
Suppose we have the torus with equation $1-\left(\sqrt{x^2+y^2}-3\right)^2=z^2$. We choose two randomly chosen points inside it with a uniform distribution. I want to find the average distance between two randomly chosen points inside it.

Picking two points inside the torus

However, I did an attempt to calculate it. I chose an horizontal angle $\theta$, two angles that define a rotation with respect to the cross section of the torus, $\phi_1$ and $\phi_2$. Both points can be placed on two circunferences parallel to the xy plane, with equations:

$$C_1: \left(3+r_1cos(\phi_1)\right)=x^2+y^2,z=r_1sin(\phi_1)$$ $$C_2: \left(3+r_2cos(\phi_2)\right)=x^2+y^2,z=r_2sin(\phi_2)$$ $$ 0\le \phi_1\lt2\pi, 0\le \phi_2\lt2\pi, 0\le \theta\lt2\pi, 0\le r_1\lt 1, 0\le r_1\lt 1$$

And $r_1$ and $r_2$ define a circunference of radius $r_1$ and $r_2$.

Then the weights are $\left(3+r_1cos(\phi_1)\right)$, $\left(3+r_2cos(\phi_2)\right)$, $r_1$ and $r_2$, and:


The points are:

$$P_1=\left(3+r_1cos(\phi_1),0,r_1sin(\phi_1)\right)$$ $$P_2=\left(\left(3+r_2cos(\phi_2)\right)cos(\theta),\left(3+r_2cos(\phi_2)\right)sin(\theta),r_2sin(\phi_2)\right)$$

Therefore, the average distance is:


However, I don't know wether this integral has closed form, can be evalueted in some way or if there is another method to find the average distance, because I have no idea if a probability density function for the distances can be found. Is this well done?



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