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12 votes
3 answers

Handling multiple selections result in "Value Relation Widget" in QGIS

Using the "Allow multiple selections" in the "Value Relation Widget" results in {value1,value2,...}. But arrays in QGIS are written like ['value1','value2',...]. How do I handle ...
MartinMap's user avatar
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QGIS N:M relations - possibility to edit multiple features?

I have a working QGIS project with multiple relations and all is well until I try the Toggle multi edit mode for N:M relations. I'm working with QGIS 3.10+ (3.14.16) and Windows and PostGIS. Is it ...
Sanna Jokela's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Automatically fill in attributes of parent feature in QGIS

I have a data table that holds different information about buildings in a GeoPackage. Different elements of the buildings can be entered, e.g. sometimes I only have the building as a whole, sometimes ...
C.-F. Vintar's user avatar
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QGIS aggregate - filter by newest date

i have two one-to-may related layers (relation name: tree_observation) parent: trees and child: obeservations. The trees should be revisited on a regular base and for each observation a new child ...
sn1ks's user avatar
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QGIS - many to many relations - query expression

I have a polygon layer with area geometries of parcels and tables with contracts, with owners / users linked by means of a link table in many to many relationships. This is because some parcels may ...
Marek's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

QGIS Setup n:m relation to enable cross-layer search

In QGIS I want to set up a n:m relation between two tables "parcels" (polygons) and "owners" (no geometry). Both share a field index1 (containing of numbers and letters) by which ...
sn1ks's user avatar
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QGIS - Value relation values based on geometry

I am having a problem with last part of defining values in geopackage. I have created relation values based on field values (drop-down values). Last one I want to create, is to make relation based on ...
Dean7's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Using relations

I am using QGIS, version 3.24.0. I have a shapefile called "Map_CorrectionDEF", uniquely identify by fields "GID" and "unitcode". It is a grid cell, in which the field &...
OgeiD's user avatar
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1 answer

Counting the number of relations

In QGIS I created a one-to-many relation between a polygon layer and a non-geometry table, so it has multiple lines for each feature in the polygon layer. My question now is how can I count how many ...
Felippe M.'s user avatar
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Using get_feature() function on layer while editing in QGIS

In QGIS, I am trying to update a feature based on entries made on a nested form (relation). Considering: Layer1 has Field1 that should capture the value of Field 2, and field in Layer2 Layer2 is ...
Horizen's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

1-n relationship by location in QGIS

I have a polygon layer and a point layer. According to the QGIS documentation, the childlayer has to have a foreign key. Unfortunately, my child layer has none. Is there a way to form the relation by ...
sn1ks's user avatar
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2 votes
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Extracting relations with osmnx?

I am using osmnx package to extract data from OSM. I aim to obtain relations from the cyclist node network in Flanders. After some info about tagging, ...
ajchavez94's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

QGIS - Relations - Update parent from child / child from parent

The functioning of my project under QGIS is based on the use of information between parent and child (relation layers). I need to access specific information to control visibility of containers and ...
Giene's user avatar
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QGIS Cloud and relations

Does publishing to QGIS cloud preserve the established relations (1 to many relation) between layers? On the web map, can you see the embedded form of the Parent layer in the Child layer, for example?
Kimfung's user avatar
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QGIS Layer field expression in Polymorphic Relation evaluates to NULL

In QGIS 3.34.3, according to the doc: Layer expression evaluates to a unique identifier of the layer. This can be the layer name @layer_name, the layer id @layer_id, the layer’s table name decode_uri(...
swiss_knight's user avatar
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