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Questions tagged [applications]

The [application] tag is meant for questions about applications of mathematical concepts and theorems to a more practical use (e.g. real world usage, less-abstract mathematics, etc.)

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What is the equation and area under curve for Covid load dynamics?

Covid virions on infection, replicate exponentially and once the body's defense system starts attacking it then it also seems to decrease exponentially. Source The time period when the PCR test is ...
Hari Kumar's user avatar
8 votes
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Negative Numbers in Math & Physics

We say that $-4 < -2$ and that $-3 < 0$ and that $-192 < 24$. I'm aware that there are simple, easily understandable definitions for less than / greater than / equal to e.g. $a < b$ iff ...
Hudjefa's user avatar
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Calculating Rate of Change and using differentials to project 3 years from now

Currently, BC is helping $R=5,000$ refugees. The number of refugees that BC must help is rising at a rate of $\frac{dR}{dt}=1,000$ refugees per year. Currently, the number of staff members is $N=100$ ...
user20194358's user avatar
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Heat from a geothermal well: your take?

Imagine digging a cylinder-shaped (vertical) bore-well of depth $L$ and diameter $r$ ($L\gg r$). The (infinitely thin) cylinder-wall is made watertight and we split the well in half using a kind of ...
5th decile's user avatar
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How taut must a stretchable, horizontally-oriented string be in order for a straight line to approximate the string to within a given margin of error? [closed]

My question deals with a string that can stretch due to its own weight. If the string is allowed to stretch then I'd assume there would always be a bit of a bulge due to gravity. The only progress I'...
Simon M's user avatar
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Simulating Particle motion on a surface

I am working on a personal project to model the motion of a particle on a surface. Using calculus, I parametrized a surface and then found the normal vector to that surface. Using that normal vector, ...
tabatuby's user avatar
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Why is the transpose so useful?

I am learning linear algebra using the textbook Linear Algebra Done Right, trying to understand the subject through a logical, pure math perspective. I'm, simultaneously, learning applied linear ...
Mani's user avatar
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Why all the inequalities?

I have recently seen questions involving bizarre inequalities, usually consisting of cycling over variables; here's one example (see also related links): $$\sum\limits_{cyc}\frac{1}{\sqrt{2a^2+5ab+2b^...
David Raveh's user avatar
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Exercise 1-28 A high school lottery uses two sets of numbered balls...

Exercise 1-28 A high school lottery uses two sets of numbered balls. One set consists of ten white balls numbered 1-10 and the second set contains twenty blue balls numbered 1-20. To play, you select ...
ihavenoidea's user avatar
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Extending baker's percentages to preferment recipes

I'm trying to solve a simple problem I created for myself. I'm no mathematician, so any help is greatly appreciated. Background In baking and "baker's math", the amount of each ingredient is ...
William H's user avatar
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Markov Process for fuel consumption

Say I have a gas station where cars arrive to refuel. I know that if the waiting times between arrivals is exponentially distributed with mean $1/\lambda$ time-units, then I can model the number of ...
CVC's user avatar
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Is state space representation useful for nonlinear control systems?

I understand that the state space representation is mathematically equivalent to the transfer function representation for linear systems, and that it allows us to solve the corresponding DE by finding ...
Mikayla Eckel Cifrese's user avatar
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Efficiency of RREF algorithms

Compute the RREF of the following matrix :$$\begin{bmatrix}1&-1&2&-3&7\\4&0&3&1&9\\2&-5&1&0&-2\\3&-2&-2&10&-12\end{bmatrix}$$ My friend ...
DatBoi's user avatar
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Is measure theory only for integrals?

I am trying to self-study probabilistic measure theory after completing my undergrad degree, and I am curious if there are more interesting applications of measure theory aside from Lebesgue ...
Pat's user avatar
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If his overall profit for the year was $\$104.50$, and he invested $300 more in commodities than in REITs, how much was allocated to each investment?

Through monthly deductions from his salary, Noah managed to accumulate 4800 per month last year for his future sabbatical trip. His savings account yielded 4.2% interest, his real estate investment ...
user20194358's user avatar
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Applications of Gröbner bases for beginners

What are some applications of Gröbner bases that could be interesting to a group of students that more or less only studied Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 of Ideals, Varieties, and Algorithms by David A. Cox ...
johnyy's user avatar
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Are there any applied mathematics problems which require a set with cardinality greater than the Reals?

I am just asking in general if problems arise in physics, astronomy, or biology which require large cardinalities, i.e. beyond the Reals?
Douglas Gray's user avatar
15 votes
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Best way to cut a pineapple ring?

I like to prepare pineapples by first cutting it into rounds and then slicing off the skin with a roast beef slicer. This leaves me with a hexagon "ring" around a circular core: I then don'...
Hovercouch's user avatar
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Where to apply binomial expansion?

I would like to know where I could apply the expression as part of other equation $$\bigg( 1 + \frac{x}{r} \bigg)^r$$ considering $r \in Z$. It means, in what kind of problem I can use this expression....
K Z Nobrega's user avatar
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Help in understanding this exercise (Linear Algebra)

I need some help in understanding the precise request of this exercise. Let the vectors of the plane be identified with oriented segments exiting from a fixed point, and let's identify $\mathcal{V}^2$...
Heidegger's user avatar
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Useful length of Pi?

Not sure where this really fits, so am trying Mathematics first. Feel free to migrate to another StackExchange forum if more appropriate elsewhere. So I was listening to a podcast yesterday that was ...
Milwrdfan's user avatar
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Perplexity over the proof of linearity for an application

Be $F(x, y) = 3x + 4y$. I have to prove it's a linear appliction. I am confused about the way to proceed. Is this the right way to proceed? $$F(x_1 + x_2, y_1 + y_2) = 3(x_1 + x_2) + 4(y_1 + y_2) = ...
Heidegger's user avatar
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Is this vector function linear?

I am having problems in understanding the following exercise: $$F: \mathbb{R}\to \mathbb{R}^2; \qquad F(x) = (2x, 3y)$$ I have to say if it's linear. I am having troubles in understanding where does ...
Heidegger's user avatar
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Error while calculating force in 2D flow around a circle

This is statement of the exercise: In this exercise we consider as example the case of a disk of radius R centered at the origin of coordinates immersed in a fluid of density σ and velocity field $u(x,...
Guillermo Fuentes Morales's user avatar
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Does removing an open set from topology in $\mathbb{R}$ and associated open sets leads to $\mathbb{R}$ having trivial topology?

Suppose we have $\mathbb{R}$ with the standard topology, and we remove a ball $(a- \epsilon, a+\epsilon)$ from the topology, then what topology do we get, provided we remove only the minimum number of ...
Cathartic Encephalopathy's user avatar
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Can the Wiener-Khinchin theorem be correctly applied to a periodic sound signal (such as a sine wave)?

The theorem speaks about a wide-sense stationary random process. Is, for example, a sine wave with a period 1/400 s considered a WSS (or, in general, a periodic sound signal with multiple frequency ...
Milly's user avatar
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Linear and almost linear Partial differential equations examples in Sciences

I am interested in learning linear and almost linear PDEs of first order to describe some system or process however I want to learn by real world examples of such a application.Do you know any such ...
Volpina's user avatar
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Examples of a gradient flow

Suppose we have a gradient flow in $\mathbb{R}^n$ : $$\frac{d}{dt}x(t)=-\nabla F(x(t)), \qquad x(0)=x_0.$$ where $F : \mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}$ and $x : \mathbb{R}_+ \to \mathbb{R}^n$. What are ...
opio's user avatar
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How do elements in the algebraic closure of $\mathbb{Q}$ look like?

If one asks give examples of polynomial with coefficients in $\mathbb{Q}$ who don't have zeros in $Q$, simple examples given are: $x^2-3,x^3-3$. All of these have roots of form $(n)^{\frac{1}{m} }$. ...
Cathartic Encephalopathy's user avatar
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Classifying divergent sequences in a metric space

To my understanding, in $\mathbb{R}$, we have the following ways in which a sequence can diverge: The sequence could diverge off into $\infty$ or $-\infty$ (relevant generalization) Divergence by ...
Cathartic Encephalopathy's user avatar
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What is an actual application problem (probability, weather) that uses the binomial series? Does it solve anything?

I'm just trying to figure out what the purpose is of the binomial series? What does it tell us? I did a search and found something talking about probability and weather predicting, but I'd like to see ...
StayGoldPaulyBoy's user avatar
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Manipulating divergent series for practical applications

I have a series summation of the form $$ \tag{1} S(x) = \sum_{i = -\infty}^{\infty} (-1)^{i}\left[\Phi\left(2ix\right) - \Phi\left((2i-2)x\right)\right], $$ where $\Phi(.)$ is the standard normal ...
ck1987pd's user avatar
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Real world example of an equation with no solution? [closed]

I have just started reading basic algebra and I have this curiosity that came up when solving basic linear equations. Some equations have no solutions. Are there any real world example of equations ...
Abhishek Kumar's user avatar
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Is there any practical use for octonions? [closed]

Quaternions are useful for describing orientation/ rotations in 3- dimensions, however is there much practical use for an 8-dimensional base hyper complex number id est Octonions?
Olly Doe's user avatar
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How does the Pareto distribution represent the 80-20 rule?

According to the current Wikipedia article: The Pareto principle or "80-20 rule" stating that 80% of outcomes are due to 20% of causes was named in honour of Pareto, but the concepts are ...
jskattt797's user avatar
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What is the formula for cumulative compound interest? [closed]

I would like to start with a principal amount (P) in year 0, then add compound interest (C) to it for year 1, and then add that total value to the starting amount. So for example: P=1000 C=2.5% For ...
AndyGuest13's user avatar
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Representing Submodular Functions As Maxima of Additive Functions

According to this paper, "every submodular function can be represented as a maximum of additive valuations." It gives an algebraic description as well, but I am having trouble internalizing ...
user10478's user avatar
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What are the applications of reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces? (outside of statistics/machine learning)

I'd like to learn about some applications of RKHSs outside of machine learning and statistics. For instance, do they feature in physics (maybe quantum mechanics)? It would good to have a brief ...
user27182's user avatar
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Two questions re. the calculation of total mass in a rod of non-uniform density

I am currently learning about applying integration techniques to the calculation of mass in a rod of varying density. I feel as if I understand the general picture, but I have some specific points of ...
Mahdi Rkioui's user avatar
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Is there an algorithm for finding the approximate nearest neighbour from an extremely large number of vectors?

Let's say I have some vector $n$ of length 10, and I also have a bag (i.e. multiset) of 1000 numbers, $m$: $$n = [0.2, 0.3, 0.0, 0.5, 0.8, 0.9, 0.2, 0.6, 1.0, 0.4]$$ $$m = \{0.1, 0.3, 0.7, 0.3, 0.5, 0....
Isaac al-Hazen's user avatar
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Linear application on finite dimensional product space

Consider the set of probability measure $M(X\times Y)$ on $X\times Y$ with $X$ and $Y$ finite dimensional spaces (for example euclidean or discrete space). Consider the application $f:M(X\times Y)\to \...
chaki chaki's user avatar
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Applications of homological algebra in the sciences and engineering

I am looking for elementary applications/examples of the usage of homological algebra in the sciences/engineering. Ideally I am looking for examples that would be accessible to bright undergraduate ...
ಠ_ಠ's user avatar
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Understanding and Applying the Half Life Formula

Struggling with this question here: "One percent of a substance disintegrates in $100$ years. What is its half life?" I'm not understanding how to apply the formula $T=\dfrac {\ln 2}k$ to ...
yallah's user avatar
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Simplest application of Picard-Lindelöf in the sciences

I am teaching single-variable real analysis and I want to give the students a concrete example of application of the Picard--Lindelöf theorem for a first-order ODE $$ \frac{dx}{dt}=f(t,x),$$ where $t$ ...
Gabriele Benedetti's user avatar
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Applications of angles in infinite-dimensional inner product spaces

For finite dimentional inner product spaces, the concept of angle between two vectors is widely used in geometry and in physics. Are there any applications of this concept in infinite dimensional ...
Carla_'s user avatar
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Derive a formula for the least squares solution with two column vectors

I am new to this least square solution. If a and b are column vectors in $\Bbb R^N$, then wouldn't the least square solution of a$x$=b be $A^TAx = A^Tb$? I am really having a hard to visualizing this.
Mathstudent's user avatar
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Generalized version of Routh's theorem

I am studying the dynamics of vortices in simply connected domains, in other words, in regions that are conformally equivalent to the circle. Then, through the theory of conformal maps, the ...
Júlio César's user avatar
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I Prove Something is a Category. Now What?

So I am just getting more into category theory, and particularly curious about the applied branches. So this question might come off as terribly naive, since I have not had much exposure to category ...
JDThinking's user avatar
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How can we use Cardano's method to solve a real life problem?

I am making a math project for my school. We can make it on any topic, but should involve some college level math. I have chosen 'Cardano's method' as my topic. I will be showing the method to solve a ...
Deepani Agarwal's user avatar
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Applications of Pluripotential Theory in real world

I am reading for a math PhD with research in Pluripotential Theory (a subfield in Several Complex Variables). I particularly do study and develop theory related to extremal functions associated with a ...
Extremal's user avatar
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