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Fastest way to clip millions of small polygons and storing results as JSON [closed]

I have a dataset with couple million farm polygons (around 2.5 million and only expected to grow in the future), and I need to calculate the NDVI for these farm polygons, with some basic stats (...
Hasan Mustafa's user avatar
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Chain the output of gdal_polygonize to ogr2ogr

I am doing a two step process: Polygonize a PNG raster via Add a custom field named id Upload the resulting vector to PostGIS via ogr2ogr I am currently doing it in two steps, ...
illpack's user avatar
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Creating a seamless vector dataset from raster with gdal, R or Python

I'm trying to create a seamless vector dataset from an integer raster. "Seamless" as in: not gaps between features and no overlapping features. The tools gdal_polygonize, pkpolygonize, terra:...
Ratnanil's user avatar
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How to polygonize NDVI raster using GDAL?

I have raster with NDVI values. I would like to polygonize the raster to get vector where each polygon is a pixel. I have tried gdal.Polygonize as described in the documentation and that runs without ...
ReutKeller's user avatar
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Runtime problem gdal:polygonize processing algorithm

I have a c. 60 MB file containing the GTOPO30 30-arc second (c. 1 km) digital elevation model of Africa. The dataset is described here: ...
aso's user avatar
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Telling how to interpret colors / what does the `DN` field mean

I have lots of raster files I am converting to polys with All these images have a consistent palette which I'd like to map to an attribute in the resulting polygons. On most ...
narrowtux's user avatar
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Converting large raster to vector?

I have a shapefile which contains 10.000 polygons and I want to know how many of them falls on a specific land use. Unfortunately, the land use map that I have to use is a raster map and not a vector ...
D.K.'s user avatar
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Vectorize raster

I'd like to vectorise the Natural Earth II raster in order to be able to change its colours and display it with as a vector map. Using won't help as it will create 1 polygon per ...
Tim Autin's user avatar
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Error while converting raster into vector in QGIS

I am using QGIS 2.18.23 and trying to convert a raster file (.tif) into a vector file (.shp). But I am getting an unusual error: 2018-08-28T12:41:38 1 Traceback (most recent call last): ...
Екатерина Герасимова's user avatar
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Batch convert ESRI Ascii Grid files to MapInfo TAB

I’m looking for a ‘quick’ (in terms of my time, not computer time) solution to converting a whole bunch of ESRI Ascii Grid files into MapInfo TAB files consisting of a grid of points with XYZ fields. ...
T_Bacon's user avatar
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Raster to CSV with x y cell center coordinates, the original raster cell value, and values from another raster avoiding shapefile

I am looking for FOSS (maybe GDAL/OGR) solutions to a problem. I need to go from raster (200 million records) to CSV. It is easy enough to do via point but the point file breaks the allowable 2GB “...
If you do not know- just GIS's user avatar
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Creating point shapefile from GeoTIFF using GDAL/OGR?

I have a 0.05 deg global maps (~8000 files) in GeoTiff format. It's a kind of a mask containig "1" and "0". I need to create a point shapefile for each raster with points located over "1" values of ...
John Smith's user avatar
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Extracting the pixelwise proportion of classes of a finer raster in a coarser one

I have two rasters, one has a 1 km resolution. The other has a spatial resolution of 30 m. This latter pixelwise is a classification. I want to overlay the 1 km raster on the classification raster and ...
JEquihua's user avatar
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How to convert float raster to vector with python GDAL

I have float raster and now I want to convert it to vector. How is it possible with the Python GDAL library? I have tried with of GDAL utilities on the command line and it worked ...
Monir's user avatar
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Converting points to lines with Python GDAL

I have a dictionary with points. The points are derived from a raster (see image below). The points are not sorted and are not in order. The dictionary looks for example like this: pointDict = {0: (...
ustroetz's user avatar
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