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Questions tagged [menorah--in-temple]

Candelabrum lit in the Holy Temple in Jerusalem

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What is the procedure in the temple if the menorah lights burned for more than 24 hours?

One of the forms of service in the temple was preparing and lighting the candles each new day. I would like to know what a kohen was supposed to do if he found that the flame in the menorah was ...
rikitikitembo's user avatar
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Regarding the lighting the menorah, what is the reason why Ashkenazim follow a Sefardic Authority and vice versa

Concerning the lighting of the Chanukah menorah, Ashkenazim follow the Rambam, who was a Sefardic authority who says, “Every member of a household should light their own Menorah.” Sefardim observe ...
Shmuel Goldstein's user avatar
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Midrash Pertaining to the Rekindling of the Menorah Commemorated by Chanukah

The predominant traditional explanation for the eight days of Chanukah is the miracle of the oil: there was only enough pure oil to keep the Menorah fueled for a single day but it miraculously lasted ...
Yirmeyahu's user avatar
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Who explains Aharon not deviating in this way?

In the beginning of Be'haaloscha, Rashi explains that Aharon lit the menorah in the same fashion each time. Which meforash elaborates on this pshat, explaining that he did it with the same vigor ...
ARM's user avatar
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The Menorah's Pommel Fruit / What fruit is it representing?

About the pommel on the menorah: I couldn't find the commentary about which fruit / flower it was supposed to represent. Was it the pomegranate?
Zacchino's user avatar
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Is the Arch of Titus mentioned by Chazal?

Is there any mention in Rabbinic sources (whether by the Tanaim, Amoraim, Rishonim, Achronim) about the Arch of Titus?
Renato S. Grun's user avatar
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Building copies of keilim from the Beis Hamikdash

The Gemara Avodah Zara .מג says: לא יעשה אדם בית תבנית היכל אכסדרה תבנית אולם חצר תבנית עזרה שולחן תבנית שולחן מנורה תבנית מנורה אבל הוא עושה של ה' ושל ו' ושל ח' ושל ז' לא יעשה אפילו של שאר מיני ...
Dani's user avatar
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How did the Menorah of pure gold remain standing?

Seeing that pure gold cannot remain in its functional shape for everyday use being that it's too bendable, how did the Menorah in the Mishkan not fall apart after a few months? The Torah says the ...
NJM's user avatar
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What is meant by "pure" oil for Hanukka?

The concept of "pure" oil is central to the holiday of Hanukka (see, for example, and
Yehuda W's user avatar
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Did the Rabbis err when they stipulated an eight branch menorah for the celebration of Hanukkah?

I fully understand the rationale for an eight branched menorah. Considering the Nes, etc. And I am aware that the Talmud states that it is prohibited to use a seven-lamp menorah outside of the Temple. ...
chanina Yaacov's user avatar
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Did the כלי המקדש (menorah, shulchan, etc) need to be made לשמה?

When they were made did they need to be made leshem menoras hamikdash, leshem shulchan shel hamikdash, etc?
Dovid's user avatar
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Temple Institute menorah

Recently I was zoche to visit Eretz Yisroel, and my family went on the Temple Institute (Mechon Hamikdash) tour, very interesting. They showed their beautiful menorah, which they said had been made ...
MichoelR's user avatar
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Do the words menorah and Torah have the same root in Hebrew?

I'm studying the parashat Behaaloscha, the part where Aharon kindle de Menorah. I read that the meaning of Menorah has to do with 'Tora Study. I'm from Brazil where we speak Portuguese and the words ...
Fernanda Tavares's user avatar
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Any sources that the human body is a Menorah?

Michael Stevens released an astounding video where he proved that the human body topologically resembles a 7 branched Menorah (17 minutes in). There are 7 "through holes" (complete holes; ie: a ...
Moshe's user avatar
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ki tisa: menorah versus menorah ha'tehorah

In parashat Ki Tisa two similar passages are written regarding the Ohel Mo'ed (Tent of Meeting). In the first (Shemot 30:27) Moshe Rabbenu is ordered to anoint the kelim with the shemen mischat-kodesh,...
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