I have a 1:n relation between (postgresql-) parent-layer "parentlayer" and a child-layer "childlayer" based on parent-layer-field "pl_uuid" referencing child-layer-field "child_pl_uuid_ref" and value-table (for value-relation-pull-down menu) "val_t" with a filter-criteria-field "filter_val_t". In parent-layer I have a field "filter_pl". In the child-layer I have a field "my_selected_value" with a value-relation. The list of selectable values of "val_t" shall be filtered depending on the (unsaved) values of "filter_pl" in parent layer (because this filter-value will be used in other sub-forms too). Is there any way to set up this filter?

I tried several approaches like

1) Create a virtual field "virt_field_with_filter_pl" in child-layer with attribute(get_feature('parentlayer ', 'pl_uuid', 'child_pl_uuid_ref' ), 'filter_pl') and use this result in value relation as filter in value relation "filter_val_t"=coalesce(current_value('virt_field_with_filter_pl'),0) or

2) Set up a filter in the value-relation of the child-layer like "filter_val_t"=coalesce(current_value('filter_pl'),'0')

3) Tried Get attribute value from parent layer to child layer sharing same uniqueID


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