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Is one supposed to eat the zero'ah (shank bone) from the Seder plate?

I'd appreciate some clarity on this issue as I have heard and seen conflicting answers on this - in viewing various questions on this site as well as instructions in a haggadah. Here's some of what I ...
DanF's user avatar
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Why is karpas usually parsley?

Apparently, a variety of vegetables my be used for karpas. So, when and why has it become common to use parsley?
DanF's user avatar
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Is there a preferred charoset form?

I've seen charoset made like a paste and others made with loose, visible pieces of apples and nuts. Is there any halachic preference to either form?
DanF's user avatar
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Is there any halachic or recommended consistency needed for charoset?

I've seen charoset made in various consistencies. Some are chunky with loose pieces of apples and nuts in a bit of wine or grape juice - the wine is not incorporated into the mix, so the pieces are ...
DanF's user avatar
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When was matzah eaten besides for Pesach? (Chametz u'matza)

The first of four questions specifically says, "On all other nights we eat chametz or matza, why on this night only matza?" While I understand that it's halakhically acceptable to eat matzah when it ...
Charles Koppelman's user avatar
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Is there a custom not to eat roasted chicken at the Seder?

Does the custom to refrain from eating roasted meat at the Seder extend to chicken, turkey, and any other fowl one might serve roasted?
Seth J's user avatar
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What can I feed a vegetarian at my Pesach seder?

Wait wait, it's not a question for Seasoned Advice. :-) I have a vegetarian (not vegan) coming to my seder this year. Most of the vegetarian staples (as far as I know) are chametz or kitniyot. For ...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
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Hardboiled eggs and salt water at the Seder

I've participated in only 3 different families' Passover Seders, so my experience is limited in terms of different families' traditions. How widespread is the custom of eating a hardboiled egg in ...
Seth J's user avatar
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Preparing the Beitzah for the Seder Plate

What is the appropriate way to prepare the Beitzah for the Seder Plate?
Seth J's user avatar
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Can you eat the Beitza at the Seder?

The Halacha is not to eat roasted meat at the Seder, therfore you can not eat the Zeroa at the Seder. Can you eat the roasted egg (Beitza) at the Seder? (sources)
Gershon Gold's user avatar
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What type of Maror?

For Maror there are those that use lettuce, those that use endives, those that use fresh grated horseradish, or maybe something else. Is there a difference in what you use for Maror and what you use ...
Gershon Gold's user avatar
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Karpas - What do you use?

I have heard of potatoes, celery, scallion. What else do people use for Karpas? Is there one item that is more L'Chatchila than the others?
Gershon Gold's user avatar
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Do bananas make the best karpas?

For karpas at the seder, one is supposed to eat a food on which the blessing "borei pri ha'adama" is made. However, many of the most commonly used food items for karpas (e.g. parsley, raw onion, raw ...
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