1 \cup A_2 \cup ... \cup A_n|=|A_1|+|A_2|+...+|A_n|$ using induction?

For pairwise disjoint sets $A_1,A_2,...,A_n$ how can I prove that: $|A_1 \cup A_2 \cup ... \cup A_n|=|A_1|+|A_2|+...+|A_n|$ using induction and the 2-set addition rule? 2-set addition rule: $|A_i \...
Cotton Headed Ninnymuggins's user avatar
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Cardinality of a subset of euclidean space

Let $0<h, r\in \mathbb{R}$ be given and let $V\subseteq \mathcal{R}^k$ be the point $u, v\in\mathbb{R}^k$ such that $2h<||u-v||\leq r$. In my reseach, I need to find cardinality of $B(u, s)\cap ...
user479859's user avatar
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Number of elements in $Z^n$ with norm 2 less than some positive B [duplicate]

Is there any result or tight bound on the cardinal of : $\{\textbf{z}\in\mathbb{Z}^n / \lVert\textbf{z}\rVert_2 \leq B\}$ for some positive $B$. Did not find any topic on this, sorry if it is a dupe.....
Hlen's user avatar
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Prove that a field of a set has $2^r$ elements if it has finite cardinality.

Prove that a field of a set $A$ has $2^r$ elements if it has finite cardinality. The definition of algebra is given here "" My try: I was trying to ...
Ri-Li's user avatar
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Is there bijection from set of multisets (of same cardinality) to the set of their ordered pairs?

Problem: Let $ A $ be a set of multisets of the same cardinality. Does there exist a bijection between $ A $ and the set of ordered pairs from all multisets in $ A $? Examples: $ A = \{ [1,1] , [1,2] ,...
hazelnut_116's user avatar
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Stuck with a proof regarding cardinality

Problem: For any set $A$, finite or infinite, let $B^{A}$ be the set of all functions mapping $A$ into the set $B=\{0,1\}$. Show that the cardinality of $B^{A}$ is the same as the cardinality of the ...
Alphen Doon's user avatar
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Counting question and cardinality

A football league contains $6$ teams. During the season each team plays two matches against each other team. The result of each match is a draw or a win for one or other team. How many matches are ...
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Choose whether or not the given sets are equinumerous to $\mathbb{N}^\mathbb{N}$.

Which of the following sets are equinumerous with $\mathbb{N}^\mathbb{N}$? (i) $\mathbb{N} $ (ii) $\mathbb{R}$ (iii) $2^\mathbb{R}$ (iv) $\mathbb{N} \times \mathbb{R}$ (v) $\mathbb{R}^\mathbb{R}$ (vi) ...
skyWalker327's user avatar
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How should I interpret this diagram showing the bijection from $(a,b)$ to $\mathbb{R}$

In Chapter 1 of Pugh's Real Mathematical Analysis, Pugh gives the following picture: I'm aware of other proofs to this like this one: bijection from (a,b) to R but I'm interested in understanding how ...
Spectacles4's user avatar
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Almost disjoint families on uncountable sets

Suppose that $\Gamma$ is an infinite set. Let us say that a family $\mathscr A$ of subsets of $\Gamma$ is almost disjoint, whenever for any two distinct sets $A_1, A_2\in \mathscr{A}$ the intersection ...
Tomasz Kania's user avatar
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