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Questions tagged [vectorization]

The conversion of raster data (an array of cell values) to vector data (a series of points, lines, and polygons).

0 votes
1 answer

QGIS .tiff to shapefiles by extracting colours

So I have the following raster file: I would like to edit it so that I export all green, blue or purple areas as a single, new .tiff. Afterwards I would make a vectorization to be able to process the ...
6 votes
2 answers

Removing additional lines from vectorized stream network

I have a large raster stream network (excerpt below) in QGIS that has been thinned using r.thin (light blue squares) and then vectorised using (pink lines). However, because some of the ...
1 vote
1 answer

Automatic Vectorisation in ArcGIS

Is there any method or tool/model for ArcGIS to draw automatic line based upon raster data values. E.g i have a DEM and i want to automatically generate a line feature passing through all those pixels ...
0 votes
1 answer

Transforming a raster .png image to vector file

I have been working with FEMA flood maps to georeferenced and then digitize the maps by hand drawing polygons of the flood zone features. I have tried some workarounds to make the digitization process ...
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1 answer

Convert a PNG file to a line layer in QGIS

I have a map in PNG-format that looks like this: I have imported it into QGIS as a raster. I want to create a line layer as a network based on the blue and pink lines. Is there a way to create a line ...
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1 answer

Fastest way to clip millions of small polygons and storing results as JSON [closed]

I have a dataset with couple million farm polygons (around 2.5 million and only expected to grow in the future), and I need to calculate the NDVI for these farm polygons, with some basic stats (...
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2 answers

Converting vectorization (raster to vector) with small steps in values in QGIS

I have a raster file that contains water depths in m. The water depths are the only attribute and should be transferred to the vector layer. The raster files have a cell accuracy of 1m x 1m. I would ...
0 votes
0 answers

Extract a vector from a raster with a single boundary in QGIS

I have a "problem", I need transform a raster in a vector and it works but some pixels like the one in the print it is separated from the boundary, and for my use (a specific use of ...
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1 answer

ReducetoVectors in Google Earth Engine not working with the Mollweide transformation. Need to calculate zonal statistics for global scale analysis

My study is a global-scale analysis of the factors driving forest gain, with grid cells as the unit of analysis. I need to calculate the amount of forest gain per ~65km2 hexagonal grid cell at the ...
8 votes
1 answer

Creating a seamless vector dataset from raster with gdal, R or Python

I'm trying to create a seamless vector dataset from an integer raster. "Seamless" as in: not gaps between features and no overlapping features. The tools gdal_polygonize, pkpolygonize, terra:...
1 vote
1 answer

Generate points from raster image in QGIS

I'm hoping to generate a new vector file from select points from a raster image in QGIS. I don't know if it is possible. For instance, I would like to generate a vector point file that puts a point ...
2 votes
1 answer

QGIS geotrace languages from a given image of a map

I have a linguistic map of the Caucasus and I need to geotrace the languages that are on the map, preferably in QGIS. Is there any way in which I can do it easily? Here is the map:
0 votes
0 answers

Convert topographic map to vector and text

I have a topographic map in TIFF format and I vectorized it in QGIS (3.22.0). For my project I needed the settlements, which I was able to extract. More importantly are the names of the settlement. ...
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1 answer

GEE Export individual FeatureCollections as shapefiles from an image Collection

I have run an NDWI index for an Image collection and thres holded the results, which I want to import as individual FeatureCollections (shapefiles). My code is of course longer, but teh most importan ...
0 votes
1 answer

Differentiate vertical and horizontal shapes

I have the following shape file: Each polygonal area (the lines are areas) is one feature in a single Shapefile. Can anyone think of a simple method that can be implemented with qgis to separate the ...

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