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Questions tagged [tzedakah-charity]

The mitzvah of charity, generally giving to the poor, In Hebrew צדקה, literally meaning "justice or righteousness."

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Giving to a "mission" collection

In some religions, people accept upon themselves some kind of "mission" to do whatever act to help others. In many cases, it involves collections to send to the poor, or to 3rd world countries. The ...
Y     e     z's user avatar
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When is it permissible to collect charity during prayer?

In my shul someone usually brings around the pushka (charity box) during the chazzan's repetition of shmoneh esrei. I have also heard that it is appropriate to give tzedaka during v'yivarech Dovid. ...
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Discriminatory charity

The Talmud Bavli (Bava Metzia' 71A; Original, English) teaches that "the poor of thine own town have prior rights" (עניי עירך קודמין). How does the Torah justify discriminatory charity? Why must "the ...
Lee's user avatar
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How can tzedakah to the needy of Israel be justified?

In the Yad, the Rambam gives a set of priorities about tzedakah that could be summarized "near before far" except for the #1 priority of ransoming the captive. (Matenot Aniyim, 10.5) How does giving ...
Rachel18's user avatar
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Can donating to a Gemach be ribbis?

Suppose that Reuven is strapped for cash. He goes to the local Gemach and gets a hefty $10,000 dollar loan for his daughter's wedding. 3 months later, Reuven manages to acquire the money and repays ...
yydl's user avatar
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Do non-Jews have the mitzvah of tzedoko?

Some one told me the Lubavicher Rebbe told non jews to do charity Are there sources that they have a commandment to do so? By them doing it it is only them doing a mitzvah they were not commanded to ...
hazoriz's user avatar
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Can Mishloach Manot count as Matanot Laevyonim and vice versa?

If I donate ready to eat food to a soup kitchen, or, even more directly, if I see 2 homeless men on the street on Purim and hand them each a sandwich and a drink, can that fulfill my obligation to ...
rosends's user avatar
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Why is Chametz burned instead of being donated to charity on Passover?

Slight preface: I’m Jewish, but secular at best. So I know “how things work” in some ways, but still have questions from my own perspective. That said, one aspect of Passover has always confused me: ...
Giacomo1968's user avatar
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Giving to the poor of your city first - home or workplace?

The poor of one's household take precedence over the poor of one's city, and the poor of one's city take precedence over the poor of another city, as implied by [Deuteronomy 15:11]: "[Open your hand ...
eramm's user avatar
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Should I donate money to non-jewish organizations that I've benefited from, or is it better to give that money to Jewish institutions?

I was thinking that on the one hand there may be an ענין to give to a non-Jewish organization that you've benefitted from (e.g. Wikipedia) as a way to train yourself in the middah of הכרת הטוב (...
DavidM's user avatar
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Tzedakah vs. Maaser

Can someone explain to me the difference between tzedaka and maaser? Is one the obligation to give daily, and the other the requirement to give 10% of yearly income? Can they overlap? Are some ...
SAH's user avatar
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What conditions must be met in order for voluntarily forgone income to count as tzedakah?

Suppose one has done work of some value for a charitable organization in exchange for money. This organization would normally qualify as a destination for tzedakah, and perhaps you have also given ...
Tal Fishman's user avatar
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Can I change my mind after I fill out a tzedaka form?

If I fill out an online submission form for charity, including the amount I wish to contribute, and then before I click submit I decide I don't want to give the money, is that considered reneging on a ...
Y     e     z's user avatar
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What is the mitzvah of tzedakah dependent on?

We learn in the Rambam commentary on Avos (3:19) that it is preferable to give a little bit of tzedakah to many people than a few large amounts to a few people. When does one fulfil the mitzvah of ...
Yaakov's user avatar
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Tzedakah and Maaser - one obligation or two?

I understand that the obligation to give Maaser from our income is a sub-category of the overall commandment to give Tzedakah but consider the following question: If I made a promise (Neder) to give ...
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