
Question if anybody knows, I had signed the lease in April 2022 by August September. I was already in it with the landlord. Because there had consistently been issues, my bathroom ceiling had fallen in, the rats were ridiculous. There was roaches he would do nothing about any of it. I still had this gaping hole in my Ceiling. And he knew about the water damage from the time that I moved in in April. However, he did nothing to correct it. I have all of that in maintenance logs, but I had written him a notice that I was going to stop paying rent until he fixed the issues. He turns around retaliates and files for eviction. However, I didn't realize it at the time, but the picture that he had submitted as evidence for the notice is not even my door so I have pictures of both showing the differences in the number ones because it's obvious, but I ended up losing the money that I had put up for rent so. I wasn't able to put it into the court. So, he ended up getting the judgment against me, but I had nowhere else to go, so I ended up rounding up the money and I paid the man. All of the money I owed for rent plus his lawyers fees and such, so I stayed and then literally right after I had paid everything. My apartment burnt down because I had Lynn. A fire in my fireplace and he had not told me that the fireplace chimney was bad. He knew about it, but did not tell me about it. This apartment had no other heat, so I had to use the heater. It was Christmas and it was cold. Well, it ended up burning about 4 apartments down and from there. I never heard from the man again. He never responded to me wanting to get my deposits back to find another place to live. And then when I logged into his site where you pay, he has been charging me rent with the place inhabitable. It was deemed inhabitable and he has charged me the entire time plus more lawyers fees. I want to take it to court, but I think I want to do them separately. Like I want to address my deposit separate. And then civilly about his negligence. And I'm just trying to figure out the best way to title a motion, I feel like it's a lot of things happening. And I don't want a bombard the court. I need to address the fact that he failed to notify me for the original hearing. Isn't that illegal like that's fraud? In my mind It's totally deceitful. He knew what he was doing. I wanna address the fact that he is not giving my last month's rent my deposit. And I absolutely want to put on the record how he was negligent and not telling me about the fireplace like. What else was I supposed to do not to? Mention that you're violating all of Florida law. As a landlord, by not having other heat sources. So I know that I have a case. I just need to figure out how to work it into the court. I guess so. Any suggestions on how I should file or go about that would be great. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much.


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