Cantieri navali

Trieste, TS 330.700 follower

We bring on board of our ships a green and digital future. #FutureOnBoard

Chi siamo

Fincantieri is one of the world’s largest shipbuilding groups and number one by diversification and innovation. And we bring future on board. We are the change we want to bring to the global Industry. We are leader in the realization and life cycle management of all high value-added sectors: cruise ship, naval and offshore vessels and a reference player in all high-tech shipbuilding industry’s sectors, ship repairs and conversions, systems and components production and after-sales services. Headquartered in Trieste (Italy), our Group has built more than 7,000 vessels in over 230 years of maritime history. With almost 20,000 employees, of whom more than 7,800 in Italy, 90.000 job roles, 18 shipyards in 4 continents, today Fincantieri is the leading Western shipbuilder. We have among our clients the major cruise operators, the Italian and the U.S. Navy, in addition to several foreign navies, and we are partner of some of the main European defense companies within supranational programmes.

Sito Web
Cantieri navali
Dimensioni dell’azienda
Oltre 10.001 dipendenti
Sede principale
Trieste, TS
Società quotata
Settori di competenza
Ship design, Ship repair and conversion, Shipbuilding, Marine systems production, System integrator, Naval architecture, R&D and innovation, Renewable energies e Project management


Dipendenti presso FINCANTIERI


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    330.700 follower

    The new challenge to revolutionize marine propulsion systems passes through Cassino, where today we inaugurated the production plant of POWER4FUTURE Spa, a joint venture between our FINCANTIERI SI and #FaistGroup . This strategic center aims to produce lithium-ion modules, battery packs, and energy storage systems entirely on national soil, a true "gigafactory" where the batteries of the future can be envisioned and created. An ambitious project realized also thanks to the support of a Development Contract authorized by #MIMIT and managed by Invitalia on behalf of the Ministry, aimed at establishing a new production unit and carrying out a research and development project for new energy systems, capable of creating 60 new jobs. The event, attended by our CEO Pierroberto Folgiero, Power4Future CEO Fabio Patti, Fincantieri SI CEO Piero Grillo, the President of Faist Limited Gianfranco NATALI, the Head of Major Investments at Invitalia Stefano Piccaluga and the Rector of the University of Cassino Marco Dell’Isola, concluded with the ribbon-cutting of the semi-automatic lithium-ion module and battery pack line, and the opening of the expo area. “The most significant challenge is decarbonization, and with Power4Future, we are laying the foundation to create a new electric propulsion system that has enormous implications for the entire electrification system of the country”, commented our CEO Folgiero during the event. Best wishes to Power 4 Future for this important milestone in their journey towards a future of sustainable innovation. #Fincantieri #FutureOnBoard #Energy #Innovation #Sustainability Ministero delle Imprese e del Made in Italy Loretana Cortis FAIST Holdings

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    330.700 follower

    Siamo orgogliose e orgogliosi di aver ricevuto il premio “Azienda Ambasciatrice per i diritti delle donne” durante i Differenza Donna Awards 2024, istituiti da #DifferenzaDonna per premiare le realtà e le persone di rilievo che si sono distinte nell’affermazione della piena cittadinanza e autodeterminazione delle donne.   Con Differenza Donna stiamo lavorando simultaneamente a due iniziative. La prima è un programma di sensibilizzazione sul tema della violenza di genere attraverso webinar dedicati a tutta la nostra popolazione aziendale. La seconda è il progetto “Antenne”: tramite candidatura spontanea, oltre 60 colleghe/i stanno partecipando ad un percorso di formazione che consentirà loro di ascoltare, supportare e orientare le donne vittime di violenza. Molte altre iniziative sono state messe in campo dal nostro Gruppo: dalla convention Respect for Future dello scorso novembre ai roadshow che, nel corso del 2024, portano nei nostri cantieri italiani la prevenzione e la lotta a tutte le forme di violenza, fino all’apertura di 10 Punti Viola presso le nostre sedi, luoghi sicuri per chi dovesse trovarsi per strada in una situazione di pericolo.    Ringraziamo Differenza Donna per questo riconoscimento, e tutte le nostre persone che ogni giorno si impegnano per costruire un mondo del lavoro più sicuro e inclusivo.   #Fincantieri #FutureOnBoard #EveryDEI Associazione Differenza Donna APS

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di FINCANTIERI, immagine

    330.700 follower

    Le stupende immagini dal varo del PPA Domenico Millelire a Riva Trigoso ci mostrano ancora una volta il cuore che batte dentro ciascuna delle nostre navi. Un lavoro di squadra che unisce manualità, ingegneria, testa d’opera, passione e competenza. La forza di un Gruppo che si vede negli occhi delle nostre persone, un patrimonio di storia e tradizione con cui portare orgogliosamente il futuro a bordo. Grazie a tutti voi, per realizzare ogni giorno insieme a noi gli obiettivi più ambiziosi. #Fincantieri #FutureOnBoard #People

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    330.700 follower

    Su “L’Economia” del Corriere un approfondimento sui tanti risultati raggiunti dal Gruppo per la parità di genere. Tecnologia, sviluppo e cultura aziendale ci hanno portato oggi ad avere una dipendente donna su 4, con il 41% delle manager. Un percorso che ci rende la prima azienda italiana del settore navalmeccanico a ottenere da Rina la Certificazione sulla parità di genere, a conferma di un impegno che parte da lontano. Dall’adesione ai Women’s Empowerment Principles delle Nazioni Unite, per l’uguaglianza di genere attraverso interventi per creare un ambiente di lavoro equilibrato grazie all’equità salariale, alle iniziative per la genitorialità e al work-life balance, fino al lancio del programma Talent. Un impegno costante per la centralità delle persone, con la consapevolezza che il futuro si porta a bordo solo insieme alle donne e agli uomini del nostro Gruppo. #Fincantieri #FutureOnBoard #DEI #EveryDEI #HR Corriere della Sera

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    330.700 follower

    Today, in our Riva Trigoso shipyard, we celebrated the launch of the seventh PPA “Domenico Millelire”, a vessel part of the renewal plan of the operational lines of the #ItalianNavy vessels. The ceremony was attended, among others, by Vice Admiral Giuseppe Berutti #Bergotto, Deputy Chief of Staff of Italian Navy, and Massimo Scialpi, Deputy Director #OCCAR, welcomed by our General Manager Naval Vessels Division Dario Deste. With a high degree of flexibility, the vessel will be able to serve multiple functions, ranging from patrol with sea rescue capacity to Civil Protection operations. We are proud to be able to put our history, our passion and our skills at the service of the defense of people and the sea. #Fincantieri #FutureOnBoard #Defense #Safety #Navy Marina Militare OCCAR (Organisation for Joint Armament Co-operation)

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    330.700 follower

    The key to distinctiveness for Western shipbuilding is technological innovation. Our ships, systems of systems where advancements in digitalization are crucial for optimizing operations, represent the heart of an industry composed not only of steel but also of high technology. During the roundtable “The Geopolitics of Shipbuilding: securing critical maritime infrastructure and the future of the seas in a NATO - EU framework” organized at our Fincantieri Marine Group headquarters in Washington, attended by former SECNAV Sean Stackley and representatives from institutions, companies, and the research community, our CEO Pierroberto Folgiero highlighted the crucial importance of high-tech Western shipbuilding for maritime defense, trade growth, economic development, and innovation drive. Thanks to our expertise in cruise, defense, and offshore sectors, and our ambition to become a leader in the strategic underwater domain, we are proud to bring the future of technology-driven shipbuilding on board, with a view to increasingly strong collaboration with the NATO. #Fincantieri #FutureOnBoard #Shipbuilding #Innovation #NATO

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    We had the honor of hosting a delegation led by the U.S. Consul General in Naples, Tracy Roberts-Pounds, at our shipyard in Castellammare di Stabia. Welcomed by Shipyard Director Francesco Lubrano and VP of Defense Institutional Affairs Andrea Tomao, the guests were able to delve into the history of our oldest shipyard and its pivotal role in the economy of Southern Italy and our Group. It was an important opportunity to emphasize the strong bond with the United States, in a day dedicated to history and innovation. #Fincantieri #FutureOnBoard #USA Andrea Tomao

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    330.700 follower

    The journey to bring a new supply chain idea on board begins in Palermo. The journey that began last year at the Genoa Fincantieri’s Supplier Summit, which continues with the series of thematic webinars dedicated to our suppliers, goes to the next level thanks to the PartnerShip Roadshow. This event is the first in a series of initiatives that we will take to all our shipyards to meet the key players in our supply chain, bring the Suppliers Identity to the territories and build together the collaboration of today and tomorrow. PartnerShip: the path to bring the future on board, together. #Fincantieri #FutureOnBoard #PartnerShip #Roadshow David Bernardi Giorgio Gomiero Marcello Giordano #LorenzoPaoli Salvatore Orlando Antonio Toma Elisa Saccenti #DavideFranceschi Massimo Nelci Francesco Micheletti Orazio Di Pietro Marzena Martinig Andrea Mazzone #AlessandroVallasciani Carolina Lonetti

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    330.700 follower

    Investi nel principale gruppo della navalmeccanica ad alto valore tecnologico e della subacquea. Insieme acceleriamo verso la leadership mondiale della nave verde e digitale e della subacquea per rendere l'Italia sempre più protagonista del panorama industriale globale. Perché conosciamo un solo modo per misurarci con le sfide: accelerare insieme in direzione futuro. ADERISCI ALL' AUMENTO DI CAPITALE FINCANTIERI. Approfondisci >

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FINCANTIERI 1 round in totale

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Debito post-IPO

845.531.892,00 USD

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