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Questions tagged [vectorization]

The conversion of raster data (an array of cell values) to vector data (a series of points, lines, and polygons).

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Fastest way to clip millions of small polygons and storing results as JSON [closed]

I have a dataset with couple million farm polygons (around 2.5 million and only expected to grow in the future), and I need to calculate the NDVI for these farm polygons, with some basic stats (...
Hasan Mustafa's user avatar
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Convert a PNG file to a line layer in QGIS

I have a map in PNG-format that looks like this: I have imported it into QGIS as a raster. I want to create a line layer as a network based on the blue and pink lines. Is there a way to create a line ...
Fabi's user avatar
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Converting vectorization (raster to vector) with small steps in values in QGIS

I have a raster file that contains water depths in m. The water depths are the only attribute and should be transferred to the vector layer. The raster files have a cell accuracy of 1m x 1m. I would ...
Pia Rösel's user avatar
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Extract a vector from a raster with a single boundary in QGIS

I have a "problem", I need transform a raster in a vector and it works but some pixels like the one in the print it is separated from the boundary, and for my use (a specific use of ...
Mestrexama's user avatar
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ReducetoVectors in Google Earth Engine not working with the Mollweide transformation. Need to calculate zonal statistics for global scale analysis

My study is a global-scale analysis of the factors driving forest gain, with grid cells as the unit of analysis. I need to calculate the amount of forest gain per ~65km2 hexagonal grid cell at the ...
Katie Devenish's user avatar
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Generate points from raster image in QGIS

I'm hoping to generate a new vector file from select points from a raster image in QGIS. I don't know if it is possible. For instance, I would like to generate a vector point file that puts a point ...
Anomalous Exploration's user avatar
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Convert topographic map to vector and text

I have a topographic map in TIFF format and I vectorized it in QGIS (3.22.0). For my project I needed the settlements, which I was able to extract. More importantly are the names of the settlement. ...
rtaani's user avatar
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GEE Export individual FeatureCollections as shapefiles from an image Collection

I have run an NDWI index for an Image collection and thres holded the results, which I want to import as individual FeatureCollections (shapefiles). My code is of course longer, but teh most importan ...
Daniel Falaschi's user avatar
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Differentiate vertical and horizontal shapes

I have the following shape file: Each polygonal area (the lines are areas) is one feature in a single Shapefile. Can anyone think of a simple method that can be implemented with qgis to separate the ...
Mabignix's user avatar
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How to convert raster to vector by generating center lines?

I need to vectorize the raster by keeping one center line trough the boundary pixels. My solution would need to be very similar to this question: Converting raster to vector by generating center lines?...
Sass's user avatar
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Abrupt error when trying to run model with viewshed as batch process

I am trying to run the following model as a batch process. In summary, I take a DEM raster layer and a number of individual points as separate .gpkg files in a directory (these points have been ...
Nandula's user avatar
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Smoothing a vector layer in Google Earth Engine

I extract riverbanks out of Landsat images at Google Earth Engine. After the vectorization of my raster image I receive a shapefile of the riverbank with many unwanted vertices. How can I smooth the ...
Lennart G.'s user avatar
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Why process takes too much time with topology analysis?

My task is to vectorize a standard landuse map (PROBA-V discrete classification) for extent 118.747182 54.231218 124.946218 60.060467 degrees. Raster is too detailed for me, so I generalize it. I use:...
Nikolay Yasinskiy's user avatar
3 votes
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Chain the output of gdal_polygonize to ogr2ogr

I am doing a two step process: Polygonize a PNG raster via Add a custom field named id Upload the resulting vector to PostGIS via ogr2ogr I am currently doing it in two steps, ...
illpack's user avatar
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Vectorizing all pixels as separate polygons using rasterio

I use rasterio.features.shapes and use the geometry of pixels in raster data to create polygons for each pixel. Pixels with the same value merge these pixels if they are adjacent. What I want is for ...
geomaticpoly's user avatar
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QGIS .tiff to shapefiles by extracting colours

So I have the following raster file: I would like to edit it so that I export all green, blue or purple areas as a single, new .tiff. Afterwards I would make a vectorization to be able to process the ...
Mabignix's user avatar
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What are strategies to simplify a vectorized raster layer?

For a GIS web viewer I am building, I plan to use large sets of vector data on coral reefs (source: Allen Coral Atlas). When viewing the downloaded data, it seems that the original source was raster ...
Sytze's user avatar
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Create clipping masks using contour lines in QGIS

I'm new to QGIS and GIS in general. I'm trying to find a way to create height layers automatically and then use them to clip other layers. In detail: Below is my area of interest. I have a raster ...
user215646's user avatar
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Visualization and vectorizing for AI in Google Earth Engine

I'm glad to find this space, I come from a background in economics and do not know the first thing about GIS (hope to learn as I go with this project). I found an interesting dataset (https://...
Sebastian Nuñez's user avatar
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Polygonize/Vectorize large raster

A raster(.tif) of 6.70GB needs to be converted into polygons. The raster is binary (0 & 1), currently I am using Polygonize (raster to vector) and its taking a considerable amount of time and the ...
N_LLC's user avatar
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Simplification by constrained anti-aliasing in PostGIS

I vectorized a raster data set, therefore, I'm facing a "steps" effect, or aliasing, due to the fact that the vectorization strictly follows the raster cells. So, the geometry is quite large ...
swiss_knight's user avatar
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Extracting raster outline to a vector geometry

I have a raster data set with an irregular outline (every value outside is NaN) in Python (loaded from rasterio v.1.3a3 ): I'd like to extract its outline to a vector shape, such as a Shapely ...
swiss_knight's user avatar
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Issues with vectorisation of thinned flow accumulation through on QGIS

I'm trying to produce a shapefile river network from a flow accumulation raster using the function and I've overcome some difficulties regarding bit depth and thinned raster. n.b. I don't ...
NorthSon's user avatar
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How to transfer simple GeoTiff data into a database

I'm trying to turn a relatively simple GeoTIFF file into a dataset readable by an API. End goal: Build a GET method for an API like /search_by_coordinates?lat=-73.1221&lng=44.4924 and get ...
Alexandre Toulemonde's user avatar
8 votes
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Creating a seamless vector dataset from raster with gdal, R or Python

I'm trying to create a seamless vector dataset from an integer raster. "Seamless" as in: not gaps between features and no overlapping features. The tools gdal_polygonize, pkpolygonize, terra:...
Ratnanil's user avatar
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Converting Raster into Vector in QGIS

I am in process of converting one raster file ( JBA Flood score) into Vector file But due to raster size ( Possibly) process seems endless i.e. even after 9 hours process still continue. Is there any ...
Raj's user avatar
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How to polygonize NDVI raster using GDAL?

I have raster with NDVI values. I would like to polygonize the raster to get vector where each polygon is a pixel. I have tried gdal.Polygonize as described in the documentation and that runs without ...
ReutKeller's user avatar
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Contour Polygon Alternatives on QGIS

I am trying various ways to make polygons from raster data using 1 m DEMs. I am using QGIS 3.16 Hannover I have tried vectorizing my data, which does work OK, but I would like smoother boundary lines ...
Erioderma's user avatar
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Symbol recognition on a scanned image (map)

I have a specific task and I'm looking for possible approaches. What I'm trying to do is this: I have a high resolution (600dpi) scanned, and georeferenced image of a map, and I need to be able to ...
RyanWestwind's user avatar
4 votes
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Seeking GIS tool to automatically extract polygon geometries from images

Let's say I have multiple png images like the following one: I'd like to find a way where I can automatically draw polygon geometries on this image. Something like the following: My expectation is ...
raylight's user avatar
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