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Why did the Gra not say an after-blessing after karpas?

Ma'aseh Rav 191 records the practice of the Gra at his seder: ומטבל בחומץ ומברך בפה"א ואוכל כזית ואינו מברך ברכה אחרונה ... ואומר אשר גאלנו ומברך בפה"ג ושותה הכוס He dips [the karpas] in ...
Joel K's user avatar
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Why no bracha on telling the story of the Exodus?

Relating the story of the Exodus is a Biblical commandment. Why is there no bracha on specifically that? An answer on this site says that we talk about the Exodus in the kiddush, but that does not ...
Yehuda W's user avatar
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why don't we say a brocho on the Hagadah?

B"H the rule is is that we usually say brochos over Mitvos that we do. Since it's a Mitzvah to tell over the story of going out of Egypt on the first night of Pesach [as it even says in the ...
B''H Bi'ezras -- Boruch Hashem's user avatar
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How can we make berachos after drinking during the Pesach Seder?

The Shulchan Aruch OC (99:1) writes שתה יין כדי רביעית אל יתפלל עד שיסיר יינו ואם שתה יותר אם הוא יכול לדבר לפני המלך אם התפלל תפלתו תפלה ואם אינו יכול לדבר לפני המלך אם התפלל תפלתו תועבה וצריך לחזור ...
NJM's user avatar
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Why two kzaysim of matza?

I saw that one eats a kzayis from the whole matza, and a kzayis from the broken matza. One reason given is because one is supposed to eat from the matza that hamotzi was said on and also eat from the ...
Yitzchok's user avatar
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Does the blessing on the karpas cover the pineapple eaten as dessert at the Pesach meal?

At the Pesach Seder, there is a custom to make a blessing “borei pri hoadomoh” on the karpas and have in mind that this will cover the moror when it is eaten later. There is a custom to make a ...
Avrohom Yitzchok's user avatar
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Why no bracha on the four cups of wine

Most of the time when doing a mitzvah, we say a bracha on the performance of the mitzvah itself (eating matza, lighting hanukkah candles, etc). On seder night, one of the most famous mitzvot is ...
Popular Isn't Right's user avatar
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Why does Hallel at the Seder not get a Bracha, according to the second opinion cited by the Tur?

The Tur (OC 473) cites two approaches regarding making a blessing on Hallel at the Seder: בענין ברכת ההלל איכא פלוגתא דרבוותא ריצב"א היה מברך עליו ב"פ אחת קודם אכילה ואחת אחר אכילה וכן היה נוהג ה"ר ...
DonielF's user avatar
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Brachos on the Pesach Seder

Why don’t we make a Bracha on any of the Mitzvos that we fulfill during the Seder if we are fulfilling our obligation of remembering the Exodus? Is each action of the Seder another Mitzvah? If yes, ...
Eli Schloss's user avatar
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Bracha of "Borei pri ha'adamah" for horseradish at the seder?

If a vegeatble that is normally eaten cooked and normally not eaten raw is eaten in its raw state, one should say shehakol instead of ha'adamah. I don't think raw horseradish is commonly eaten in the ...
DanF's user avatar
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Solution to eat more karpas [closed]

Based on this answer, the reason not to eat a kezayit of karpas is because of a safek whether you would have to make a borei nefashot if you do. if maror is covered by hamotzi, then the haadama on ...
Heshy's user avatar
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Why do we say an after-bracha only for the last of the four cups at the passover seders?

The hagadda has us say the Mein Shalosh after-bracha for wine for the 4th cup. Why do we say the after-bracha for that cup and not for each of the other 3 cups? Why are we not concerned about losing ...
Yehuda W's user avatar
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Why do we say ha-motzi before al achilat matzah instead of after?

I was taught that it's important not to make an interruption between a b'racha and its fulfillment, such that we don't say anything between making motzi and eating the bread. To me the b'racha is "...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
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Why does Rav Saadia Gaon say to make a bracha by Orchatz and Borei Nephashot after Karpas?

In the Siddur of Rav Saadia Gaon on page 136, where he discusses the Pesach Seder, he says that when we do Orchatz we are supposed to make a bracha, and after Karpas to say Borei Nephashot. However, ...
PixelArtDragon's user avatar
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Why do we make blessings on mitzvot d'rabbanan at the second seder?

As far as I know mitzvot such as eating marror or saying hallel at the Pesach seder are only rabbinic (the marror was biblical previously but I am told that is no longer so). If this is the case and ...
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