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Questions tagged [relation]

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Storing OSM relations correctly as geometry in BQ

I am looking at the best/efficient way to decompose OSM relations and store as geography, currently I am using: to ...
ebad malik's user avatar
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Relation QGIS: get_feature

I have 2 layers (1 polygon / 1 no-geometry (aType)). I have a relation between them. As we know, we can display 1 value from the related layer via layer property -> Attributes Form. In the widget ...
eagleadmiral's user avatar
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QGIS - Avoid duplicates on Value-Relation widget

In QGIS, I'm working with two layers that are related to each other through the value-relation widget. Layer 1: TEST fields: "id"; "LIB"; "odc_ID"; "Code" ...
Giene's user avatar
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Fetch multiple fields in relation_aggregate expression

In the QGIS 3.34+ expression builder, how could one use the expression parameter in the relation_aggregate to fetch multiple fields? E.g.: relation_aggregate( relation:= 'my_relation', ...
swiss_knight's user avatar
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QGIS Layer field expression in Polymorphic Relation evaluates to NULL

In QGIS 3.34.3, according to the doc: Layer expression evaluates to a unique identifier of the layer. This can be the layer name @layer_name, the layer id @layer_id, the layer’s table name decode_uri(...
swiss_knight's user avatar
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Using resolved values as a label in child table using only the defined Value Relation

I have a "Value Relation" defined to a parent table from a child one in QGIS 3.34.3: The attribute table shows the resolved value (species name) correctly: Same when I use the "...
swiss_knight's user avatar
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QGIS relation reference widget filter between child (point layer) and parent table (no geometry)

I have two PostGIS layers in QGIS 3.28, they are in a 1-N relation (association): layer A (parent) without geometry (table) layer B (child) with point geometry Both A and B layers have the codsede ...
Alessandro Viprati's user avatar
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Setting relations in QGIS not working in QField

I have a set two relation in my QGIS project. One relation called 'Photos' and the other called 'Attitude'. Though in QGIS desktop it seems to work fine but when I transfer it in Qfield it doesn't ...
Redowan Sakib's user avatar
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QGIS export layer relations from one project to another

I have a .qgz project with a spatial layer and two non-spatial layers, primarily created for data collection. All the three layers are saved in a single .gpkg file and the non-spatial layers are ...
Abhijith's user avatar
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Project Sync-ing doesn't work in tablet as in the phones Qfield app

I have a project in QGIS and I'd made some relations in it, but one of (a non geometric layer, named Evaluate, which is based on a Vector layers (point) order number. This layer contains trees) those ...
Szabó Loránd's user avatar
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Getting the result automatically when only one match with Value relation in QGIS

I have a project that comprises three crucial layers: A SpatiaLite layer named 'HABITATS_POLY' A layer without geometry named 'CORRESPONDANCES' A database named "BD_CORINE" When a code is ...
Giene's user avatar
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QGIS not showing cascading relations in identify

I have 3 tables that are related as shown in figure below: I added two relaltions. The first one between Table1 and Table2 and the other one between Table2 and Table3 as shown in figure below: On ...
Sajjad's user avatar
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QGIS - many to many relations - query expression

I have a polygon layer with area geometries of parcels and tables with contracts, with owners / users linked by means of a link table in many to many relationships. This is because some parcels may ...
Marek's user avatar
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How to set up a filter in a value relation of a child of a parent-layer depending on attributes in parent layer

I have a 1:n relation between (postgresql-) parent-layer "parentlayer" and a child-layer "childlayer" based on parent-layer-field "pl_uuid" referencing child-layer-field &...
user191847's user avatar
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QGIS - comma separated values or link table - m-n relations

Is there a way in QGIS to assign multiple values to another value without creating additional columns? Using the example of owners to parcels, I would like to set the reference to several parcels in ...
Marek's user avatar
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QGIS values from 1:n related table to parent attribute table

I'm confused since I don't really get the difference between a form and a table in QGIS. I've successfully created multiple one to many relations between my parent shapefile and child excel sheets ...
edge's user avatar
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QGIS: Update parent attribute based on most recent child

To describe the situation, I have parent geopackage layer for 'Trees' which is related to a child geopackage table 'tree_inspections'. So each tree can have many inspections. I use a foreign key '...
SHall's user avatar
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Calculate a field in a parent table when a child record is created or modified using QGIS

In QGIS, I have a feature class named "Water_Crossing" that has a field named "Modified". I have a relation set up from "Water_Crossing" to 3 child tables "...
Tom Roussell's user avatar
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QGIS: Value relation forms

Is it possible to set default value to parent, based on child entry? I know how to do it from parent to child, but I want to do it in reverse. I have two CSV files with values. First I want to edit ...
Dean7's user avatar
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Geometry extraction from osm.pbf file using relation id with ogr2ogr

What works If I need a GeoJSON file with the OpenStreetMap borders of Liechtenstein, I download liechtenstein-latest.osm.pbf from GeoFabrik: curl
zabop's user avatar
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Displaying more than 100 entries in Relation Reference Widget dropdown in QGIS

I am using QGIS 3.28, and I've encountered an issue with the Relation Reference Widget. In the form view, the dropdown menu of the Relation Reference Widget only displays 100 entries. Is there a way ...
MartinMap's user avatar
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Using get_feature() function on layer while editing in QGIS

In QGIS, I am trying to update a feature based on entries made on a nested form (relation). Considering: Layer1 has Field1 that should capture the value of Field 2, and field in Layer2 Layer2 is ...
Horizen's user avatar
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Extracting relations with osmnx?

I am using osmnx package to extract data from OSM. I aim to obtain relations from the cyclist node network in Flanders. After some info about tagging, ...
ajchavez94's user avatar
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QGIS relation reference widget shows an empty list instead of values

I'm trying to set up a QField project to entry data from a bird watch project. I have a few layers which I would like to connect with the ID of the tour. I am using relation reference widgets. The ...
MBi's user avatar
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QGIS aggregate - filter by newest date

i have two one-to-may related layers (relation name: tree_observation) parent: trees and child: obeservations. The trees should be revisited on a regular base and for each observation a new child ...
sn1ks's user avatar
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QGIS Relation reference widget performance

I have a relation 1:1 on a table with limited parcels (ca 2000 rows) related to huge table on national level (ca 22 million rows), PostgreSQL 14 with PostGIS. Smaller table is used with view to show ...
Albine Pro's user avatar
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QGIS - Relations - Update parent from child / child from parent

The functioning of my project under QGIS is based on the use of information between parent and child (relation layers). I need to access specific information to control visibility of containers and ...
Giene's user avatar
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QGIS - Value relation values based on geometry

I am having a problem with last part of defining values in geopackage. I have created relation values based on field values (drop-down values). Last one I want to create, is to make relation based on ...
Dean7's user avatar
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ArcGIS Pro Attribute Rule to pass a value from child to parent

I have an ArcGIS geodatabase with a parent feature class related to a child stand alone table containing the various inspections made on each parent feature. Primary key is GlobalID and foreign key is ...
Maja's user avatar
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Using relations

I am using QGIS, version 3.24.0. I have a shapefile called "Map_CorrectionDEF", uniquely identify by fields "GID" and "unitcode". It is a grid cell, in which the field &...
OgeiD's user avatar
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Automatically fill in attributes of parent feature in QGIS

I have a data table that holds different information about buildings in a GeoPackage. Different elements of the buildings can be entered, e.g. sometimes I only have the building as a whole, sometimes ...
C.-F. Vintar's user avatar
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Merging queries to return ways/nodes that are within relations matching criteria using Overpass API

Motivation - I am currently processing a number of relations matching criteria and then doing an additional query to get all the ways/nodes within those relations. . Goal - I'm trying to simplify this ...
RyPope's user avatar
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Show selection of point in relation of a vector field?

I have two files, vector "streets" a series of point "civic numers" or "address" I want to select a random street and have the field selection of the relative civic ...
Pietro Batoni's user avatar
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QGIS Setup n:m relation to enable cross-layer search

In QGIS I want to set up a n:m relation between two tables "parcels" (polygons) and "owners" (no geometry). Both share a field index1 (containing of numbers and letters) by which ...
sn1ks's user avatar
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Expression-based table relation in QGIS, avoiding joins and relates

In QGIS 3.18. I have two tables, one as a part of a .shp and the other a tab-delimited .txt with no geometry: my .shp attribute table contains a list of sites, and my .txt table contains a list of ...
pete's user avatar
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Opening one corresponding related table in attribute form for selected feature in multipolygon in QGIS

I have MultiPolygon A with 9 features, each feature should be described by one non-spatial attribute table with 10 - 500 features. I tried to create 9 relations like A-to-Table1, A-to_Table2 ...A-to-...
Olha Marinich's user avatar
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N:M relation in QGIS with custom form in Qt Designer

The manual: describes how to create a N:M relation and how to use it with ...
user104475's user avatar
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Counting the number of relations

In QGIS I created a one-to-many relation between a polygon layer and a non-geometry table, so it has multiple lines for each feature in the polygon layer. My question now is how can I count how many ...
Felippe M.'s user avatar
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How to list relationed objects on QGIS expression for HTML tips

I have two layers with an 1-N relationship The parent layer, "RADAR" is a point layer, while the child layer, "FAIXA_RADAR" is a tabular without geometry layer. To make feature ...
Rafael Leite's user avatar
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QGIS best way for capturing features without geometry and child features

I have two (PostGIS) layers in my QGIS (3.18) project and I defined a relation between them. The first layer PARENT has no geometry. The second layer CHILD is the child layer and has a geometry. In ...
Peter's user avatar
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Handling multiple selections result in "Value Relation Widget" in QGIS

Using the "Allow multiple selections" in the "Value Relation Widget" results in {value1,value2,...}. But arrays in QGIS are written like ['value1','value2',...]. How do I handle ...
MartinMap's user avatar
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Where are QuickOSM relations?

When I use quickOSM in QGIS to download OSM data, I check the "relations" option, but then? My need is the following : Download OSM data for a specific area In the table for the "point&...
Ailurus24's user avatar
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QGIS Hidden attributes not hidden in Relations

I have a PostGIS view, which a referencing layer for another layer for many to one relation in QGIS. I have hidden the following fields id, table_name, oid of the postgis view so that the user would ...
Nil's user avatar
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QGIS Atlas attributes

So I have two layers. First one is line layer (columns: id, length, address_id) and atlas is connected to it so when I change objects, map is zooming to next line. Secound is point layer (columns: ...
asham's user avatar
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QGIS N:M relations - possibility to edit multiple features?

I have a working QGIS project with multiple relations and all is well until I try the Toggle multi edit mode for N:M relations. I'm working with QGIS 3.10+ (3.14.16) and Windows and PostGIS. Is it ...
Sanna Jokela's user avatar
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Report with relations

I collected field data containing general information about signpost sites (location, altitude, image) and specific information of the particular signs mounted to the singpost (image, direction). One ...
Kevkev770's user avatar
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QGIS Cloud and relations

Does publishing to QGIS cloud preserve the established relations (1 to many relation) between layers? On the web map, can you see the embedded form of the Parent layer in the Child layer, for example?
Kimfung's user avatar
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1-n relationship by location in QGIS

I have a polygon layer and a point layer. According to the QGIS documentation, the childlayer has to have a foreign key. Unfortunately, my child layer has none. Is there a way to form the relation by ...
sn1ks's user avatar
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