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Questions tagged [passover-seder-hagada]

The seder (ceremonial meal of the first night or two of Passover) and the haggadah (text used at that meal).

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Why the Placement of Pour Out Thy Wrath?

The paragraph "Pour Out Your Wrath" is in the Haggada after birchat hamazon and before Hallel. Why might it have been placed there?
Yehuda W's user avatar
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When did "Pour out your wrath" become widespread in Haggadot?

This website quotes Joseph Tabory as saying that the earliest known appearance of Pour Out Your Wrath in a Haggada was in the Machzor Vitry (p. 296) which dates back to around 1200 (See https://www....
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Mekor for Dayenu 'warfare' seder tradition

I recall seeing a minhag in which the participants enjoy hitting each other with scallions during Dayenu at the seder night. I don't know much about this but I was very curious on learning what is the ...
Renato S. Grun's user avatar
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Source of Chasal Sidur Pesach?

I have read that this piyut was intended to be recited on Shabbat Hagadol. Where does it first appear? Who wrote it?
Mark C's user avatar
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Chad Gadya Protects Us From Jealous Angels?

Someone told me in the name of Rav Ephraim Wachsman that after the angels see how much pleasure our Pesach Sedarim give Hashem, they become jealous, which creates an element of danger for Klal Yisroel....
NJM's user avatar
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Who said Moshe is missing from the Haggadah to emphasize HaShem?

Where is the source of the Vilna Gaon/the Gra or any commentator explaining that Moshe is left out of the haggadah (besides the one time he is mentioned) in order to show that it was Hashem who did ...
Dina's user avatar
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Hashem's name missing in Shir Hashirim

Why is Hashem's name missing in Shir Hashirim? The haggadah is so specific in mentioning Hashem's name over and over and instead leaves out Moshe's name (except one time). I'm wondering why then ...
Dina's user avatar
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Karpas - Samech Parech

I've heard many times from my Rabbeim throughout the years that כרפס is the same letters as ס' פרך, representing the 60 myriads of Jews who were forced to do עבודת פרך (often translated as crushing ...
Eliyahu's user avatar
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Why is red wine prescribed for Seder, and what does it represent?

I have not seen specific references describing what the red wine represent in the Seder, and why the red wine is preferred. I know Moses did not write about it, but the tradition of the cup developed ...
Michael16's user avatar
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Annus al pi haDibbur

In the Haggadah, we read that Ya'akov Avinu descended to Mitzrayim 'compelled by Divine decree.' Most understand this to mean that Ya'akov understood that his reunion with Yosef would begin the ...
Myron Chaitovsky's user avatar
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Seder night songs

In the מגיד section of the הגדה does anybody know if there are any songs/tunes for: יכול מראש חודש מעשה של ברבי אליעזר Any part of the section starting צא ולמד רבי יוסי הגלילי up to דינו
Ben Shaw's user avatar
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How can we make berachos after drinking during the Pesach Seder?

The Shulchan Aruch OC (99:1) writes שתה יין כדי רביעית אל יתפלל עד שיסיר יינו ואם שתה יותר אם הוא יכול לדבר לפני המלך אם התפלל תפלתו תפלה ואם אינו יכול לדבר לפני המלך אם התפלל תפלתו תועבה וצריך לחזור ...
NJM's user avatar
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Why does the wise son ask "eidus, chukim and {then} mishpatim"?

The wise son in the hagadah says "What are the eidus, chukim and mishpatim that Hashem, our G-d, commanded you {or "us" according to another version}?" The question is: It's known {...
B''H Bi'ezras -- Boruch Hashem's user avatar
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Why two kzaysim of matza?

I saw that one eats a kzayis from the whole matza, and a kzayis from the broken matza. One reason given is because one is supposed to eat from the matza that hamotzi was said on and also eat from the ...
Yitzchok's user avatar
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Why the mismatch between the Haggada's Dayenu and its summary?

In the Haggada in the part of Dayenu it ends off with אִלּוּ הִכְנִיסָנוּ לְאֶרֶץ יִשְׂרָאֵל וְלֹא בָנָה לָנוּ אֶת־בֵּית הַבְּחִירָה דַּיֵּנוּ. If He had brought us into the land of Israel and had ...
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