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Questions tagged [relation]

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Storing OSM relations correctly as geometry in BQ

I am looking at the best/efficient way to decompose OSM relations and store as geography, currently I am using: to ...
1 vote
2 answers

Geometry extraction from osm.pbf file using relation id with ogr2ogr

What works If I need a GeoJSON file with the OpenStreetMap borders of Liechtenstein, I download liechtenstein-latest.osm.pbf from GeoFabrik: curl
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0 answers

Relation QGIS: get_feature

I have 2 layers (1 polygon / 1 no-geometry (aType)). I have a relation between them. As we know, we can display 1 value from the related layer via layer property -> Attributes Form. In the widget ...
1 vote
1 answer

QGIS export layer relations from one project to another

I have a .qgz project with a spatial layer and two non-spatial layers, primarily created for data collection. All the three layers are saved in a single .gpkg file and the non-spatial layers are ...
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1 answer

QGIS - Avoid duplicates on Value-Relation widget

In QGIS, I'm working with two layers that are related to each other through the value-relation widget. Layer 1: TEST fields: "id"; "LIB"; "odc_ID"; "Code" ...
1 vote
1 answer

Fetch multiple fields in relation_aggregate expression

In the QGIS 3.34+ expression builder, how could one use the expression parameter in the relation_aggregate to fetch multiple fields? E.g.: relation_aggregate( relation:= 'my_relation', ...
2 votes
0 answers

QGIS Layer field expression in Polymorphic Relation evaluates to NULL

In QGIS 3.34.3, according to the doc: Layer expression evaluates to a unique identifier of the layer. This can be the layer name @layer_name, the layer id @layer_id, the layer’s table name decode_uri(...
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0 answers

Using resolved values as a label in child table using only the defined Value Relation

I have a "Value Relation" defined to a parent table from a child one in QGIS 3.34.3: The attribute table shows the resolved value (species name) correctly: Same when I use the "...
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0 answers

QGIS relation reference widget filter between child (point layer) and parent table (no geometry)

I have two PostGIS layers in QGIS 3.28, they are in a 1-N relation (association): layer A (parent) without geometry (table) layer B (child) with point geometry Both A and B layers have the codsede ...
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1 answer

Setting relations in QGIS not working in QField

I have a set two relation in my QGIS project. One relation called 'Photos' and the other called 'Attitude'. Though in QGIS desktop it seems to work fine but when I transfer it in Qfield it doesn't ...
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0 answers

Project Sync-ing doesn't work in tablet as in the phones Qfield app

I have a project in QGIS and I'd made some relations in it, but one of (a non geometric layer, named Evaluate, which is based on a Vector layers (point) order number. This layer contains trees) those ...
2 votes
1 answer

Getting the result automatically when only one match with Value relation in QGIS

I have a project that comprises three crucial layers: A SpatiaLite layer named 'HABITATS_POLY' A layer without geometry named 'CORRESPONDANCES' A database named "BD_CORINE" When a code is ...
12 votes
3 answers

Handling multiple selections result in "Value Relation Widget" in QGIS

Using the "Allow multiple selections" in the "Value Relation Widget" results in {value1,value2,...}. But arrays in QGIS are written like ['value1','value2',...]. How do I handle ...
2 votes
1 answer

Extracting relations with osmnx?

I am using osmnx package to extract data from OSM. I aim to obtain relations from the cyclist node network in Flanders. After some info about tagging, ...
1 vote
1 answer

QGIS relation reference widget shows an empty list instead of values

I'm trying to set up a QField project to entry data from a bird watch project. I have a few layers which I would like to connect with the ID of the tour. I am using relation reference widgets. The ...

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