CompuGroup Medical SE & Co. KGaA

CompuGroup Medical SE & Co. KGaA

Servizi IT e consulenza IT

Koblenz am Rhein, Rheinland-Pfalz 18.746 follower

"Nobody should suffer or die just because at some point medical information is missing."

Chi siamo

CompuGroup Medical is one of the leading e-health companies in the world. With a revenue base of EUR 1.19 billion in 2023, its software products are designed to support all medical and organizational activities in doctors’ offices, pharmacies, laboratories, hospitals, and social welfare institutions. Its information services for all parties involved in the healthcare system and its web-based personal health records contribute towards safer and more efficient healthcare. CompuGroup Medical’s services are based on a unique customer base, including doctors, dentists, pharmacists and other healthcare professionals in inpatient and outpatient facilities. With locations in 19 countries and products in 60 countries worldwide, CompuGroup Medical is the e-health company with one of the highest coverages among healthcare professionals. More than 9,000 highly qualified employees support customers with innovative solutions for the steadily growing demands of the healthcare system. CompuGroup Medical’s services are based on a unique customer base of more than 1.6 million users, including doctors, dentists, pharmacists and other healthcare professionals in inpatient and outpatient facilities. With locations in 20 countries and products in 60 countries worldwide, CompuGroup Medical is the e-health company with one of the highest coverages among healthcare professionals. More than 9,200 highly qualified employees support customers with innovative solutions for the steadily growing demands of the healthcare system.

Sito Web
Servizi IT e consulenza IT
Dimensioni dell’azienda
5001 - 10.000 dipendenti
Sede principale
Koblenz am Rhein, Rheinland-Pfalz
Società quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
eHealth, Healthcare, Software, HIS, KIS, AIS, Apotheke, Arztinformationssystem, Hospital Information System, LIS, Labatory Information System, Warenwirtschaftssystem, Digital Health e elektronische Patientenakte


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Raccolta fondi

CompuGroup Medical SE & Co. KGaA 2 round in totale

Ultimo round

Finanziamento del debito

202.586.216,00 USD

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